Practice the Middle Way

The concept of the Middle Way arises as you do not completely deny your desires yet, you also do not succomb to all of them either. As part of awakening, you rediscover how it feels to live in balance and harmony. How often do you actually nurture inner being?
Finding that 'happy medium' is not about giving up dreams or ignoring who you are. In fact, its about remembering how to be centred, patient and spiritually-poised when events run smoothly as well as when they do not. Its about choosing to see the bright side or blessings in all circumstances. Its about choosing love over the ego compulsion to be right. Its about being aware of the compassion in your blood.
Every choice you make emits energy vibration. As life unfolds, every cause has an effect. Some you choose to see and others you do not. How and what you perceive, any opportunities you notice, result from more than thought. Recognition reveals its Cosmic Synchronicity.
Reader Comments (14)
I wonder, is choosing love over ego can be considered as the middle way? Favoring one thing over another doesn't sound like the middle way, more like one way or another :D
Thanks, nice pointers.
The line "you do not completely deny your desires yet, you also do not succomb to all of them either. " really jumped out at me. Tweeted! :-) And, -- Loving over the ego compulsion to be right -- there is SO much in this post. I'm saving this one. Reading it is like turning on a light. Thank you!
I enjoyed this post about the "middle way." It's something I haven't really thought about and I liked the way you presented it. I liked how you talked it being balance and knowing your center. I think too often we consider "middle" a way station instead of a place. Yet, it makes sense the way you presented it in this post.
Thank you:~)
Consider this reflection offered by Indian ascetic Tilopa:
It never leaves this place
and is always perfect.
When you look for it,
you find you can't see it.
You can't get it, you can't be rid of it.
When you do neither--there it is!
When you are silent, it speaks.
When you speak, it is silent.
As you tap into core compassion and loving intention, this brings inner strength as well as direct insight into the truth. As the truth grows more transparent for you, then you have nothing to hide. You are no longer dependent on external opinion. This brings self-confidence and the faith and trust you are dealing with whatever unfolds in the moment to the best of your ability.
Thank you...I am including your words in my 'centered-ness journal" as a reminder of all that I Know but sometimes allow Fear to shadow...
Your writing brought up a great many feelings for me Thank you
Just my personal observation: usually this middle way approach is more easily applied by Eastern society. Westerners tend to like logical approach, i.e. the answer of "yes" or "no"