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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in activation (13)


9 Benefits of Tuning into light language

When open and receptive, we all have access to a universal healing modality called light language. This multidimensional, energetic language is understood by all on a soul level. It is channelled Dynamic Frequency Encodings of Sound and Light. We are constantly receiving, decoding and transmitting energy on various frequencies. For some, this can feel like a heavy load. From the moment this possibility of light language enters our scope, the intention is for it to serve our highest good. If this involves gaining insight into ourselves and new realities, then this is what light language allows.  We have a responsibility to live in integrity, recognize and get comfortable with light and dark, to create balance among polarities within us.

Light language flowing through us adjusts to the resonance of each of our vibrational needs in the moment. With perfect timing, this emerges in a spontaneous urge to utter words, sing tones or write script that seems mysteriously familliar.  This may happen out of the blue, intermittently, at night or, more regularly as we grow more conscious and accepting of ourselves. Light language can take shape in our mind's eye as sacred geometry, symbols, or other images, be expressed as we conduct energy of the air in physical gestures, drawing, painting, and enage in other creative forms of expression.  We may or may not recognize visible shifts in our lives but its happening and continuing even after light language is uttered.  As the impulse arises to allow more sound and  light energy to flow through, feel the way into these 9 benefits;

1. clearing energy 

2. balancing chakras

3. activating dormant systems

4. aligning with vibrations of Well-being

5. expanding perception 

6. activating spiritual or psychic gifts

7. deepening awareness

8. grounding confidence, truth, clarity of purpose

9. harmonizing polarities within and beyond ourselves


Be aware of encoded communication

Life experience is activating something within you.  This is drawing attention to core state of being.  Activation is transmitted through the written word, through books, the Internet and other media.  Energy itself is passing to and through you in the here and now.  Energy passes by way of the tone of voices you hear, by the word choices that stand out to you.  Energy passes through the physical bodies of humans and other creatures you encounter on this path.  Much is conveyed on subtle levels and waves.

Recognize that human senses are interconnected.  They draw the same energy like channels on a radio dial.  Light and sound are both vibrations yet at very different frequencies.  Beyond the five familiar senses where the mind grounds itself, energy flows seemlessly outside time and space. Whatever the mechanism, everything you think and feel and say is connected to people you pass by or with whom you never interact directly.

For instance, as you walk by strangers on the street, your energy flows into them.  Someone could experience an instantaneous revelation or healing right there.  You can think about someone and send thoughts (telepathy) and energy can also be received.  As awareness expands, you feel more comfortable functionning in less controlled surroundings.  Distant healing is another way energy is sent and received.  Your essence is in fact an energy transmitter.  Do what feels right.  Everything goes well.


Delve into your dreams

The authentic you engages in dreams without resistance or limitation.  In your waking state, you engage in experiences differently.  Why? You set the tone and decide on your feelings everywhere you perceive yourself to be.

In dreamscapes, you do not make excuses to pinch yourself off from unlimited being. What you manifest in dream states relates directly to what inner being knows. Everything unfolds based on how the authentic you vibrates. You fly, walk through walls, time-travel, bask in wellness, and do things waking mind tells you are impossible. During dreams, you realign with higher consciousness and allow source energy to express itself freely through you. You are completely non-resistant. You are on a joyful ride wherever you go.  You summon from high vibration and clarity alone.

In waking states, what you recall about dreams (you always have) is based on the vibration or mood you awaken into, and this relates to the vibration or mood you left when you went to sleep. The waking you interprets based on degrees of love or fear, resistance and allowing. How you manifest people and situations in waking life relates to your beliefs and emotional vibrations. Waking experience is highly shaped by a range of lower vibrations including; powerlessness, anger, frustration, doubt, and others, until you awaken to close the gap between beliefs and knowing. What you focus on activates mirror vibrations in your life. When you allow how people respond energetically to affect your own vibration, you choose to pinch yourself off from the unlimited being known to the real you.

Exploring dreams, training and untraining the mind is a very empowering process. When, in waking life, you do not try to grasp what you cannot control, you shift attention away from what is unfolding outside, and you no longer choose to explore feelings other than unconditional love, nothing bothers you and you remember and experience who you are more fully.

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