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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in activation (13)


Activate a process older than time

(Image credit: Sacred geometry 9 by Endre Balogh)
Notice interdimensional travel happens as we master the breath, reinstate the full endocrine system and co-creative systems as well as natural energy functions. Intrinsic is the interaction with geometry that echoes coherence, wholeness and the truth that the human body is itself an antenna for receving, decoding and transmitting unseen energies. The Template Ceremonies help to reinstate the Source Code. Beyond the limits of this dualistic paradigm, human DNA and consciousness were manipulated. The original "transcendental human" can access any time or energy level in the universe. We each have potential to raise awareness, reclaim sovereignty and superconsciousness that is our birthright. Each sacred geometry emits frequencies of light, has different effects on electromagnetic circuitry and unique functions in different dimensions. Each sacred geometry is an enegetic being that interfaces with us within specific dimensions. In 3D, certain geometries have restorative properties over organs and systems that function symbiotically. The nature and construction of each geometry, the materials used and how they come together, are all elements of a certain process. As human beings do inner work, and shift to see everything as energy, dormant abilities come online and new opportunities open. We grow to tune into a wider range of frequncy realities on the cosmc spectrum. Our energy being tunes into more frequencies, and multi-sensory perception expands. We can even jump frequencies using our sentience as we recall how to feel and master our five energy bodies and 5 elements of creation. This guides one to transmute energy and consciously interface with the frequencies of sacred geometries. Reading of the formation of a star is not same as living it. The Truth is felt. Vast abilities activate as part of a process of initiation and evolution older than time itself.


Deepen connection to the Sun

Notice each of us can deepen our connection to the Sun by initiating and accelerating a process of photosynthesis within our own body. This is a path to light body activation. Sungazing at sunrise and sunset is one way to access greater mental, physical and spiritual power. Consuming plant energy formed through photosynthesis facilitates this process. Listening to harmonious music of plants is another high tech way to raise our vibration. Recall photo-synthesis is light-synthesis. We use light to synthesize, or combine, something that is into something new. We can use sunlight to create not only energy, but also new forms of consciousness. It can be a potent catalyst for our physiological and spiritual evolution. Imagine your conscious interaction with this magnificent being also spawns new expressions of life within the Sun itself. Meditating on the sun facilitates deeper remembering. Simply calm abiding. This is being in heart energy. The mind is trying to make you into a spiritual doer. Let go of thoughts. Refrain from engaging. Simply pay attention to natural being. As thoughts enter awareness, let the chatter go on. Do not pick up any thought to do something. Allow self to recognize being aware. Simply be one with natural sense of being. The Sun arises within and it seems revolutionary. You do not settle down noise of the mind. It simply dissipates without attention. Beyond superficial changes in appearanceNothing is simply here.



Let the cosmic flow be your guide

Notice receiving frequent messages from the stars & star systems exhilarates like a refreshing ocean wave that transports you in time and space. Geometry codes emerge inside as if from nowhere to accelerate lightbody activations and guide interdimensional travel. Light transmissions are heartfelt and vibrate silently, loud and clear. Conscious expansion is altering DNA, awakening multi-dimensional experience, and reminding us of what it is to be and feel truly alive. (image credit: National Geographic)


Activate your Light Body

Notice plants grow toward the sunlight to generate more energy, transform and thrive. Similarly, our bodies are evolving.  The human body transforms into a Light Body, we feel drawn to spend more time in Nature as well more intense Sun. Light Body activation is a practical and effective tool to release restrictions and promote alignment, enhancing the dynamic synthesis of your system. This elevates the frequencies of your body, bringing you into contact with parts of yourself you may have been craving to connect to for what feels like forever. This occurs on a cellular level, as we adjust from a carbon-based anatomy to a crystalline-based form. Our experience of receiving, decoding and transmitting light alters us. As the human body gradually assimilates, it absorbs increasing amounts of light. Sun-gazing also allows us to absorb light differently. The light Body merkaba is a bridge to Divine Love. Imagine creating a reality of universal co-operation and conscious communion rather than division, separateness and disconnection. Children inspire us to be in harmony with the Light we truly are. They mirror True Radiance.


Expand into True Self

Notice as one grows conscious, it dawns the light body is designed to take in energy to expand into more of True Self. This relates to how harmoniously you live (in thought, word, action). Living consistently in integrity is an act of self-love, respect and compassion.  This has energetic consequences for activating the light body. The resulting expansion makes room to receive higher vibrational light codes into your DNA. As this light is activated, your system actualizes the frequency, radiates it outward and shifts your perception of reality. One sees, embodies different versions of Self in parallel timelines.