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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Stop bullying yourself with Mind

The most effective way to stop your mind from being a bully, to stop tormenting you, from being the source of your suffering, is through disidentifying with it. Simply come to recognize it is not who you are.

The ego mind isn’t you. But, it isn’t your enemy either.  It exists to keep you safe. Whenever ego mind insults, doubts, is unsupportive, this is not echoing low self-worth, belief you are not enough. Ego is simply threatened by something you do. The only way to make peace with ego mind is to realize full potential.  This is rising above or going beyond its limiited sense of reality. Allow true Self to take charge. To see through the tormenter is to be aware beyond this ego mind. It only exists to help you grow out of it.

As long as ego mind is in control, suffering occurs. The ego does not align with true Self. Ego mind is not interested in love, happiness, joy, peace.  Ego is a constant problem-solver to help body and ego survive.  Yet, its survival tactics are not always needed. All the resistance, anxiety, self-doubt, self-condemnation and negativity don’t determine what we can or cannot achieve.  Mind cannot intimidate us without our own consent.

We are taught to mistake ego mind’s desperate attempts to be heard for who we are.  What is the best course? Come to recognize the voice of ego mind and learn to ignore it.  See ego mind as a gift.  Be gentle with yourself.  Re-training the mind to be positive and kind is not the answer. We cannot force ego mind to forget its evolutionary programming. Instead, use ego as a useful tool and move on.

Rather than allow ego to gather momentum, be the witness. View ego as a facade. Distance from its never-ending stream of repetitive, automated, thought patterns. Shift into the voice of our true Self, the naturally supportive, loving and accepting core of who you are.


Redefining true responsibility

Many views exist on responsibility. Some feel taking it is key, others prefer to avoid related discomfort, pain. A part of you would argue taking responsibility is like taking control of life. Yet what is really under our control?

Society distorts things. We are taught being responsible is doing what we are told by our elders (parents, teachers, mentors), and being irresponsible is acting from our perception of individual needs. The mistaken fear often adopted is if we act spontaneously, this will be like avoiding social, family and cultural responsibilities on our shoulders. In fact, this is a huge misunderstanding or way our minds are manipulated away from truth.

In truth, response is possible only if you are spontaneous, act in the moment, now. Response means that your attention, awareness, consciousness, is fully present. Come what may,  respond with your whole being. It is not a question of being in tune with anyone else, some holy scripture, or some imagined personality. It simply means to be in tune with the present moment.

This ability to respond in the here and now, based on feelings at present is responsibility, another term that silently refers to meditation.  This is a forgotten secret. Remembering and putting this into practice changes how you relate to yourself and the world.


7 Ways to Trust yourself More

Many people agree that building trust in themselves can have many benefits in different life areas. Consider 7 ways to trust yourself more:

1.  Deepen connection with yourself

Trusting our own intuition may not seem easy if adversity or traume have taught us to distrust.  These experiences are like energetic blockages to self-trust.  So, if feeling indecisive, consider asking or journalling, “is this what I really want?” When we repeat this, true feelings get louder.  We only hear when ready to truly listen. As we reconnect with inner voice, creating boundaries happens naturally and help us distance from harmful actions or relationships.

2. Practice Self-Compassion

Sometimes, a mistrust of self can come from a lack of self-compassion.  Sometimes we forget every human is imperfect.  Come what may, life choices do not define us. Being kind to ourselves makes us less judgemental.  Shifting into self love and acceptance is the road to building the foundation of self-trust.

3. Revisit the power of intention

Although it’s wonderful to have lofty goals in the long term, it can help to set some reasonable goals that are achieveable in a shorter term. If we only aim high, we may get frustrated or discouraged. This could impact self-trust and affect overall energy level and motivation.  Setting clear intentions are ery important also.

4. Value Solitude 

Many people are afraid to be alone. It can bring up feelings of discomfort or loneliness.  While loneliness may harm your mental health, there are benefits to spending some quality time in solitude. Alone time can help you work out your own needs and preferences. It gives you time to make decisions that feel right to you without being influenced by the external.

5. Master a New Skill

When you lose trust in yourself, you also lose confidence that you can cope or care for yourself.  Building mastery over a specific skill can help you regain your self-esteem and trust in your ability to cope with life’s challenges.  To get started, choose a skill that evokes enthusiasm. Commit to learning and practicing this skill until you feel confident in your ability to perform it.

6. Consult a Mentor

While on the journey to learning something new or shifting habits and life focus, it can be helpful to work with a mentor or coach to keep you on track.  It is valuable to be exposed to different perspectives that you may not have considered.  Interacting with someone having deep insight or simialr life experience has unexpected benefits.

7. Commit to Dreamwork

What we dream during the night can be very educational.  Yet, many people do not recall details regularly or see value in closer reflection.  Dreams can reveal how we are feeling and coping with life or obstacles we are facing. It can offer insight about level of consciousness and other gems. Consider taking exploring self-view from different vantage points during day and nightime hours.


The Wisdom of Presence

Notice where anger exists, pain or hurt lingers underneath. To be aware of this implies we no longer completely identify with it. If impatience arises, if we focus on or get worked up, overwhelmed about the next series of things, we are lost in continuous doing. Stress is the sense of feeling lost between now and later. Its common to feel lost in this gap in time or space. This dysfunction is amplified by technology which conditions people to focus on the illusion of "then." If we get uncentred, we get lost in thinking which underlies doing. This means we are lost in thought. Many thoughts hijack our attention to deny, devalue, disregard, reduce the present moment to a means to an end. How often are we taught the present moment is an obstacle to overcome? This revelation is a stepping stone to being here now- transcendence.


Take another Quantum Leap

Notice a quantum leap is a relatively new term in modern physics. It invites us to recognize unique experiences of evolution. As it is, evolution is widely assumed to be a slow process. Yet, a quantum leap cannot even be called fast. Its instant. It is like we disappear from one point, stage or life situation and appear in another vibrational state, at a different point or a different stage. 
And yet, electrons disappear from one point and reappear at another. As one comes to understand energy flow and realizes matter can take instant jumps beyond space-time, it dawns that we are also energy and have unlimited potential. So, as one develops the will, the courage, regulates energy, vibration and consciousness, anything is possible. Options exist to deepen the journey.
Some humans move instantly from sleep to awakening with alarms. A similar experience can occur from spiritual sleep to spiritual awakening. Only, the device or means to allow this to occur may differ. Some may use a progressive path of meditation or spiritual practices or psychedelics as a springboard. The pace is relative to readiness. There is no better or worse way to rediscover true nature. The direct experience of energetic shifts changes with consciousness.