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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Whenever you step out of the noise of thinking, that is meditation, and a differetn state of consciousness arises." - Eckhart Tolle





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Ride the back of a butterfly

Premonitions have been known to happen. You may be in a familiar place and glimpse an event flash by your eyes before it actually happens. Been there? Sound like a bit psychic? Perhaps you sense a connection to things beyond typical sight? What if you were pruning bushes in the garden while humming, and were startled by white butterflies that emerged as if from nowhere? What could that really mean?

In essence, the butterfly symbolizes change for the better. I remind myself though my maternal grandma recently went to heaven, she still watches over me and sends signs to tell me she is there. She could be anywhere, even riding invisible on the back of a butterfly. My mind creates a vision. From there, dreams take shape.

Admit it: miracles happen when you choose to believe. Many people seek miracles to save them during a crisis. Yet, how often do you overlook little miracles that happen everyday right in front of you? How might guardian angels be guiding or protecting you right now? Which areas of your life would benefit from less judgment and more perspective? Are you genuinely open to possibility?

A great majority of people assume natural miracles reflect intermittent, heavenly grace, simply happen by chance or, bless only the lucky few. Amidst such views, we attract things that reflect our thoughts. We see what we choose to see. In my mind, simple miracles reveal more than we think we know. Listen to your inner voice.


Ghost encounter

Let's see, if a ghost or another form of a deceased person approached you, how would you know unless the spirit told you? How would you react to such information? You may just assume you're dreaming and you'll soon awaken. This draws your attention to different illusory levels of thinking and resulting experiences. After all, how do you perceive and ground your reality? What are the sources of these beliefs?

Many people compare what they think they know with what people have told them. Separating internal from external perception can seem quite tricky, if you don't buy into the idea that you project what you choose to perceive. Some people never learn to distinguish dreams from reality. Others believe these are one in the same.

Spirits appear when its helpful to them and to us for them to do so. We don't always have to know, though you may sense as much even if you're told nothing of the sort. You are always in the right place at the right time, although you may believe that's a matter of interpretation. Ghost encounters happen all the time, even near you.

Consider how you take what you already believe and consciously or unconsciously impose it on others. When a stranger appears in your life and challenges you to rise to his level, why would you keep attempting to bring him down to your own?

Not knowing the essence or true identity of a spirit may also mean not giving yourself the chance to be jaded by fear. As such, you would likely perceive ghosts as you would anyone, through the filter of your illusory belief and self-understanding.


It didn't actually happen

You may feel cut off from something important or, wonder whether you might not be missing the point to this exercise called existence.  Ask yourself what you may be resisting in your mind and world view.  Is it possible you've been foolish enough to believe you can learn on your own?  Everyone and everything assists you to compile your understanding of yourself.  Learning is never truly solitary.

What if your understanding of the Universe and everything around you was a kind of surreal dream?  Consider what you give up in exchange for things and circumstances you're convinced you desire.  What if none of that happens as you might have assumed it did? What if it's all a clue to something else, a process with a bigger impact on your spirit and body than you realized?

The day may come when you conclude that you don't give up everything for nothing rather, that you give up nothing to experience everything instead.  Why not evolve to recognize you choose what you'll learn and why.  Rethink what you mis-understood or mis-interpreted.  Reframe what actually happened in your mind.

What appears to be positive or negative, appropriate or inappropriate, is based on comparisons between perceived opposites. You create a sense of conflict and incompatibility that doesn't exist. Life as you know didn't actually happen. Consider how you have deluded yourself and continue to be deluded. Awaken from what you assume you know about your life.  Discover why you strive to be different.


Where is the grass really greener?

People will share stories with me about unfulfilling jobs and careers.  The most common negative perception I hear about is, "the grass must be greener somewhere else."  Yet, is this really the case?  Upon closer look, many of the individuals who appear unhappy with their jobs or careers are actually unhappy about things inside themselves.  Could grass be greener right in front of you, and you didn't see it?

Remind yourself that fulfillment in any workplace is always within reach.  This begins in attitude and state of mind.  It means advantages can be discerned about where you are and valuable lessons are available.  Yet, are you ready and willing to seek out the bright side? When will you begin to sense that every experience is part of your journey?  Its never too late to change your work-related perspective. Ask yourself why you believe work life must be better elsewhere than where you are.

When it comes to where the grass is really greener, this is based solely on your own point of view.  As an optimistic Mary Poppins says, "each task you undertake can become a piece of cake" or, like pessimistic people, you may perceive a routine as a tiresome burden. This is your choice.  Of course, you have others. 

Ask yourself how you got to be in your current workplace.  Why did you chose (or come) to be there? How have your views changed or, why might they have remained the same? Decide what kind of grass you will choose to walk on from now on.


Sources of inspiration

Each person can discover places that enable them to develop ideas and sharpen focus. When was the last time you sought places that really enabled you to relax and focus on things? Where were you?  Where would you like to go to get inspired?

Some people can imagine the most incredible things at the local can imagine the most incredible things at the local laundrymat or grocer. Other people will go further to seek out different kinds of scenery. Would you prefer to stay nearby or to travel a further? Which environments motivate you or get your creative juices flowing?

For the next few days, I'm exploring historic temples and shrines in Kyoto, Japan. This has been a longtime dream of mine. I'm fascinated by the architecture and symbolism, as well as the diverse trees and plants of the gardens. I brainstorm and organize ideas amidst nature.  Unusual setting serve for some of my most creative inspiration, but I've also learned I need not travel far to be inspired.