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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Be with yourself

Ever get tired of words? Ever get tired of talking? Notice the mind tends to create stories and ideas about fear and other emotions. Sensations are like doorways that beckon you to walk through the drama into something else.  What happens as you realize form is the stepping stone, anchoring yourself deeper in dormant senses? 

The body is a bridge to the meditation that unfolds as the state of being. Awareness is open to the natural flow of things. Feel what its like to be with yourself. This is not an invitation to think with ego mind what this means. Be aware of your own conditioning. Notice that awareness is connecting with what the heart is drawn to do every moment.  Allow everything to be as it is.  Discover within yourself what happens as you allow and accept everyone as he is. Love never argues for itself or rationalizes its presence.

Every moment, the one being that is speaks through what the ego mind perceives as separate self. You may feel you oscillate between clarity and confusion, acceptance and self-doubt. Being with yourself is not about escaping the problems or suffering. It is an experience beyond concepts. When the ego mind asks the question, the mind cannot come up with and trust the answer fully. Listen to the heart. The soul knows what feels right. You cannot know the best course at the level of mind.  Accept that.

"You're just left with yourself all the time, whatever you do anyway. You've got to get down to your own God in your own temple. It's all down to you, mate." - John Lennon 

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Reader Comments (4)

Society tends to value chit chat where people talk about events and things to do or that which has been done in the past. They tend to talk about that which they like and that which they dislike instead of fully being engaged in an experience of personal choosing. For some, the talk seems to be a diversion to actually engage in the process since they may fear the unknown. Perhaps, for some, the talk is a rally cry or pep rally to get one jazzed up enough to actually take the plunge, although this is not often a conscious effort or knowing. For others.... words are a mask and a barrier that keeps one from phasing in with and feeling that which the rhetoric points to.

So... how true Liara.... that when people get bored.... there really is nothing to say....yet where a door exists for everything to feel and experience personally beyond speech. So the boredom or the tiredness then is a sign..... a signal.... that a new scene beckons one to participate in. Its as if a lesson has been learned ...... where the energy has been incorporated allowing one to blast off into a new dimension of interpersonal connectivity. Therefore, letting go of a circle, or by floating with that which one circulates naturally with, one is taken on a ride where there is no time to talk......because one is fully absorbing the essence of life and that which enters deeply into us.
September 6, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter~ bern ~
Hi Liara .. I spend a lot of time alone and my thoughts are crystallising so much, while I’ve been wanting to progress, yet circumstances have allowed my creativity in my mind to expand while I bide my time ... yet recently I’ve realised that this is all part of the natural flow that is mine – and the future is here now. I can develop and see what’s ahead ... the heart does know and I feel rested in my soul. As Lennon says .. “It’s all down to you, mate” ... so true. Thanks Hilary
September 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Bern, whatever is said points to what is left unsaid. Nothing is everything and everything reveals nothing. It all dissoves into what silence whispers now.
September 8, 2011 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hilary, ask 'who wants to progress?' and 'who prevents listening to what the heart knows?' The future is an illusion. Peace is here now. Notice why you search outside yourself for answers. Let go of the past. Be happy as you are.
September 8, 2011 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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