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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Whenever you step out of the noise of thinking, that is meditation, and a differetn state of consciousness arises." - Eckhart Tolle





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Why do you exist now?

The classic phrase, 'to be or not to be' overlooks the fact that something you identify with exists already in form. That does not mean everyone feels confident to clarify why they exist now. Some people struggle to define purpose or direction. Others say getting lost is purposeful for this enables them to be found. What about you? Why are you here now?

As you brainstorm, recall you have a body, mind and spirit and are free to imagine infinite scenarios. Share key ideas that arise in mind. Here are 12 perspectives shared by readers;

1) To learn how all emotion shapes perspective.

2) To be aware ofthe body's reaction to the ego-mind.

3) To realize happiness is only after you surrender totally.

4) To isolate reasons for pain and learn to heal wounds.

5) To ascertain the path guides you so you cannot get lost.

6) To see enlightenment is not attainment, but revelation.

7) To identify your illusions and dissolve them.

8) To laugh for no reason and reclaim peaceful, inner power.

9) To free oneself from a quest for meaning.

10) To be humbled about the usefulness of time and space.

11) To release struggle and evolve to seeconcern is illusion.

12) To find truth in unconditional love beyond a life situation

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Reader Comments (6)

Liara, interesting post. I think numbers 3, 6 and 7 resonate the most for me. I was thinking how my answer to this question directly corresponds to the spiritual traditions I have felt the most drawn to. So for me, this list validates that almost all traditions have value, because they each help us focus on different themes, different aspects of existence and what it has to offer.- Lisa
May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLisa (Mommy Mystic)

The short answer is I/We are here now to love. Everything else is just a means to get us to love. Nothing will never be as important. Nothing will ever get us to get in touch with ourselves and others more than love. Love is.
May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
I do agree with you Liara.

The meaning of life is simple – it is love. There is no other. If there are other things we seek or need or strive for, it is only because of love. How we can understand it and grasp it with our finite minds. How we can be worthy of it, or how we can realize that we have been loved in times when we are most undeserving of it.

Wisdom, truth, power. They do not possess meaning in themselves. They are but avenues with which to be more acquainted with love, to be more immersed in love so we can discover who we really are and so that we may not lose what we have struggled so hard to find.

God is love. Family is love. Work is love. Passion, excellence, immortality, freedom, all these are but attributes of love.
May 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterI TAKE OFF THE MASK
Jocelyn, love is indeed all that is, and is that not a breath of fresh air? Author Gary Zukav reminds everyone, "spiritual growth requires an open heart, looking past your defenses and beyond, and caring for people." A person evolves to discern which feelings are available and which make the most sense at a given moment. Being aware of your core being reminds you already exist in paradise. A key reason you awaken now is to recall what you have forgotten.
May 6, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Mommy Mystic, as you underscore, all experience has value. Everything is suddenly worthy of you and you are worthy of everything. This is love. It is an all-encompassing feeling that echos unconditional acceptance. At a given moment, why a person perceives he or she exists is just a passing impression. This changes as a person grows aware everything that is felt at once, meshes together into oneness. When the mind aligns with the intentions of soul, you learn to handle what obscures your view.
May 6, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Alexys, you suggest a point that may cause eyes of other readers to open wider: you suggest that hardship is simply another path to rediscver love. Compassion is learned and relearned through karma. Every accessible memory as well as those life experiences not currently accesible to conscious memory all contribute to karma. What matters is how a person learns to align his own thought patterns. This leads to expanding consciousness. Love is infinite, all-knowing and ever-accessible to all. Imagine that.
May 6, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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