10 Steps to take a quantum leap 
Thursday, April 23, 2009 at 7:15AM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, love, present moment, pure love, quantum, time

When human beings speak of quantum anything, they imply something significant, but cannot always clarify it in words. The mind-centred self wishes to move ahead. The heart senses pure love without doing. Mind is in process of aligning with the heart. Consider10 steps to take a quantum leap;

1) Establish a baseline. Know where you stand. Are you self-directed or directionless or somewhere in-between? Originally, nothing exists. You start and end here. As you open mouth and mind, everything appears. Hindrances obscure your inner view.

2) Notice self-created limits. Misperceptions grow from the invention of time. Energy is fragmented in the mind to change shape, to create doubt, fear and incompleteness.

3) Turn off the mind. It is grounded in a human-conceived past or future and all that is external. This is not where you are. Conscious cooperation is crucial to discern and break mental patterns. To awaken the heart, sense the inner body.

4) Recognize problems do not exist. Sources of any perceived discomfort are not found in the present.  Problems are views of situations that may happen, that invite attention now, or that benefit from being accepted as they are.

5) Focus on a given moment.  To deliberately focus on the now shuts off the fear and pain inthe mind. You also heal others through example and vibration. Mental discipline enables you to attune to an ongoing transformation.

6) Stop basing identity on suffering. Who you are has nothing to do with perceived suffering. You are not what you seem to have or what you falsely assume you lack. You are not attached to situations.  A timeless essence shines through.

7) Feel grateful for everything. Learn to use your senses more fully. Develop compassion for everything.  Visualize a single focal point.  All experience is meaningful. Feeling will get you closer to your authentic self than thinking.

8) De-emphasize results. When you focus on a goal, on what has yet to be done, this is attachment. The ego mind perpetuates competitiveness and restlessness. To sense relief is to be okay with doing or not doing in the moment.  View the self as always doing well, without measuring quality or quantity.

9) Strengthen inner harmony.To gain insight into the power of energy vibration, a person may chant mantras aloud. As a person advances in understanding, mantras and other toning can be done internally. Voicing words silently attracts revelant energies into core or spiritual centre. You realize what is.

10) Accept pure love is universal.  Love only seems to expand as you detach from illusions of the mind. In truth, love is everyone and everything. It does not change.  Only the degree of intensity felt or layers of vibration experienced differ based on what you allow or resist.

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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