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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Whenever you step out of the noise of thinking, that is meditation, and a differetn state of consciousness arises." - Eckhart Tolle





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Why not love yourself unconditionally?

Many people are unaware of how they treat themselves and the kinds of messages their own mind is sending.  Some messages are subtle and others less so, but how closely are you listening? Which thoughts are you focused on and which ones are you observing and gradually letting go?

You may also not realize that how you treat others is  inviting you to feel more connected to the world and your deeper self.  What happens as you see the game of life for what it is?  If you do not love everyone unconditionally, you say you do not love self unconditonally.

Some people sense degree of self-love is reflected in state of the physical body.  Some health symptoms seem chronic when you disconnect from mind. Could what you sense distract you from emotional hurt not yet healed in the subconscious mind?  Consider hints your body offers through your language;

1) Notice your word choices.  Hear self-criticism? What happens as you only appreciate?

2) Recognize underlying meaning in contractions. Each time you say "can't" this actually means "won't." It relates back to fear.  Only being truly honest enables you to answer the question fear of what/why.

3) Sense the impact of abundance. Why would anyone convince themselves they are not good enough, do not have enough of anything? Self-sabotage and low esteen reflect deeper issues that invite reflection. 

You are beautiful, sexy, lovable, successful, worthy.  As you move from ego-mind based thinking to heart-felt perspectives, you know this is a path that merges you with oneness.  This thing cannot be seen.  Love is the perfume of that which cannot be revealed though light.  Everything comes after. You are before knowledge and ignorance. Loving yourself unconditionally brings you to a place beyond worship and respect. Its the mosaic of diversity.

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Reader Comments (8)

"emotional hurt not yet healed in the subconscious mind..."

I think this is true. When I have let old hurts go, such as maybe a tiff I had with my sister years ago, when I realized I was holding onto and reliving the negative emotions, I was quite simple free to let nothing but love and understanding come in.
December 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
I sense that when we are disconnected from the Heart, we find chronic issues in the physical world and therefore in the body. The disconnection to the self through lack of acceptance to what surrounds us and to what is inside of us, comes from the Heart not being authentically expressed.

We fracture and compartmentalize the mind when we make stipulations and associations based on how we think the world should work. If the criteria or laws that we live by are not met, then we stress out resulting in tension in the body and within our energy field. One then begins to bloat and swell up, and a look of unhealthiness can settle in. Or one can contract, and one's muscles can become tense. Tension or discomfort in the body is an indication of lack of self acceptance. Therefore, by looking carefully at the words that arise in the mind, we can see that words can either allow us to open up and flow with a sense of lightness, or they can cause us to contract where we feel heavy. Negative word associations, contractions, heavy and dark imagery, and typically using the word NO......which takes someone out of the NOW......builds walls in the mind and body creating a sense of swelling where tension builds up like water behind a dam. One therefore becomes damned and drained by not allowing energy or love to flow fluently through one's system.

By using words that describe connectivity, and that which brings a sense of unification, the walls of the dams will begin to shrink, the ego and who you think you are loses energy, and the blood begins to flow freely. One feels connected once again, and creativity enters our Being. One can find Peace when they use their words wisely to direct their experience in Life. An unconditioned mind allows the heart to truly shine.
December 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern ~ Walking in Stillness
Jannie, to realize you are in charge of your own freedom is itself very liberating. Many people are not yet aware that simply taking responsibility for how they think and feel gives them power to change their perception and the focus of emotion. Love and forgiveness energy are what you are.
December 13, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Bern, the idea of reflecting before speaking is a very powerful choice. You can pick words to empower and activate positive, uplifting energies of transformation or not. The heart knows what feels right. Whether the mind is willing to shift gears depends on you who is the master of the game.
December 13, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Liara, I appreciate you writing about this. Absolutely every time I am experiencing struggle in my life it is because my self talk has taken a turn for the worst. Lately when I notice negative self talk happening, I say to myself "I am love. I am worthy" and I literally feel the shift of energy inside me and I am brought back to the present moment. It's my saving grace!
December 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJodi at Joy Discovered
Hi Liara .. I probably treat others better than myself - but do correct myself at times and remember that I can do the same for myself.. I guess when I'm not so tired, it will all be easier.

It does make easier if everyone around is kind and compassionate too - or just being themselves, rather than leading from another agenda .. I'm now in a better environment - thank goodness.

Kind regards - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
December 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Jodi, to shift to the perspective of observer of your life helps you sense what is not real. We are not the sum total of our experiences but that which is observing everything beyond thought and emotion.
April 12, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hilary, how you treat others is a reflection of how you treat yourself. You are beginning to sense that there is no separation between you and others. As you truly feel the oneness of all things, you allow yourself to feel things you had never felt before. Everything reflects back to you through a kind of cosmic mirror. What are you ready and willing to see?
April 12, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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