Move beyond words, effort & action

In this life, you are taught you must count on your words, your effort and action to make stuff happen. This is the voice of the logical mind. Yet, at any given moment, what if what appears in your life or seems out of reach actually relates to how much you love and appreciate yourself or resist the love that is always available to you? Pristine clarity is.
As you love not because you fear the absence of it but because you can, because it feels natural, and sense love is flowing freely, you know love as something unconditional. Suddenly, its easy to expect wonderful things to happen to you, to receive love because you are lovable. The universe responds in kind. It showers you in love in spite of what is going on around you. As you align with love, you allow conditions, people and things to show up in your life. You express gratitude for everything. Expect the unexpected. See what happens.
At the core, you are naturally high on life. Simply step back from whatever is bothering you (in the Mind). Allow yourself to see the Self as pure harmony. At soul level, satisfaction reveals itself as present and accessible. When you are loving, you open an invisible valve. Presto! Positive feelings and vibrations flow. Opportunities are visible. Experiences you are hoping for fall into place. You know financing, well-being or windfall is right here and now.
When you are willing to be selfish enough to be attentive to how you feel, you can release all the thoughts that hold you apart from what enables you to feel whole, healthy, energized. You rendez -vous with that place where all dreams, wishes, hopes and visions are held. As you decide that you are going to tend to the gap between whatever you are experiencing and whatever you are becoming, life takes a whole new shape for you. Fulfillment takes shape. Satisfying life experiences swallow you up. Allow the history of your future to emerge.
Note you can never do anything wrong on a perpetual growth curve. You simply allow yourself to see what is really here or block this view with thoughts and behavior. Forgiveness also withdraws attention from unconditional love. As you sense how easy it is to appreciate being you, life is easy. Everything good comes to you. Nothing else crosses your radar.
Do yourself a BIG favour: Think on purpose, speak on purpose, act on purpose.