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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in spirit (44)


View things from beyond Time

Notice its possible to view everything from outside of time as HUmans come to know it. Being in 3D as a HUman is about grwing aware of more dimensions. As our senses expand, we grow to see beyond sight, to detect the hidden, tune in and feel divine Source within, not just divine creations. As we create, the creations reflect an expression of us or product of imagination. As God creates, the creations do not merely reflect God, nor are they mere products of God’s imagination—they are God made manifest in form! Every new moment allows possibility to transcend the last. Our core carries the same potential for creation that existed before the universe. The force that birthed the universe lives is itself Soul's creative force.


Move through self-created limitation

Notice the difference in experiencing "challenges" while asleep and while awake. While asleep, we identify with the energy of the illness, pain body, grief or situation as victim. That may be what we needed then so as to navigate through the world at that state of consciousness. Benefits of the dis-ease, or dense energy state include; attention, not engaging in what you are unready or ill-prepared for. Yet, when awakened, walking the path of alignment into higher consciousness, experiencing illness, chronic pain or other life challenges is not about forgetting physical pain or mental suffering. Rather its about reknowing ourselves outside the labels and other self-created limitations. Who am I outside the illness, pain or self-defeating relationship. It dawns, "I am no longer bound by pain or ailment, former identity of what hurts or seems wrong with me. This process is about remembering who we are outside what we gave our power away to; an idea of illness, dis-ease, intense emotions, controlling or self-destructive relationships. People identify you with how you identify yourself. Listen to the self talk. Who are you outside of those things that kept you contained, feeling less than you are? When such things happen, its a prime opportunity for Spirit to move energies through our body that help us awaken to an expanded perspective of what we are going through. What seems dark or unpleasant is a path for Spirit to bring through more light , to activate DNA, awaken more of the DNA, to uncoil the tension. To remain in alignment with higher consciousness while going through prickly "challenges" is to let go of victimhood, negativity, and the low density stuff that keeps us in conditions that reflect limitation. The body may feel terrible, yet the mind can stay in a higher vibration. Rather than wallow or complain, use the time of feeling ill/ low energy/held back states to move ahead with a book project, creative painting or other inspiring pursuits that are catapulting your forward. Thus, only one part of us is in disease or self-created limitation mode. This is an opportunity benefit from challenges; to journal, meditate, stay in a place of neutrality. Once you get past resistance, being here helps shift stuff. Allow the energy to move through you, no matter how long it takes. Make the most of this time- study, read, write. While parts of you are dying, other parts of you are simultaneously strengthening, blossoming or being reborn.



Shift frequency between life & afterlife

(Platonic Solid Sacred Geometry by Nathalie DAOUT)

Notice our perception of life and death is based on our personal experience of energy, frequency and vibration. Although trained to adopt repeated ideas, beliefs and opinions of 'truth', as one expands consciousness, the range of detectable frequencies expands, much like accessible stations and light languages on a cosmic radio dial. Growing intensity of internal messages & visceral Truth are harder to deny. Direct experience lifts one out of states of belief or disbelief about others' stories on Near Death Eperiences (NDEs), Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs), Remote-Viewing (RV), Mediumship interaction with Spirit, Bi-location or Multi-location (i.e. Yogis). As this shifts to conscious cosmic energy downloads being expressed as music, art, sculpture by ourselves, the impact is very different. We may hear ourselves sing familliar languages or suddenly know we are in more than one place at once which defies previous ideas of deja-vu. At some stage, our experience goes beyond the sci-fi films that showcase travel through stargates and portoles using separate physical machines or gadgets. What if what you are experiencing and cannot explain is a stepping stone to living the unexplained more consciously and consistently? Imagine the impact of shifting awareness to realize self as the ultimate multi-dimensional technology, channel and communicator. What happens as it dawns one is an interstellar / inter-galactic antenna, with hidden and awakening abilities, that are activated by joininng the dots or iluminating our bio-circuitry? Step-by-step, we illuminate from within-consciousness is expanding. The more we live in integrity, the more of the wider cosmic Truth reveals itself. The time is Now to upgrade DNA to receive, decode and transmit cosmic energy!


The Power of Integrity

Notice something attained can be lost. Attainment exists because you can lose it. Attainment also echoes the attainable is not you. Rather "You" are that which attains. It is wise not to cling to attainments or identify with riches. You can be rich but you are not richness. A sense of richness will leave you. As it does, the unshakable I AM remains. "I" can feel successful yet I am not external versions of success. Where chaos exists, so does order. Where injustice exists, so do the righteous. To have the freedom of expression invites us to ask what type of contribution are we willing to give to collective Spirit? It starts with our abilities and how we treat ourselves. As we love and accept ourselves and feel sacred, we radiate and transmit this to others. Life is about decoding and sharing true feelings. To inspire change, simply be loving and share love. Live in integrity, be vulnerable. Gentleness is strength.


Accept what is offered

Notice Nature is the Spirit breathing. The breath is your Soul. The quality of your breath is the quality of your life. To intensify energy you receive, decode and transmit, simply breathe fully and live in integrity. Be fearless and transparent. Speak what you feel in the heart. Express and act on true feelings. The Sun sees All. One cannot hide from omnipresence.