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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Unleash the real you!

Something within you is holding you back from sharing all that you are. Whatever you are doing with your life at this moment is not all you exist to do. Yet, you are also missing lessons available to you now. You may be unaware of why this is. Consider these questions to help you unleash the real you;

1) What am I waiting for? As you become progressively more honest, it is apparent that you are only ever waiting for yourself to open the gates to freedom.  Waiting is a choice. To realize time itself is an illusion you reinforce, is the key to transcend it. No time like the present.  Its all there truly is.

2) Why is it taking so long? Impatience is a smokescreen for fear. When you truly wish to do things, you find a way.  When fear controls you, the mind echos excuses to keep you paralyzed as you are. Change requires as long as you decide.

3) How do I know if I make a mistake? Experience is is just experience.  When you do not exert effort, you do not choose to stretch and grow. A sense of regret or error is a value judgment. Emotions are misplaced.  They teach you how you distract yourself or postpone greater self-acceptance.

4) Which road is the best one?  Every road has equal value.  You are no better or worse than anyone else.  No choice results in you being more or less beautiful, more or less capable. You always hold capacity to be just as you are where you are.

5) Where will I go first?  The destination is less important than a willingness to embark on a journey.  You need no help to connect with the courage and confidence you have inside.  You make decisions based on how comfortable you feel with the lessons you are learning.  You leave key decisions up the body and spirit which are aligning all the time.

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Reader Comments (10)

I liked this one the most: "The destination is less important than a willingness to embark on a journey". Indeed, having fun along the way is one of the most important ingredients for success. This is what I have read in books, this is what I feel personally
Alik, asking questions sometimes reassures a person. Other times, questions are used to lessen the emotional impact of presumed pain. Human beings resist aligning with ther passion, purpose, unconditional love and inner knowing so long as they remain convinced of fear. Part of the spiritual journey enables you to see with new eyes.
May 10, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. thanks for this .. I do find difficulty at the moment being myself .. as I'm so tied to my dying mother and I do want her to have the best for the rest of her life .. other serious outside influences relative to the care of my mother have completely taken my energies as they related to me too ..

I'd be able to cope with these completely unnecessary intrusions, which just sap me .. I will cope .. but everything just gets put back .. I just so want to get on ..

to unleash the real me .. which has an outlet now & just wants to get on with it .. still I must bide my time and do what I can within the parameters I have ..

Thanks - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
May 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, every human being is on a journey to develop his or her highest potential. This is a subjective thing. Your true self is always there, waiting to be recognized, validated, and loved. So long as you live in the physical world, part of you fears or tries to control sources of discomfort. As you raise awareness, become more alert, you get on with what matters at a given moment.
May 10, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
"Whatever you are doing with your life at this moment is not all you exist to do." Dr. Covert, I agree that sitting here at this laptop on your wonderful blog may not be the only thing that exists for me at this juncture in my existence, but it sure is a mighty fine way to travel through the stardust.

But wait - you are right! Thre is more I should be doing. I must embark on the journey of prying my child from her computer game to maybe play some card or board game with her, perchance to put on our sneakers and take the dogs to chase squirrels. And see what lessons the tall trees and the setting sun can teach us.

And do you think anybody ever shares all they have to share? Or we all equally challenged on this journey together?
May 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, every human being is on a journey to rediscover certain things while on the physical plane. People will often assume this is a tangible talent, skill that manifests in form. In your case, you may identify singing ambitions. The point of existing is beyond what a person generally sees. To incarnate in this this world means you are choosing to relearn the value of complete honesty, the true purpose of core vulnerability and your fundamental soul state of transparency. For now, your human perception detects particular stages of awareness. You are given repeated opportunities to learn lessons. Why? Every person is working to re-align with Source Energy. Some people would understand this as a Higher Being or God. Some people would say it has no label. As you infer, every being is equally challenged. Every being is part of an equal fragment of energy from the Source. Some of your energy takes form in the physical world in a body and some energy awaits you on the Other Side (in the non-physical world). In this way, everyone is finding their way back home, to each other, to oneness. Creative self-expression offers paths to reinforce happiness and love. Do what you are born to do. Accept everyone. This is the secret to graduating from this Earth school and getting home.
May 10, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I think this is one of your most amazing posts. What I love about it is that it speaks of compassion as a way of Life. There are no mistakes, no regrets, only what we impose on ourselves, which can be shed through the light of compassion and insight. This post is so powerful because it dispels the myths we can take on as truths. Myths such as: right or wrong, good or bad, regrets and mistakes.In dispelling them it sets people free and allows them to be right where they are, which is safe, perfect and loved. It's ALL growth; it's all Life. When we can see this we are no long limiting or imprisoning ourselves. We are no longer blocked from what is right in front of us, the perfect moment and all that it has to teach and give us on our path to self-discovery. That last point just says it all:

"The destination is less important than a willingness to embark on a journey."

Very very freeing and beautiful. If we can see Life as a journey, if we can see that regrets do not exist, if we can see that there is no "other", we begin to realize that we are right where we need to be and it is all perfect. Thank you dear Liara. Love, Robin
May 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRobin Easton
Robin, every human being has a soul that is connected to the Source of all energy. Every soul goes through several stages on the Earth plane. Comfort zones are repeatedly challenged. What many people believe is the truth is actually very far from it. The process of dropping Earth consciousness, that is, conditioned beliefs and misplaced notions, enables each person to begin to remember something else. Each person is slowly choosing to be reconnected and reacquainted with soul. This is not where you need to be. It is actually where you are. Travel inward. As singer Oleta Adams suggests, "Get here..."
May 11, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

When we are aware of the time of our journey, it often times throw us off of our destination because we think we should be there before we are ready. Soul's time cannot be measured by an outer clock or the physical forces of nature, but our inner clock.
May 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Alexys, time can indeed seem like a quandry. People are not always aware different views about time exist. The inner clock you mention is not psychological time. Its unrelated to ego or externally- imposed constraints.

Eckhart Tolle shares views about notions of presence and motivations behind perceived time. It sometimes surprises people that negativity is based on denial of where you are now and, misunderstandings about the psychological clock time you describe. To use senses more fully, a person can learn to observe the silent presence of unused talents. That person can also learn to feel the rhythm of now. Aligning here unleashes everything. Waiting is over.
May 11, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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