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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in reality (83)


Feel the joy you always wanted

Conditioned states trigger you in everyday life until you recognize the nature of the subconscious mind.  As you grow increasingly conscious, the subconscious disappears and its clear it is illusion. Come to realize what is real. Once you come to feel it, you move beyond symbolism.  The inner child is simply a symbol of that part of you that wants to be loved.  The nature of being is love. Only as you discover what is not real, do you allow your real essence, pure feeling, to take over.  Live from this essence and recognize there is no-thing to know, no-thing to become.  Contentment and fulfillment are innate.  Accept you are perfect as you are.  Feel the joy ego mind tells you that you must strive for.  It is already here.  Joy is a core state.


4 questions to live more fully

Take each moment as it comes.  Live openly and honestly with wisdom and compassion. Being fully human is being open to recognizing and realizing innate potential.  Be open to exploring what the external world reveals to you right now. Ponder five questions to live more fully;

1) How can you see the world as it is, rather than through the filters of the mind?

2) How can you base your actions on Reality rather than on desire or fear?

3) How can you live such that you are in-tune with Reality rather than tuned out (& imbalanced)?

4) How can you see Reality for yourself (be awake)  rather than exist in muddy water?


What is this all about

Whatever you experience in this moment is you.  Who you are is the unknown.  All you can know about your true essence is that it is here.  This is a direct reality experience.  To recognize you are the unknown is to allow yourself to experience the joy of being in all you do.  Reflect on what is feels like to experience be yourself.  This is what being with life is.  Experience this moment as it actually is.  There is no identity, simply wholeness.  When you are love, you are one with all.  You see love in everything.  The willingness to experience is the willingness to be the love you think you are seeking. 


Walk the path

Every experience you choose is part of your journey.  Allow it.  Unfold it.  Savour it.  If you want to know something, walk the path knowing you create it with divine insight and love.  Tune in.  You connect with an ongoing energetic journey shared by all.  The wider you is choosing what is now.  See what happens as you journey deeper into yourself.  Notice patterns in your life.

Allow yourself to step back and recognize when you resist your life.  Notice if you judge, fight or attempt to solve any puzzle in your midst.  The path is all you.  Let go of destinations.  Experience what its like to be outside linear time.  Allow pressures and limitations to fall away. Release what you have been holding. Tune in to the resonance of your own being. The heart is always open. Use the energy to be on your own journey.

This is about mastery and sovereignty. No reason to worry about what is coming.  Its all you. Take what resonates, integrate it, explore feeling more wholeness, to know all is always well.  Explore what you choose. Keep the experience flowing. The nature of being is ever-changing and expanding freedom.  You bring together, bridge, all things.  Be willing to walk through the vessel of yourself.  Trust yourself and all that you are creating.  Its all a gift of love and wisdom.


Change your reality

Any reality you believe appears real though it just reflects your state of consciousness. You can only change some aspect of your life from the moment you take responsibility for creating this version of reality. As you begin to realize physical reality is malleable and within you, perspective and energy levels shift.  How is completely up to you.

As it happens, different degrees of awareness and energy vibrations exist. Imagine you crystalize energy in order to create the experience of physical reality. Imagine you are not really in a place. In this moment, how you choose to experience life takes shape on your very own holodeck. Watch what happens as you let go of attachments to a particular future and look back at the future from further down the track. How you view time and space and your place in it can change/ be changed.  If you wish to live life differently, imagine a future version of you is giving advice to your present self.  Recognize you have to change yourself to see a change in the reflection of outer reality.