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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in inner child (3)


See beyond the periphery

Imagine for a moment how the soul is laying out your resume. This may be very different than techniques you are currently using. Everything you read and write has a vibration. Seeing beyond the periphery only scares you if you have expectations. Know where you stand. Know where you wish to go. Then do not focus too much on your points of reference. See and feel a vision with the heart.  Find humour in your changing vision.  Know everything can and does change in an instant.  What does it take for you to be excited about the unknown? Live fully yourself. Accepting you is accepting limitation is illusion.

So what is seeing beyond the periphery? Its seeing through the eyes of a child.  Change how you see. Hold no expectations. Allow yourself to see blessings and lessons everywhere. Approach yourself through innocence. The power of thought can change circumstances you perceive. Operate through child-like understanding. Nobody creates a series of events they cannot master. Own the Path you are on.  You create it for yourself so you recall everything as you operate from awareness. Nothing is happening to you when you recognize and take full responsibility for how you think and feel.


Feel the joy you always wanted

Conditioned states trigger you in everyday life until you recognize the nature of the subconscious mind.  As you grow increasingly conscious, the subconscious disappears and its clear it is illusion. Come to realize what is real. Once you come to feel it, you move beyond symbolism.  The inner child is simply a symbol of that part of you that wants to be loved.  The nature of being is love. Only as you discover what is not real, do you allow your real essence, pure feeling, to take over.  Live from this essence and recognize there is no-thing to know, no-thing to become.  Contentment and fulfillment are innate.  Accept you are perfect as you are.  Feel the joy ego mind tells you that you must strive for.  It is already here.  Joy is a core state.


5 Ways to come from love

Notice your underlying state while making decisions.  Pause for a moment.  Reflect.  You cannot rely on someone else's word for it or on mere logical deduction.  Look closer.  Note what you see and feel differs from what you think.  Do you come from a place of 'Fear' or a place of 'LOVE'? 

Five ways to come from a place of love:

1) Let go of negative thinking- stop complaining

2) Refrain from judgement about what you are doing 

3) Connect with the inner child when you are born naked and innocent, you have nothing to go on but direct experience.  

4) Feel with the heart- intuition is a powerful tool.

5) Trust heartfelt decisions are made with love and are the right decisions for you.

How would it feel to live a life without fear?  How would you feel if love was your primary consideration and helped guide your life choices?  What would be different?  Who would you be with?  Where would you live?  What would you be doing? Ponder the possibilities.