Change your reality
Any reality you believe appears real though it just reflects your state of consciousness. You can only change some aspect of your life from the moment you take responsibility for creating this version of reality. As you begin to realize physical reality is malleable and within you, perspective and energy levels shift. How is completely up to you.
As it happens, different degrees of awareness and energy vibrations exist. Imagine you crystalize energy in order to create the experience of physical reality. Imagine you are not really in a place. In this moment, how you choose to experience life takes shape on your very own holodeck. Watch what happens as you let go of attachments to a particular future and look back at the future from further down the track. How you view time and space and your place in it can change/ be changed. If you wish to live life differently, imagine a future version of you is giving advice to your present self. Recognize you have to change yourself to see a change in the reflection of outer reality.
Reader Comments (5)
So with the same ideology, we here and now converse with future selves of us in perhaps many different timelines as we feel enticed to explain ourselves and our actions to a presence. Again information can be transferred and exchanged in many different ways.
If an aspect of our future self catches our attention, or if we now from this point in the spectrum catch a future aspect of our selves attention...... a conduit of feelings may not only be exchanged, but an intention to follow in those energetic footsteps to eventually reach that moment we are speaking with. We then can enter into an intention or agreement with our selves or a slip stream of energy where we follow bread crumbs or the sweet spot through a tube or wormhole or vortex into that dimension of time and space.
However, this doesn't happen with just our future selves.... it happens then with any focal point we place our attention on. No matter the time or the place or the person or the entity..... energy is then transferred.... feelings are conveyed and translated sometimes, but not always into language. Depending on how the energy arrives, we can transform instantly, or we can transform one step at a time till some destination within or without is arrived at.
All kidding aside, I feel the reality of this moment holds all promise. Nothing is past. Nothing lies ahead. All is right here and now in these golden paintings we slip into and out of, creating what worlds we want. Masters and Commanders at the bridge, our holodeck in fine working order. Ourselves the bridge.