What is this all about
Wednesday, April 3, 2013 at 12:24PM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, being, love, reality, wholeness, willingness

Whatever you experience in this moment is you.  Who you are is the unknown.  All you can know about your true essence is that it is here.  This is a direct reality experience.  To recognize you are the unknown is to allow yourself to experience the joy of being in all you do.  Reflect on what is feels like to experience be yourself.  This is what being with life is.  Experience this moment as it actually is.  There is no identity, simply wholeness.  When you are love, you are one with all.  You see love in everything.  The willingness to experience is the willingness to be the love you think you are seeking. 

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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