Imagine total disembodiment

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
Contact us (paperback)
Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
(Visionary art by Ivan Blažetić Šumski)
Notice the process of yoga is freeing everything that is false. The more we engage in soul yoga, the more layers fall away. At some point, it hits we are not the body or the mind, we are consciousness. From the moment it dawns you are pure consciousness that pre-existed before the body and will continue to exist after the death of the body, you enter a very different state of consciousness. This deeper understanding is free from constraints of death, fear of abandonnment, fear of loneliness, all the psychological defenses of the ego that keep us questioning, doubting, seeking. When ready, it dawns the ego is simply a web of defenses around the heart. Ironically, the ego does not know its own heart. The Self that has realized who we are , that One being is completely free of all illusions and projections that created our suffering. To reach self-realisation is to reach a state where no suffering exists. Illusion creates suffering. As one grows aware of, dismantles false beliefs and ideologies, only then can one know what true freedom is. At this point, one must let go of the ego itself. This is necessary because the egoic concept blocks the infinite nature of consciousness. Truth is, only one consciousness exists, not a multiplicity of egos. We have created a holographic world of worlds but we have never left one consciousness. The world we think we know is maya-illusion. Reading about different levels of reality is not the same as direct experience of this. Its the difference between studying electricity and getting electrocuted,( or feeling biocircuits connect and allow cosmic energy to flow). Read as much about lightning as you like. Its not the same as being hit by lightning. Every upheaval in our lives today is a catalyst for awakening soul consciousness and rediscovering true freedom.
Notice being in your True Power is about recognizing the Source, where/when you are not in your Power and also why you have given power away. The key to transforming anything, including ourselves, arises in our ability to stand back and reframe where we are. Only then, do we see what we allow to influence us, to grow more aware of when we may feel small, limited or insignificant, to see beneath the clever excuses we offer to justify not being real or transparent, and not moving forward. Recognizing who we are is not the point. Manifesting as a measure of success is not the point either. The point is the nature and insight that arises within and through us during our own unique journey. We are composing a symphony of energetic experience to share with the universe. The momentum of this builds during the process of remembering and however we are guided along the way. The longer that it takes is to know the more exhilarated we can feel, the more we can experience, laugh and savor each moment to the fullest. This is living to optimum potential