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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in power (59)


The Ultimate Pointer

Notice the body functions on instinct. Consciousness operates naturally through intuition (or the language of the Soul). To accept and act on instincts with absolute joy, without guilt or judgement, guides us to feel into intuition. If it seems body and soul are in conflict, this invites closer attention inside ourselves.
The body and soul share a vision yet operate on different planes. And just as instinct functions in its own way, through signs and signals that are learned and read, so does intuition have a language of symbols, feelings, sensations that the human journey guides us to recognize and trust implicitly. This is inner harmony.
Intellect is a bridge and a potential disturbance on our journey to expanding consciousness. Intellect is where fear can take hold. Its up to us whether we tune in and respond. Any fear we hold is rooted in fear of death. This prevents us from truly living. Fear tells us we have reason to feel trapped, that free will is out of reach. The vibration of fear disconnects us from our divine power, true Self, love essence, creativity, intuitive guidance, freedom. Fear focuses us on the external.
Every person and situation is a prospective encounter, teacher and guide to see deeper into ourselves. Each one can be viewed as a hindrance or a stepping-stone to experience the vibration of a higher plane of functioning. As we shift into multidimensional being, we relate to intellect as a stepping-stone. It dawns every thought and feeling we create emits a vibration into the universe. As we master our own thoughts and feelings, we master energy flow and shape new realities.

Dream Analysis of the Week- Walk Away

Dream : A wrangler jeep was covered in mud like it had been through the wringer. A man ressembling my father-in-law was driving it fast through a rainy storm along muddy roads.  He squinted, could not see clearly yet sped up oblivious to danger. Meanwhile, a woman slept in passenger seat beside him and a tall child reclined (out-of-sight) in trunk (boot).  Suddenly, the jeep skidded, went off road into quick sand. Woman and child seemed to sleep through the ordeal. Vehicle sank. From a distance, it appeared nobody escaped, that everyone died.  Yet, from another perspective, all three got out. This was seen looking from the other side of the car.  The woman helped the child. The man sat on a nearby tree stump, shaking his head, worried about the lost car oblivious to woman and child.  The woman took the child in hand and walked away.  The sun emerged from clouds to shine down on them. The mud fell off their clothes and they looked rejuvenated.

Interpretation: The three different people are versions of the dreamer's psyche.  The unconscious driver exhibits unawareness or forgetting the repesent moment. He represents focusing on getting ahead, on the future, the build-up of related stress and anxiety and undesirable consequences.  The passenger echoes sleepwalking through life. Part of you may feel out-of-control or directionless.  It dawns something about life conditions require attention: financial issues, relationships or job scenarios are but examples. The young person represents the inner child.  This is a semi-independent, out of sight but not forgotten aspect of self that subordinates to your conscious mind.  Being aware of its pure love and acceptance within can enrich your life

 The occurrence of quick sand draws attention to the inner call for a new kind of stability in your life.  You may not feel like you are on solid ground which echoes feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. The dream is calling for ingenious solutions to tough problems. It points to the potential to get out of anything and also the need to detach from what holds us back or is not validating our sense of truth or reality.

The nature of this dream also echoes the power of lucid dreaming where we can exercise our abilities to rewind and change our responses to dream events as well as waking life events based on emotion and how we choose to feel.

To theme of the power and control rings true. The jeep vehicle dream also symbolizes adventure, willingness to explore. Jeeps are often associated with off-road adventures and the thrill of exploring unknown territories. This dream contains elements such as longing for excitement and new experiences in waking life.

The jeep vehicle and how passengers respond can also echo independence and self-reliance. Just like a jeep is designed for ruggedness and durability, it represents our ability to assert ourselve, be self-reliant or create experience for this to unfold. The dream may be highlighting your desire for freedom and the need to be independent in your decisions and actions.  Ask yourself if you feel trapped, confined. Moving out of victimhod and low self-worth helps us realize we are always in control of how we respond to life, thoughts and feelings.

Dreaming about a jeep veihicle reflects a hidden desire to sink your wheels deeper into life, control, adventure, and independence. It symbolizes personal strength and ability to overcome obstacles, to get unstuck. The dream serves as a reminder to embrace or reclaim power, take charge of life in a whole new way.  Shift vibration from fear to into love.

Note we offer Dream Consultations that are relevant to different experiences and levels of consciousness.  We also explore dream series and patterns. We also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course


Unleash the inner dragon

Notice the humility of true power and grace. Even now, there is a powerful force in the process of transforming each of us and if we stand in the way, then bigger and bigger challenges arise for us. Still, a gentle voice is echoing, 'how can I teach you gently in a way that you will listen, heed, see me as I am, and also evolve?'
Emotional occurrences are being stored in the body. Its about tuning into energetic events, the unseen, doing what it does without us. Unless we get a glimpse of where we are going, of what we are meant to do, its hard to stay focused, meditate, be real. Getting a glimpse of streams of what are possible mobilizes us to focus. Have you felt that place of absolute peace and serenity? Ever wonder how to prolong the feeling, sustain it wherever you are?
Everything is a reminder of the misplaced assumption something will change our lives other than us. Nothing external is going to change what is going on inside us. In the West, we are so performance-based and outcome-driven, that we have lost our way as a collective. One option to get back on track is to shift focus. Rather than teaching people to become 'super human,' teach ourselves that being human is super right here. Rather than teaching people to become superconscious, we can recall living consciously is super now. There is only this moment.
We all see and experience things differently on our journey and are divinely guided to see and unleash more of our potential. The devil is in the head and heart, all that which keeps us away from universal love. We must take negativity outside of us in order to face it fully. Anything we want to fight on the outside, invites us to work on our internal self. The repressed expression of our own cosmic instrument is what prevents us form being authentic. We must allow ourselves to hear and play our emerging song.
In truth, we are all masters. Acceptance, compassion, forgiveness and love for self, others and external forces is re-emerging. Deeply meet yourself in a way you never felt possible knowing you will never be the same. Know this is what your soul is calling in for you. Know what possible and available is expanding.
Wait long enough, and our dragon enters our life or, we can go on a quest to find it. Dragons are meant to be faced, blessed, integrated. We are each invited to live a life of magic, grow into alchemists. First, we must be fully conscious of ourselves. There is far more possible in this reality than we realize. A whole world of complexity beckons us to get to know it. Seeing things in a new way is about creating new realities and this only becomes an option as we are open to learning, remembering more about ourselves. See yourself, your family and existence differently. A subtle shift is available to us all to move into more joy, happiness, love. Fire is the light burning within, that pure divine radiance. You are the lock and hold the key.



Being centred is key

Notice if we are truly committed to soul growth, this requires we shift our full, conscious attention in this direction. Wherever we focus in this world creates problems or distrubance until we recall our true relationship to energy and all things. Yet, what is it to devote ourself to our evolving relationship with self?
Contrary to popular belief, evolution does not necessarily require living in solitude in a remote place, leaving a job or family, though such experiences may be part of our journey. In truth, evolution happens as we prioiritize our liberation from illusion, decide to be conscious of our reactions/ responses to all things. See triggers as gifts to move though them. If the external happens to irritate us, evoke fear, negativity, imbalance, we accept this points to what is going on inside us. If people are talking and it bothers us, then we realize disturbance is within us. This is taking responsibility for our thoughts and feelings and recognizing power is within to direct every moment of our lives.
A being intent on spiritual grow uses every moment for this purpose. Its not only during scheduled meditation or spiritual practice. To sense energy is to realize wherever we are, we attract or repulse everything in our experience. We tend to look past what feels neutral to what evokes pain or pleasure, want to minimize pain and maximize pleasure. We are disturbed, experience pleasure through attraction or overlook things. Ponder why so many things are neutral. Within those moments, a peaceful relationship exists. There is nothing to do abouti it. Thing is, balanced states tend not to last long. Our conditioned habit is to push things away or cling to things we attract to stay balanced. Whatever we are constantly working on is not us. Problems and solutions are not us. Yet they take most attention. The spiritual journey is about shifting away from that to neutrality.
Yoga is about turning all this upside down. It helps us realize that only working with ourselves can change our external conditions. It is not about touching our toes but what we learn about us through the course of our practice. As opposed to what is widely taught, we cannot change 'life' by focusing on the external. Why?
A closer look reveals focusing on the external is giving our power away. The external solves itself when we work on ourselves. Life is energy simply passing by and we are at peace with it. All of life is beautiful. If we think something right or wrong with life, then judgment is within us about us. People are the way they are. Situations are the way they are. We are honoured to be here with it all. There is a dance of energy unfolding. Watch what happens when there is no attempt to control things. Put whole heart and soul into whatever is before us. What enables us to experience life as it is not on what we define it to be. All of life exist to free us from our own self-created limitation and illusions.
So, work on our inner selves can happen every moment. Until we understand what takes us out of the peace evoked in meditation, then we will not be able to prolong that experience. Pay attention. Watch what is coming up in you. Join the dots. Ebbs and flows of inner tides prevent us from being at peace. True spiritual growth is the revelation that we are working on ourselves every moment of every day and not simply when we are meditating.
Most people can maintain consciousness and balance in a relaxed situation. The key is to be aware of what draws us out of that state. How do we stay centred, come what may? Shift focus inward to how we are responding to life, relationships, situations. Enter a room and participate in interactions, keep the continuity of experience and leave still centred. The purpose of any event is never the event, it is what happens to you when you are interacting before, during and after a situation and how we grow to remain calm and centred.



Move through Cosmic Initiations

Notice the Great Central Sun is a metaphor and cosmic doorway to higher consciousness. On an energetic level beyond physical eyes, it hides an etheric planetary entrance to the Cosmic Spiritual Sun, the original source of emanation of the Eternal Light.
In essence, the Sun is like an antenna of coded energy. As its energy intensifies, this accelerates awakening of our spiritual consciousness, may trigger shifts in perception. Through meditation, inner doorways open into planetary and cosmic awareness, expanding beyond 3D programming (illusory reality).
As it happens, the Schumann resonance recently reveals dramatic behavioral changes. Images of the "Earth's heartbeat" appear to show patterns similar to DNA and sacred geometry. During the third week of June 2023, dramatic changes echo an elevating consciousness within humanity unlike that seen before.
The natural phenomenon of Schumann resonance (SR) refers to a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low-frequency (ELF) range of Earth's electromagnetic field. SR interests scientists as it is influenced by various factors, including changes to Earth's magnetic field, poles, solar activity, and atmospheric conditions. It is widely suggested this influences biological systems, such as human health and well-being (though consensus is not reached).
Within spiritual communities, tuning into subtle senses echoes SR reflects connection to higher consciousness, spiritual awakening, or energetic shifts in collective consciousness. Some spiritual perspectives suggest SR relate shifts in human consciousness and well-being, the soul alignment of vibrational frequencies, and multidimensional spiritual transformation.
To focus on human etheric light body activation is to align with the Great Central Sun and recognize oneself as Divine Source. It is a sacred integration point with the "I AM ." To transcend stories and 3D illusions releases limited patterns and energies.
On another tlevel, the consciousness within our Solar System is undergoing solar initiation through the massive amount of solar flare plasma emissions. A solar flare is a burst of light, radiation and intelligent energy, which erupts from the sun’s magnetic atmosphere. Solar flares affect all layers of the solar atmosphere. When heated, the plasma flares produce radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum at all wavelengths. These light frequencies range from radio waves to gamma rays, although most of the energy is spread over frequencies outside the visible human spectrum..
As the sun is regularly releasing powerful solar flares. Science measures some the most intense levels of solar explosions. Powerful coronal mass ejections have reached the earth. Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) are a mass of charged particles and magnetic field energy that bursts from the sun like a volcanic eruption. Coronal mass ejections interact with Earth’s ionosphere, which change the shape and direction of the magnetic field, as well as generate geomagnetic storms, auroras and increase the range of the earth’s plasma fountain. It is clear evidence we are undergoing an intense Solar Initiation of radiating plasmic light, which is rapidly progressing humanities evolution or digression, on our chosen spiritual journey on Earth.
As a symptom of Solar Initiation, we experience the breakdown of the systems of control and crumbling of materialistic values. This coincides with a breakdown of individualistic ego structures required to have a group humanitarian breakthrough.
To the spiritually uninitiated, this may appear to be a mental, physical or nervous breakdown for those individuals who are being forced to change their lifestyle and priorities. The cost is taken at the individual ego level, as it is the overall group consciousness the health of the collective, which is at a much higher energetic priority now. We are leaving the rule of selfish ego and moving into the awareness of the larger group of planetary consciousness.
This timeline marks the early initiation that ends the rule of the False King archetype and its continual abuse of power, through technological mind control upon the earth. The awakening is pointing to the return of the true Spiritual Sun behind the Sun, returning benevolence merged with true power. This said, the end of the False ruler must be internally and spiritually chosen by the individual. For many on Earth, the tyrant archetype has taken form in a victim-victimizer polarity that may be hard to break free of. The ending of this control requires taking full responsibility to end all victim related patterns. Humanity must wake up from its bad dream and find the courage to imagine new consciousness possibilities, as we free ourselves from the past grips.