The Ultimate Pointer

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
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Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
Dream : A wrangler jeep was covered in mud like it had been through the wringer. A man ressembling my father-in-law was driving it fast through a rainy storm along muddy roads. He squinted, could not see clearly yet sped up oblivious to danger. Meanwhile, a woman slept in passenger seat beside him and a tall child reclined (out-of-sight) in trunk (boot). Suddenly, the jeep skidded, went off road into quick sand. Woman and child seemed to sleep through the ordeal. Vehicle sank. From a distance, it appeared nobody escaped, that everyone died. Yet, from another perspective, all three got out. This was seen looking from the other side of the car. The woman helped the child. The man sat on a nearby tree stump, shaking his head, worried about the lost car oblivious to woman and child. The woman took the child in hand and walked away. The sun emerged from clouds to shine down on them. The mud fell off their clothes and they looked rejuvenated.
Interpretation: The three different people are versions of the dreamer's psyche. The unconscious driver exhibits unawareness or forgetting the repesent moment. He represents focusing on getting ahead, on the future, the build-up of related stress and anxiety and undesirable consequences. The passenger echoes sleepwalking through life. Part of you may feel out-of-control or directionless. It dawns something about life conditions require attention: financial issues, relationships or job scenarios are but examples. The young person represents the inner child. This is a semi-independent, out of sight but not forgotten aspect of self that subordinates to your conscious mind. Being aware of its pure love and acceptance within can enrich your life.
The occurrence of quick sand draws attention to the inner call for a new kind of stability in your life. You may not feel like you are on solid ground which echoes feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. The dream is calling for ingenious solutions to tough problems. It points to the potential to get out of anything and also the need to detach from what holds us back or is not validating our sense of truth or reality.
The nature of this dream also echoes the power of lucid dreaming where we can exercise our abilities to rewind and change our responses to dream events as well as waking life events based on emotion and how we choose to feel.
To theme of the power and control rings true. The jeep vehicle dream also symbolizes adventure, willingness to explore. Jeeps are often associated with off-road adventures and the thrill of exploring unknown territories. This dream contains elements such as longing for excitement and new experiences in waking life.
The jeep vehicle and how passengers respond can also echo independence and self-reliance. Just like a jeep is designed for ruggedness and durability, it represents our ability to assert ourselve, be self-reliant or create experience for this to unfold. The dream may be highlighting your desire for freedom and the need to be independent in your decisions and actions. Ask yourself if you feel trapped, confined. Moving out of victimhod and low self-worth helps us realize we are always in control of how we respond to life, thoughts and feelings.
Dreaming about a jeep veihicle reflects a hidden desire to sink your wheels deeper into life, control, adventure, and independence. It symbolizes personal strength and ability to overcome obstacles, to get unstuck. The dream serves as a reminder to embrace or reclaim power, take charge of life in a whole new way. Shift vibration from fear to into love.
Note we offer Dream Consultations that are relevant to different experiences and levels of consciousness. We also explore dream series and patterns. We also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course