Unleash the inner dragon

Emotional occurrences are being stored in the body. Its about tuning into energetic events, the unseen, doing what it does without us. Unless we get a glimpse of where we are going, of what we are meant to do, its hard to stay focused, meditate, be real. Getting a glimpse of streams of what are possible mobilizes us to focus. Have you felt that place of absolute peace and serenity? Ever wonder how to prolong the feeling, sustain it wherever you are?
Everything is a reminder of the misplaced assumption something will change our lives other than us. Nothing external is going to change what is going on inside us. In the West, we are so performance-based and outcome-driven, that we have lost our way as a collective. One option to get back on track is to shift focus. Rather than teaching people to become 'super human,' teach ourselves that being human is super right here. Rather than teaching people to become superconscious, we can recall living consciously is super now. There is only this moment.
We all see and experience things differently on our journey and are divinely guided to see and unleash more of our potential. The devil is in the head and heart, all that which keeps us away from universal love. We must take negativity outside of us in order to face it fully. Anything we want to fight on the outside, invites us to work on our internal self. The repressed expression of our own cosmic instrument is what prevents us form being authentic. We must allow ourselves to hear and play our emerging song.
In truth, we are all masters. Acceptance, compassion, forgiveness and love for self, others and external forces is re-emerging. Deeply meet yourself in a way you never felt possible knowing you will never be the same. Know this is what your soul is calling in for you. Know what possible and available is expanding.
Wait long enough, and our dragon enters our life or, we can go on a quest to find it. Dragons are meant to be faced, blessed, integrated. We are each invited to live a life of magic, grow into alchemists. First, we must be fully conscious of ourselves. There is far more possible in this reality than we realize. A whole world of complexity beckons us to get to know it. Seeing things in a new way is about creating new realities and this only becomes an option as we are open to learning, remembering more about ourselves. See yourself, your family and existence differently. A subtle shift is available to us all to move into more joy, happiness, love. Fire is the light burning within, that pure divine radiance. You are the lock and hold the key.

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