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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in power (59)


Make the most of where you are

How you experience where you are is all about you.  If you do not like where you are, why not change the color of lenses in your glasses? Take a few minutes to reflect on what makes you tick.  Consider that you are doing the best you can where you are.  You create your expectations.  You also have the power to change them. Make the most of where you are.

Now, imagine you are a dish of food that blurs boundaries.  What are you?  How do you surprise yourself?  Why do you feel super juicy, savor, tangy, bitter, sweet, salty or emerge as your version of a mountain of food Everest? Remember that it is never truly a mountain you have to conquer, but the self-created fear within yourself.


Why feel your way along?

"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.” ~Tao Te Ching

Human beings learn, evolve or remember in infinite ways, including; reflection, imitation and/or experience.   How do you feel and understand stages of your own awakening?


Discern between white and black magic

Movie and book sales attest to how human beings are increasingly drawn to the mystery and power of magic.  On a more practical side, on this earth plane, you may ask how you discern between white and black magic.  In fact, you are already thinking about how you  use the magic of your choice, casting spells or charms in your life and dreams now. 

Black magic is grounded in fear, the misuse of language and misdirected intent.  People who practice this do not know what they do.  They do not know themselves.  They are unaware of the impact of their words, deeds or, how their thoughts and emotions harm others.  In darkness, black magicians are blinded by their views or beliefs.  They choose to perpetuate their ignorance and suffering, to shelter themselves from love, forgiveness and understanding.  They have not learned transcendence or  the intensity of inner energy.  Everything they do is a measure of what they fear and refuse to see. Truth has the power to break spells of black magic.  Truth is grasped through a chain of awareness.

White magic is love, linked to the power of creation and positive intent.  It precipitates uplifting feelings in the conjurer, the thinker and talker who harnesses the power of words to enrich life experience.  White magicians know they are made of light energy and how everything that exists is a messenger of light. This light is the teacher that shows everything is light perceiving light.  White magicians perceive and understand the truth in everything and everyone, regardless of what other people choose to see or ignore. 

If you assumed you would have the choice between a white book and a black book, well, there is far more to this than you would find in any book. Its not about a book, but rather, life experience, fables of smoking mirrors and what you decide to perceive. No matter how many elixers you mix up, how many chants you recite, whether you follow solar or lunar calendars or another sense of time and space, magic begins as a state of mind. You dream of justice or injustice.  You create magic in your world based on a sense of unconditional love or inexplicable fear.  Control your dream. This is meaningful magic.


How can you attain superhuman powers?

So, you desire to develop abilities that exceed what you consider to be 'ordinary' or 'normal' human powers. This article invites you to examine your underlying motivation. That is, what do you seek to gain? And, what do you regard as being 'normal?'

The ego urges you to seek the extraordinary based on its own agenda.  The heart knows the truth of what is possible is completely ordinary and always accessible to he who is ready to allow his potential to be revealed.   What you see and experience is directly related to what you allow or resist within.  The innate power revealed is directly proportional to one's humility. Consider this opportunity to trigger some key revelations:

1)It is not about developing power but about removing barriers to what is:  Light exists that you do not see with human vision. Sound exists at frequencies that you do not yet hear.  Any or all of your senses can be allowed to expand. How you think and feel distorts your view of reality if you let it. It is also possible to grow aware of how the ego controls you and move beyond that to see what it cannot comprehend.

2) Notice the real reason for pursuit:  For some people, the pursuit of happiness takes many forms.  Maybe you read about extraordinary powers, and this appeals to the ego. Maybe something you read planted a seed. Maybe a situation nurtured hope to perform beyond expectations or perceived limitations. Follow the thread to better understand yourself and deep fears. How you want to grow in a particular way determines whether you experience it and if so, for how long.

3) Who can do what you hope to do?  If you have seen or heard about humans levitating, projecting a second physical energy body identical to the one they already have or, individuals defying other assumed laws of physics, you may wish to learn more.  What do you read about such persons? Are they martial artists, government operatives, shamans, spiritual gurus or without labels and roles in society? Each state of mind or state of being reveals degrees of dedicated commitment. As one grasps universal laws, the bigger picture and what is unfolding grows clearly apparent.

4) How do your heart and mind factor in? The ego-mind is where fear resides and heart embodies love. Notice whether the intention to attain something arises in the heart or is created as a thought with a purpose in mind.  You activate a chain reaction of inner influence at cell level.  Every cell in your physical body functions based on energy vibration. Whether you believe in something or know in your heart something is true influences what transpires in your reality. Inaudible sound and invisible light affect how you think and behave now.  Everything is revealed with perfect timing.

In essence then, superhuman powers are not to be attained, but rather, something innate that reveals itself when a person is no longer controlled by the ego.  This is part of awakening to the truth of who you are.  Until then, the universe only seems to hide what you want.  In truth, you only ever hide true potential from yourself until you can handle it.  All is revealed as you willingly love and appreciate everything equally and have no desire to control. Unlimited being shows you the rest in its own ways. 

"The so-called miraculous powers of a great master are a natural accompaniment to his exact understanding of subtle laws that operate in the inner cosmos of consciousness." -Paramahansa Yogananda

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