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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in perspective (35)


Let go of what you learn

Many people are conditioned to learn, to accumulate, to define themselves through perceived lack, states of duality like affluence or poverty, changing emotions, whatever attracts them. As you let go of what you learn, what you come to believe, you awaken to a wider perspective. You move beyond form or definition.

In other words, you hear the calling within you to flow and soar into different experiences to remember and know who you are. This is a timeless invitation to reconnect with unlimited freedom. There are no mistakes. This multi-sensual experience engages you fully in the richness of possibility. As you expand, the meaning of your life changes. As you shift perspectives, you explore the barriers, the illusions and the fear. Expansion empowers you to release what you outgrow. Come to know the feeling of your resonating energy. Follow your heart. Merge thought, feeling and experience with light.  Align in pure consciousness.  In this place, nothing is missing.  Nothing is lacking.  Shortages do not exist.  Fear is completely unknown.


Resonate hopefulness

Just because you do not yet experience what you dream of, does not mean it is not coming to you, does not mean it is not already accessible. Feel the ideas birthing in you. It does not matter how they unfold. As you have faith and trust, you can choose to be enlivened by your dreams. Every moment empowers you to know the difference of feeling like what you are wanting and resisting. Look at it, feel it, be what you are asking for. You can be thrilled to know you are where you are and be satisfied and grateful for it all.

Consider how your perspective changes as you realize you cannot get anything wrong. Every thought you create replicates in your life experience. The more you talk about things, the more you vibrate them, the more you observe and feel what you observe. You are in states of constant expansion. You enjoy never being finished. Consider that since this physical world has potential for each of us to have, do and be anything, this world also offers the possibility for us to create things where we are. Notice what you are choosing. Notice the feeling place from which your questions arise and the dominant vibration you hold.  Notice how you move from beliefs to hoping to knowing you live a new life from a new vibration.


Allow freedom to teach you

Engage your perpheral vision.  What do you notice?  Some people are willing to be open to new perspectives and new ways of seeing.  Imagine what could enter your scope of awareness.  Discover what is already there.  You may feel increasingly detached from your physical form and perceived conditions but not yet completely unaffected by emotion and re-aligned consciously with higher planes.   You know your focus is shifting to realms of inward travel as you are drawn to less-linear and more unstructured thinking.  You transcend both.  They have their own awareness, independent of the thinker.


See through the conflict

Sometimes, no matter who you are or what you do, you encounter critical people or have the urge to criticize others. What is all this testing? Awaken to why you focus on conflict.  Its not about any external provocateur. It is about how you permit the mind to control you. As you listen and connect with intrinsic value in others, you expand perspective, recognize you want  the same thing: to be loved and appreciated.

When was the last time you chose to see beautiful, lovable things in a labelled 'enemy?' You have the capacity to create a bridge.  Find something to respect and care about in people who appear to annoy you. As you do, you let go of the past. Its possible to forgive what triggers discomfort beneath the surface. Surprise yourself.  Go deeper into the meaning in how or why you judge.  Conflict is a gift and teacher.


Recognize yourself in another

Compassion is a force that enables you to recognize and appreciate aspects of yourself in others. Consider what motivates you to admire, model or choose to live vicariously through certain individuals. What does such identification teach you? Beyond form, in the level of being, you sense equality and move from conditional to unconditional love. A shift in perspective is one way to consciously Transform Your Life

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