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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in perspective (35)


What is nature telling you?

Human beings report experiences in nature that draw attention to messages in the unconscious mind. If ever you catch a glimpse of a creature, reason always exists for it. You may ask what sudden appearances of birds or animals are telling you. Whether or not you believe in animal totems, you may begin to know something is happening, shifting and transforming.

Consider a woman took what turned out to be an extended three and a half hour hike in the wilderness. At one point, she sensed she was lost. Something within her felt disoriented. Lo and behold, a crow appeared. He flew a few trees ahead and moved his head as if to beckon her in a particular direction. His flight path and gestures suggested a curious familiarity.

This bird flew from tree to tree for more than two kilometers. The woman felt as if she was back on track. Then, the crow disappeared, only to reappear further down the path almost right in front of her. This bird vanished and reappeared again. He continued to guide during segments of the remaining trek.

After the crow vanished, on the home stretch, this woman glimpsed two foxes. Seeing each fox appear and disappear into the forest without disturbing anything in its path triggered moments of revelation.  When trust is present, silence speaks.

The woman became more aware of her actions in relation to the world. She realized she used the art of camouflage to keep cunningly silent about who and what she was. She suddenly grasped she was never lost on this path or her own, but only making free will choices to enable her to create situations she was ready to handle. She better understood who she was, who she had always been, and accepted it. 

Birds and animals have cultural symbolism. Someare linked with character, emotion ad idiomatic expressions. As you separate from the illusion of fear, nature shares secrets.

From the perspective of Native Americans and Shamans, crows are sacred spirit messengers and guardians of universal laws. Crow illustrates how energy can bend physical laws and shape-shift. They are masters of illusion and gatekeepers of ancient wisdom. They come to humans to warn of danger and to jog memories of untapped inner power and spiritual strength.

One is reminded guides take form to help humans attune to what they already know, but temporarily choose to forget. So, crows appear to enable access to inner knowing about what not to do or be. How each situation is perceived and handled is what matters. Nature is a place of orientation and awakening for those ready to shift more than misplaced programming. Cleanse the mind and misunderstandings just drop away.


Reach for what matters 

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Canada

Dream- my body levitates in mid-air in a nebula of colored gas clouds. The body is made of light and has tentacle-like threads of different lengths and diameters all protruding outward. The body has no eyes or external features. My perspective is from outside the light body. I see above and below it. Orbs of colors and sizes float at different levels above and below this body. A few of the tentacles touch a transparent bubble of medium size. I see through. Remnants of a dream are fading. I see a small being holding out layers of papyrus to me.

Predominant Emotions- anticipate, hope, love, acceptance.

Interpretation- It is becoming clearer that you are connected to the supernatural on seen and unseen levels. This is not a controlling or oppressive relationship, but  a symbiotic one.  As you relax, intentions can create harmony, balance and increasing awareness. Details that 'stick out' merit attention.

Clouds represent emotions.  They dim or obscure awareness that would otherwise be unobscured. You have hidden vitality and insight. Recognize pressure or impatience does not squeeze life out of Source. Accept and work with what is given.

As it happens, you have been a writer before, possibly in ancient times.  The Higher Self communicates constantly with the rest of you. Part of you realizes everything you do is but a flexible extension that teaches you to stretch, love and forgive.


Look inside yourself for truth

Lakota elders are among those who remind human beings that they can always look inside themselves for the truth.  Before you decide whether something is possible or not and reach inside to answer, part of you instinctively think about it.  Other parts of you explore how you feel about it.  Then, what?

As you begin to sense contemplation itself is part of a bigger process, you realize you gradually dispel unconsciousness.  As a person becomes more fully conscious, drama no longer enters that person's life. Events that unfold do not affect you.

In essence, you are slowly realizing resistance, control, power, greed, and other ego strategies are not the issue. Rather, ego itself prevents you from reconnecting to what you are. Consider these concepts and how they relate to your truth;

1) Multisensory perception.  This is a direct link to energy vibrations everywhere, beyond details the five senses and their collective energy provide.  It shrinks physical distance between what you know and the source of whatever jumps to mind.  It presents an alternative way of knowing to what you have been taught. This system encourages you to be open to ability you have always had yet forgot. Fear temporarily gets in the way.

2) Synchrony.   No single way exists to experience this.  You may get hunches, ah-ha moments, smell a scent that triggers connections other people would not necessarily get the same way you do.  Your senses communicate in ways you somehow understand yet, resist. Learn not to question. Trust intuition.  Choose to accept answers in forms or senations given.

3) Channelling. Wisdom arrives in forms one does not always readily grasp or accept. Non-physical sources of information are linked to realities or dimensions outside the physical plane. Beings beyond you know what motivates your behaviour, which initiatives you choose, every challenge you encounter, and lessons you learn or ignore. You are completely transparent in your energy vibration. Those who read energy and emotions help you recognize options, explore feelings and learn to be more loving. Guidance is available when you ask and listen.

4) Dreams. Dreams offer insight into your authentic capacities as an energy being. The series of symbols, stories and talents you can awaken to recall lead you to far more options for learning about the self. Each energy shift alters degrees of awareness.  This permits you to discern opportunities to see past limitations of physical reality.

5) Perspective.  Each decision you make is based on your free will.  You choose to incarnate, to create situations you experience to broaden your horizons.  A constant influx of messages travels through your entire being.  Perspective expands as you become aware of signals sent from different vantage points.  These include non-physical guides, soul and the frequency of your higher self. To choose to live each moment to the fullest and be grounded in the moment means you actually live as if your vantage point is inside the self.


Who to sit beside?

Analysis of dream from Anonymous in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Dream- I entered a bus through a rear door passed individuals in vibrant seats that reminded me of a futuristic spaceship. I was looking for a place to sit. Part of me was drawn toward a man who sat across from two women on the other side of a table at the back. He shook his head.  Then, I walked to the front of a bus and asked to sit next to a lady with gray air who filled the seat beside her with recycling. She sat behind the driver's seat. She told me the seat next to her was taken. I found keys in my pocket. I assumed the driver's seat, inserted keys in the ignition and ejected through the open sunroof.

 Predominant Emotions- ambiguous, reverent, and inspired.

Interpretation- You initially shirk responsibilities.  This enables you to explore options you do not know exist.  People attract you in part due to differences in attitude, lifestyle and behaviour.  Experience teaches appearances and emotional baggage do not change the universal lessons or core spirit.

Where you are reveals you are capable of adapting to different circumstances. Temporary efforts you make to conform to groups or mindsets do not permit you to strengthen a sense of belonging. This draws attention to your creative mind power, and initiates a key shift in awareness and perspective.

Pockets remind you that you have untapped abilities waiting to be rediscovered and used.   As you realize you unconsciously hide knowledge from your conscious self, you slowly come to accept your true self and take the driver's seat in your life.

Everything points to the same Source. You are in charge of the direction, dimension and orientation of your energy being. You are only limited by criteria you invent, impose and dissolve. You sit beside ego until you learn to detach completely and set the Soul free. Permit light to shine wherever you venture to go.


Stop getting more of the same

So, you've taken the plunge.  You've decided to start a small business.  Congratulations! Whether you did it because you desire to be your own boss, to schedule your own hours, to provide a service where you intuit a need, or for other reasons, you'll be more in control of your work life than ever. A new source of energy and inspiration is very exciting! Wow!

Now, we all have the power to be the primary driver behind what we do, yet, not everyone takes advantage of this position to better themselves.  Why not you? If you truly wish to stop getting more of the same reactions about work from yourself or other people who disagree with your attitude or choices, then you'd benefit from a willingness to clarify where you are and why.

1) Commit yourself to your new venture.  Even where you are starting a business beside a regular job, you will not succeed with a lack of effort.  Deciding you will make it happen means you will consistently devote a certain amount of time every day to developing this venture, through networking, phone calls, bookkeeping, website building, marketing or whatever. When the option becomes financially viable, you may leave the other job and focus on business development.

2)  Ask those questions you have been afraid to ask. It is forseeable that you'll encounter situations or information you do not completely understand.  This is a sign its time to consult a professional.  Remind yourself lawyers, accountants and outsourcing other experts could be in your interest.

3) Encourage yourself.  Motivational books, business seminars and conventions are ways you can develop yourself at the same time as share valuable lessons learned.  You will find that remaining open to new kinds of information will not only promote your personal growth, but will also nuture your continuing interest and enthusiasm.  Remind yourself being happy and knowledgeable will build client leads and trust.

4) Prepare for uncharted territory. Finding the courage to step out of your comfort zone is admirable, and it often brings its share of obstacles which require problem-solving.  That you feel ready to face uncertainty is a big step to devising the strategies you will need to move ahead.  Prepare yourself mentally for challenges, and they will be less likely to scare you.

5) Decide to seek and change yourself. Business success doesn't necessarily evolve if you begin with a plan to change the world.  However, if you accept you're on a new road of self-discovery, and you take steps to learn,  you'll find your efforts will make a positive difference.  Understand every choice and action enables you to get-to know yourself better.  Everything you think, say and do reveals a bit more about yourself.  The better you know your strengths and weaknesses, the more your business can benefit.

“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” - Meister Eckhart

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