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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in perspective (35)


Reframe perception of time

Every moment, regardless of the apparent time, you are at the threshold of new opportunity.  To choose to be present now, you are choosing to be more connected to what is unfolding wthin and around you.

To sense more than the linear moments exist, is to recognize that you can turn the page and start fresh. You have the power to begin a clean slate.  As you move beyond certain experiences and lessons, perception shifts.

You can absorb information purely based on where you seem to stand on a schedule, a calendar date or clock, or you can recognize there is more to life than this level of perception. Everything contributes to what you see.

Some people celebrate on designated days of a given year.  Others cherish every moment they are given.  Certain festivities are traditions assciated with celestial movement. You can choose to sense meaning in the now.  Wherever you are,  step back and sense value how it feels to be present. Make the most of everything. Why? It is all you.


How do you know what is real?

People ask what it means if something is "real."  You have that feeling where you tune in and leave thought behind.  You discover advantages to sensing and using the soul vehicle well. This is core energy you access now.

Right  now, your physical form is only part of this.  You have more than one perspective.  There exist many potentials you grow aware of.  No two experiences are ever the same. Connect with your highest self.

You may have heard the question you ask puts you on track for the answer.  Yet, the more you flow into an experience, the more it fills you and overwhelms you.  It requires no effort to accept what is, yet requires resistance to reject what you fear, what other people tell you to disbelieve. Meditate and listen to the truth. 


Why keep the faith?

As you look around, you may notice many people who seem discouraged, distraught and disheartened with what they perceive to be happening.  You may ask yourself why keep the faith amidst those things you do not control. 

Consider how the thoughts you harbour create the situations you experience.  When you cease to describe the world with words and labels, a sense of the miraculous emerges.  This aspect of reality is only temporrily lost if you allow self to be possessed by thought rather than using thought consciously.

Remember as each stranger helps you in passing because it feels the right thing to do and you can pay it forward.

Remember how it feels to let go of beliefs and judgments and sense everything happens for the best.

Remember the perspective you gain from choosing to recognize the blessings wherever you are.

Remember the sensation of inner peace that flows through you and allows clarity to emerge.

Remember the memory of healing from within in mysterious ways and knowing how does not matter.

Remember the timeless power of love that gently awakens you from unconsciousness.

Remember how conditioned beliefs give way to inner knowing and the need for nurturing faith falls away.


Be in heaven now

To be in heaven is often viewed as a dream or, as an experience human beings work toward. What would it take for you to challenge every thought you have about priorities and reality? What if you are fully conscious and awakened about the nature of your own personal transformation? Have you got it? What does heaven mean to you and feel like at this moment?


What makes despair excellent?

Despair is like hopelessness. Its a word used to describe how you feel when you sense you have lost something important. This could be a job, a relationship, a situation that had appeal. You were attached.  Despair is about when you are ready to give up on yourself. It relates to resisting forced detachment. 

And yet, part of you hesitates to believe this perspective is impartial or meaningless.  You catch a glimmer of light amidst the apparent negativity.  What prompts you to view despir as suddenly excellent? Consider 15 mind-blowing benefits;

1) You see, hear and laugh in completely new ways.

2) You learn the universe orchestrates its own justice.

3) You build love, compassion and honor to heal wounds.

4) You realize nothing matters as much as you thought.

5) You discover a shift of focus awakens deeper mindfulness.

6) You feel exhaustion and then calm, fearlessness and silence.

7) You embrace universal equality with renewed sincerity.

8) You slow down to detect feelings of unimpeded harmony.

9) You realize humility triggers profound devotion to nothing.

10) You see eliminating craft and profit erase motive of theft.

11) You experience diminished desire, and return to simplicity

12) You recognize long-established comparisons are trivial.

13) You gain insight into mercy, empathy and indifference.

14) You sense form is neither full nor empty, just present.

15) You grasp nothing harms you unless you give consent.