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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Let go of what you learn

Many people are conditioned to learn, to accumulate, to define themselves through perceived lack, states of duality like affluence or poverty, changing emotions, whatever attracts them. As you let go of what you learn, what you come to believe, you awaken to a wider perspective. You move beyond form or definition.

In other words, you hear the calling within you to flow and soar into different experiences to remember and know who you are. This is a timeless invitation to reconnect with unlimited freedom. There are no mistakes. This multi-sensual experience engages you fully in the richness of possibility. As you expand, the meaning of your life changes. As you shift perspectives, you explore the barriers, the illusions and the fear. Expansion empowers you to release what you outgrow. Come to know the feeling of your resonating energy. Follow your heart. Merge thought, feeling and experience with light.  Align in pure consciousness.  In this place, nothing is missing.  Nothing is lacking.  Shortages do not exist.  Fear is completely unknown.

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Reader Comments (2)

As One's attention shifts, one has the inclination to enter a brand new world beyond comparison. One is reborn then with fresh neighbors that speak to us in new and exotic dialects without the need to ever translate. All is understood through a universal language that is spoken by all souls from all points of view throughout the universe. There is nothing to teach or preach, so there is nothing to learn or lean upon. There is then only sharing to that which is open to the senses.

Knowledge indeed doesn't have to be accumulated. It is always known because it is a knowing that comes from the leading edge or ledge of realized experience. The knowledge and knowing comes then from within the scene or experience its self and not from some past or future event. Knowledge is therefore flexible and not concrete and factual. It is in-fused in the Moment.

If one's experience is always changing from scene to scene with ever morphing players, the leading edge or ledge of knowing is also always changing to match the vibration and circumstances of the moment. One thing that doesn't change is the wisdom to let go of outcome when All is revealed and reveled upon.
December 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBernie
Bernie, to diminish and even move beyond the conditioned practice of comparison certainly represents acceptance of degrees of awareness. As you imply, no new information exists, only opportunities to awaken to what you already know and temporarily forget. Everything is a mirror of some facit of you, or a reminder of something you do not yet completely accept about the physical you. Many people thrive on the process of forgetting as much as on the selecive awareness and gradual remembering. One can choose to awaken while still conscious of functionning in the physical or recall the whole game and soul level intentions from the moment of re-emerging in non-physical. Its all your choice.
December 6, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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