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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in perspective (35)


You know how it feels

Everything is coming back to you.  You know how it feels to be present and focused.  You feel what its like to be a witness.  You are increasingly seeing the world as it is, not as you are.  What stands out in your experience?


What does it have you don't?

From the moment you begin to sense you are a fractal, you awaken to the nature of a feedback loop.  At any moment, you create a perception of reality and reality is also creating you. Everything is energy in motion.

Imagine yourself as a wave. If you attach yourself to it, your view is different than if you are observing the wave in motion. Standing back, you have the up and down motion of a wave, must account for the wave causation, rotational spiral motion and other components.  You can also reflect on a wave of water.  The water molecules travel through the wave. Coming toward the shore, it looks like it travels one way but a surfer knows it travels in a spiral as well.  You can feel the force from every angle.

As you move through space, you are also invited to move beyond linear thinking.  You leave footprints in a vaccuum.  For every perspective, you feel balance by understanding its opposite. Choose to see things from inside the vortex. The frequency and resonance are all you. The true mechanical path of the planet moving through space and the mult-iverse is your path.  You observe the universe from a singular point that becomes the centre.  Forces and spin cancel out in the stillness. You view everything from the eye of the hurricane. You are the black hole. Nothing is separate.


You are more

You are more than any physical perception or situation.  You do not have to try to be more positive, to try to feel better, to try to change what seems to be your current state.  Personality and ego are not you.  They are conditioned patterns, grounded in illusions of time that are irrelevant. 

Notice whether you hear a voice telling you that you are anything less than unlimited, successful, confident and expanding into more.  Be aware of the mechanism at work within the mind without allowing it to control you.  At your centre, the authentic you feels another perspective.  Be that.


Lose your head

Remember the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland? She evokes fear in anyone she does not like by threatening to cut off his head.  The Legend of Sleepy Hollow often causes goosebumps with tales of the Headless Horseman.  He appears as a ghost to warn of the danger of decapitation. Does the prospect of being headless scare you or trigger other feelings?

Another way to lose your head is to stop analyzing. You can view every moment as a golden opportunity to quiet the mind and look deeper inside yourself. The moment you step outside mind, you rediscover what is there. You have intrinsic value, lasting strength and unconditional wisdom. Where is your head right now? Only as you choose to recall who you are can you become all you are meant to be. Your world is created in you.


Control your alignment

Notice the focus of your attention. Notice what you think matters. Notice the emotions you choose to feel.  Notice you exist to observe, to recall how to stand back and make your own decisions.   Recognize all emotions are meaningful.  Recognize you have options to change any moment.  Flow with who you are.

How is it you would like to feel? What is it you could do to get there? Notice how easy it is to shift the focus of your attention, to expand insight and perspective. Appreciate that you experience whatever you choose.  It is not a question of what you align with, but when you feel your creative visions into place.