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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in perspective (35)


What kind of world do you create?

Consider what it feels like to see as the mind and heart do alone. Consider how it feels to imagine you are separate from everything and then how it feels to be one with everything.

When someone is sick, notice your response or indifference. If a person is experiencing apparent challenges,notice whether you feel hardened and detached, whether you are conditioned to feel alienated that person or detached from what the physical senses tell you.

Now, imagine a world of balance and harmony. What are you doing to benefit others and also awaken to certain traits and characteristics within? Recognize that how you think and feel creates the world in which you live. At any given moment, you can choose another vantage point, another "way of seeing."  Every state is simply a state unless it is coloured or intepreted and judged by the mind.


Where do you go from here?

It is human conditioned nature to pinpoint a linear path, to orient the self using time and space and get bearings.  One perspective would say such action actually distracts you from present awareness.  Some people use the mind and others feel with the heart.

Consider how you respond as you realize that no words can describe it, no example or analogy can identify it.  To sense where you are is not deluded or hidden except by something within.  To sense the implications of no limits suggests where you are and how you truly feel does not fit into any category. Progressive revelations are all part of your growing awareness of true Cosmic Synchronicity


Sense everything is helping you

Some people are quick to assume that things are not going their way. They permit doubt to arise and negativity to take root.  These kinds of emotions simply distract you from quat is going on beyond what you see.  What about those things you do not yet see?

Whatever your apparent circumstances, you are not consciously aware of the big picture.  That is, you do not sense every step that is unfolding, how they are all interconnected, and how supernatural forces are actually engaged in empowering you to realize dreams.

Remind yourself that thought energy is very powerful. Yet, when you set your intention and direct your focus, the vision in the mind does not immediately materialize. Why? There may be issues you are invited to work through as part of the process of making it happen.  There may also be certain steps that are initiated as part of a longer process.  Remember to feel the the vibration of trust.

As you choose to sense everything is helping you, then your perspective completely transforms. Consider that if deep in your heart, you desire a different situation, a new relationship, another job or focus, then certain current conditions are going to fall apart before something new unfolds.  Your life is going to change. Prepare to be amazed.  It all relates to the magic of Cosmic Synchronicity.


Recreate a new living vitality

Love and light adjust the energetic structure of what you do not see.  This process is open-ended.  Your clear intent and investment of thought energy are creating effects for your multi-dimensional self.  This shapes a larger picture.

Geometry manifests into physical form and transmits knowledge among dimensions.  Creatures exist in many dimensions simultaneoulsy.  Perceptions expand as part of highly-evolved consciousness.  You sense what life and death are and how everything is interconnected to the same energy Source.  This invites further exploration.

Those things that do not work are falling apart.  Earth needs you like the billions of microorganisms that live inside you in symbiosis.  Imagine balance being re-established.  Remember how it feels to be fully energized right now.  

In order to awaken to a new life perspective, you would be willing to reflect, make conscious changes in your choices and in turn, energetic imprints. This co-creation of vitality is a process of Cosmic Synchronicity. It may require a period of perceived time to integrate the inner knowing that is unfolding. Enter the space of wisdom.


What is it that you truly need now?

You have the power to continue living as you are or to shift focus, vantage point and perspective.  What does it require for you to stay in a place of feeling empowered? Ever choose to let things be as they are?

Regardless of whether you take action to control and change things, there is inner movement inside you every moment.  You can choose to live this out, to be true to your divine self, whatever experience presents.

Ask the inner self what feels right. Everything presents is centred, perfect and empowering you where you are. Only judgment distorts perception and causes you to view things other than how they truly are right now.

To close your eyes, you have the opportunity to sense the fullness of where you are.  You need not be anywhere other than precisely where you are. Allow yourself to be relaxed. You are the air. You are everything, always.