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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Heal illusory divisions within

Notice energy's eternal force is the Truth of Life. Only energy exists. Yet, using words to describe "Truth" inevitably distorts it. We come to know the Truth by discovering what its not. Awareness allows us to transcend all we adopt and think defines us. Rules and conditions often come to define who, what and how we Love. Awakening is about seeing nothing is ever solved by self-reprimand or blaming others. The conversations we have with ourselves are not real, yet self-talk evokes real emotions in us and what seems real turmoil in our lives. Still, emotions are not the biggest issue. Our thoughts are. Emotions echo what is going on inside us. Emotions remind us that we are not loving ourselves fully, and they let us know when we've travelled too far from the energetic Truth. This Truth may not be something you can easily put into words, but if you pay close enough attention, you can feel its resonance. Its never too late to rediscover the power of Love within us. It has nothing to do with vanity or self-importance. Love is the energy that flows within and all around us. To see everything as a message about Love or a call for Love is to validate who we are. As we recognize we are each the love of our own lives, it dawns the relationship we have with our body and self affects all relationships. Loving ourselves without conditions, heals illusory divisions within ourselves. Self love and acceptance connect us with the infinite power of source energy and allow us to consciously create new realities.


Moving through worlds

You may go through stages of acquiring things, labels, experiences, attributes, knowlege and more.  You may also find yourself reaching a stage where priorities change, where you feel that your message, or inspiration, is shifting, not only to and through yourself, but also to the external world.  You reach a stage where you raise awareness and know when you are lying to yourself or being authentic.  This is where you a notice your focus of attention is what gives life to a vision, a story, and simple shifts in attention systematically let go of all the mind tells you that you have acquired.  This is the witness arising, moving through worlds, and revealing what it is not.