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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in imagination (16)


Watch the veils are lifting

(digital art by Pumayana-

Notice veils of illusion are linked to conditioned beliefs about aspects of reality. We are widely taught to think in terms of fear and limitation, to act as if love is conditional and give our power away to external authority. Awakening is about beginnning to see though the institutions we imagine needs for, create and perpetuate as a collective shadow. Layers of veils exist like layers of institutions we have created out of beliefs we need external guidance, protection, acceptance and hierarchies. Expanding into more of who we are is about letting go of attachments and illusions, seeing through eyes of compassion, making life choices aligned with new levels of consciousness. This is reclaiming our innate sovereignty. Energetically, its about loving, trusting and sustaining True Divine Being on a whole new level 


Getting here

The moment is here. We feel like everything is coming together, except, a few loose ends are lingering. We sometimes come to feel disconnected from our holistic self by not having an awareness of our soul's purpose.  We can lose a sense of purpose and regain or sharpen clarity.

If we feel off track, life seems to send us problems or issues to resolve  Each one is meant to teach us something, or open us up to seeing ourselves and the world differently. Take in a new workshop or activity this month that invites seeing from a whole new vantage point. We offer cathartic Breathwork events, conscious choices D.I.Y. workshops and Lucy Libido oils events to spark curiousity and stimulate imagination. Challenge or stretch yourself to lighten-up, have fun and be spontaneous more often. Go with intuition. It is reliable.


Get the point of the exercise

When you are receptive, every experience offers lessons.  Whether or not you realize it, you invite everyone you encounter into your life to help you grow and learn more about yourself. Every moment is an opportunity to see connections between the person you were, that which you are, and where you are going. Every thought leads to a belief and every belief creates experience. Its all based on vibration. Do you feel the messages you send out? Recognize your experience mirrors back your thoughts and beliefs.  If you do not like your experience, you have power to change it right now.

No matter what you do, the point of the exercise is to get to know yourself better, to clarify what means the most, to let go of what is unnecessary in your life and to display a growing confidence in all you do. Pay attention. What is your story? What do you tell yourself? What are you sharing? How can it be polished? Imagine your ideal scenario.  Feel what its like to live it.


Feel what it is to be truly alive

Every moment invites you to find fun and light-heartedness in whatever is happening. Feel your way into what enables you to be truly alive. Let the soul be your pilot. Imagine no limitations, no doubt. Tickle yourself, crack a smile, come what may.

Be aware that as you let go of pockets of resistance, what you dream arises instantly. You are all that stands in the way of not loving every moment to the fullest. Be bold, daring. Discover what is beyond your wildest imagination. This is an open invitation.


Stretch the imagination

To see things as they are is not what you think. You might view science fiction stories as a point of reference for what is becoming possible. You might begin to sense layers of reality exist beyond what mind thinks or believes. Think outside-the-box. Notice what are you taught is possible. Notice who controls the holodeck of existence and who is invisible. Be open to accepting anti- gravity. Could you be a wizard in disguise? Stretch the imagination.

1) Imagine you awaken and the world is very different from what your 'normal' reality. Do you feel like Gregor Samsa who awakens to find himself a cockroach in The Metamorphosis? What stands out about your apparent new existence? What is obsolete? What is unchanged?

2) Envision this world as your canvas.  Notice what you choose to see around you. What do you erase or paint over? What do you sketch in? Where do you add colour and texture? What is the future of Humanity? Do "you" fit in at all?

3) Reflect on how you see yourself 100 and 1000 years from now. Imagine your form or state. How are you travelling? What does your existence feel like? Which innate capacities do you discover and accept? What role organ and cell regeneration play? How do cell codes for spontaneous human healing factor in to an evolving, New Human Being? Be that.  How does it feel?

4) What is existence like from the moment you let go of all self-defeating thoughts, doubt, negativity and delete programming about aging, sickness and death? What do agelessness and fearlessness feel like? How do you function as an immortal in a physical body? Experience evolves from thoughts.  If you do not allow self to imagine anything different than your programming, you do not stretch or grow.