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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in Advaita (2)


Watch the veils are lifting

(digital art by Pumayana-

Notice veils of illusion are linked to conditioned beliefs about aspects of reality. We are widely taught to think in terms of fear and limitation, to act as if love is conditional and give our power away to external authority. Awakening is about beginnning to see though the institutions we imagine needs for, create and perpetuate as a collective shadow. Layers of veils exist like layers of institutions we have created out of beliefs we need external guidance, protection, acceptance and hierarchies. Expanding into more of who we are is about letting go of attachments and illusions, seeing through eyes of compassion, making life choices aligned with new levels of consciousness. This is reclaiming our innate sovereignty. Energetically, its about loving, trusting and sustaining True Divine Being on a whole new level 


Dig deeper and see what remains

Notice what occurs as you investigate who is the doer of your apparent actions. Reflect on the process, perceptions and the unfolding. Observe how much real control you have over each step. Discover 'Who' wants to know. What is the truth about the 'me' and the 'I' ?  Notice the impact on any spiritual seeking.  What reveals itself?

Consider the implications of concluding no individual is responsible for any action. This basic concept echoes in the Advaita. What if every moment, what unfolds is viewed as the prevailing will of God or Source or Cosmic Law? Where does this leave 'you'?

"Understand that the body Is merely the foam of a wave, The shadow of a shadow."
- Buddha