Indigo children & the future of humanity

Indigo children require lots of attention in our modern world. They tend to think holistically and intuitively, and are understood to process emotions differently than other types of people. The increasing diagnosis of ADD and ADHD in children may overlook the reality of a different kind of generation that has arrived for a purpose. Is this more to this than science fiction? Since new kinds of intelligence are emerging worldwide that defy normal explanation, and medical treatment isn't working, maybe its time to look further than just outside-the-box?
Wendy Chapman, a foremost expert in this field, has written The Complete Idiot's Guide to Indigo Children (Alpha Books, 2007). She explains this phenomena and how parents can recognize and encourage these kinds of "higher-level children." The readership and orders for this book are growing steadily. Does this imply more people are opening their eyes to this idea?
Meg Blackburn Loosey, Ph.D. has written Children of Now (Career Press, 2007). Her research reveals that a large number of babies come into the world bearing inherent gifts that are beyond strange to most people. These youngsters discover they're telepathic, grasp subtle energ levels, and/or have amazing psychic abilities that society would describe as unbelievable. Yet, are they really? With more research in this area being funded and released, are humans not more than curious?
P.M.H. Atwater, known for extensive research into Near Death Experience (NDE), has also written a book about Indigo children called Beyond the indigo children : the new children and the coming of the fifth world (Bear & Co., 2005). This book refers to a prophecy: the fifth sun or fifth world of the Mayan calendar will supposedly move into ascension on December 21, 2012. Will this date open a "gateway" of planetary development that will open humanity to new ways of living and new worlds of opportunity? Ancient traditions have foretold the transformation and passage of our world with the aid of the wisdom of the indigo generation and others.
Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. has also written widely on indigo, crystal and rainbow children. She has written about The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children (Hay House, 2001) and other books. Her work encourages human beings to open up and connect with angels, Higher Forces and sentient beings all around us meant to assist us to reframe our earthly perception.
Peggy Day brought us Edgar Cayce on the indigo children : understanding psychic children (A.R.E. Press, 2005). This work reveals how renowned dream analyst Edgar Cayce understood the shift in human awareness that was taking place. Why is it taking us so long to recognize what Cayce predicted as inevitable? What would it take for you to perceive yourself, friends and strangers in a new, positive light? What if indigo difference wasn't illness or controversy, but hid an incredible gift?
Reader Comments (8)
though I now hope they can lead us and we can forgive ourselves
I feel as though I walked with Jesus a long time ago and was MaryM his love.
(This may seem extremely unbelieveable).
It is hard for me. What I feel is not recognised. Colors I see are not seen in your spectrum. Can anyone else relate?
I've just turned 18 years old. My mother was watching a show that mentioned indigo children and believes that I am one.
I'm undecided but from what I've read, alot of the information is accurate to myself.
I'm highly logical. I can't seem to function in this society I feel aims to destroy the natural earth for cheap profit. I'm extremly creative and constantly drive the little people I get along with crazy with my rants...
I've hit a wall in my life where I can't seem to focus direction. I don't merely seem to want to get into a relationship, have kids etc. but I don't know my purpose yet either I just don't feel it's normal...
I was wondering if these Indigo children or myself possibly being one has any major link to dreams and too Gaia?
or Gaea?
Please contact me, I'd love to talk it through with you.
I would encourage you to check them out. Otherwise, children of the earth is a website you may choose to explore.
In terms of "normal," you define what this means for yourself. It is not a generalizable thing as society would have you believe. I will post about this topic in more detail.
Weslee loved daycare, preschool and then kindergarten. Other kids to play with. Teachers who gave hugs. Fun conversations. New foods. Active songs. Showing off knowledge of colors, shapes and animals.
One day I was called into the office before picking Weslee up from his classroom. The director, the teacher, and a psychologist blindsided me. "He's too rambunctious." "He calls out the answers without giving other kids a chance." "He doesn't like most of the food we offer." And then ... "Put him on Ritalin or we'll have to ask you to leave."
We left.
He's been out of school ever since. Not just because he was highly energetic or strongly opinionated, but because he is, simply, who he is. I still work to accept him and his anxieties and gifts, but we work together as a team. The labels don't matter. Just discover WHO you are and BE yourself. No excuses. Freedom comes with self-knowing. Feel free to talk with us. Vikki AND
Human beings can evolve within themselves to believe that labels do not matter. As such, labels such as "indigo," "rainbow," or "crystal" child are themselves problematic. Labels are concepts used to compare, define, diagnose and suggest treatment for something that does not necessarily need changing or understanding at all. It is a human tendency to name things as an effort to grasp and master them. This is ego. Self-mastery is really the only path that can be forged and understood. Many people fear to tread there.
If you take the view that endless versions of life exist, then how you view this world and how you choose to live do not have to follow the status quo. Imagine, for at least a moment, that species like our own exist, yet, that vast species also exist which our reality cannot contain or begin to explain. Time as humans define and understand it, is simply an instrument to reinforce that humans think they know. Take this concept away, take away the imposed beliefs and ingrained conditioning, and everyone is in harmony.