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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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3 Tips to gain clarity of purpose

Every moment, we are inviting ourselves to recognize what is in plain sight so that which appears hidden to us grows more obvious.  As we grow aware that everything is connected. we realize no accidents or coincidences exist. More than one purpose is unfolding.  Ponder these three tips; 

1. Stay open & receptive

Appreciate the value of being guided by intuition. Doing so allows us to notice and feel compelled to follow more synchronicities that present.  if you come across a postcard at a newsagent and feel draw to visit the place, go with that. If an opportunity arises unexpectedly and it feels right, take it as a stepping stone to getting exactly what we need. There is always an exchange of knowledge, energy and other things happening, even if this is not yet clear.

2.  Be flexible

Many people plan out their lives, businesses and specific goals or milestones they intend to achieve.  What we envision and how events unfold can be very different yet still lead to fulfilling experiences. Some people plan loosely and others rarely or not at all, awaiting instead for opportunities to arise.  

3. Accept everything is a gift

Things happen.  We notice some clearly and simultaneously miss others.  Everyone we encounter and invite into our lives has something to teach us. From the moment we see everything as a gift or opportunity we give ourselves to learn, share and grow, we are also helping people we have never met and involved in strengthening unseen connections. What arises in our awareness shapes a new stage of evolving purpose. 


Come to your senses

Falling asleep is easy.  Notice how many people are sleepwalking through life. Have you ever had the feeling that anyone is falling awake? Are you connected with yourself, your passion, your destiny? Who is asking this question? Who is answering it?

Many people have the impression their life is splitting apart.  Notice your own inner conflict? You may think you want one thing while you are doing another. If you work in one place, you may wish to work somewhere else or shift focus to start a business. If you are involved in one relationship, you may wish to be involved in another.

If you feel restless, think you want to go "there" while part of you is here, this is an invitation to recognize the nature of overthinking. If you have a body, a mind and especially if you have a cell phone to interrupt you, why not come to your senses?

Notice five familiar senses are sending you messages. The non-conceptual sixth sense is also active. Which ones do you hear and overlook? Senses reveal everything.  The mind judges or shifts focus from what no longer matters. Notice the focus of your attention.  How do you feel about it? What does this reveal about wakefulness? and tainted views?

Notice the diversions in your life of wants, fear, doubt and pain. Notice when you feel suppressed, repressed, or like you are running from something. How many times during the day do you interrupt yourself in thought and speech? Forget what matters?

Everything invites you to ponder what it means to be here in this moment.  Listen with your bones, your organs, your flesh and your whole being. Reflect on your life with an open heart and pure compassion. Notice what you see deep within. The distinct possibility exists you are re-introducing yourself to who you truly are. When not grounded by thoughts, time and space, then what happens to 'you?' Next time you are in the shower, notice who or what is in there with you. Notice the mind wanders away from the refreshing water and lather. Next time you are in public transit, notice the mind churning. Areyou asleep while awake? What sort of trail are 'you' leaving?

Do this simple exercise: be aware of the breath.  This is mindfulness or non-judgmental awareness.  It invites us to be aware of what is fundamental in life rather than on what the mind thinks is urgent.  Notice thoughts that arise as the mind prompts you run on an endless treadmill.  Notice the mind distracts you from the breath and just living.

Ever had the experience that you can see without seeing? Its like something is in front of you but you only notice it when you are ready. Something knows where you came from before you were born and observes everything all the time. We also only see and hear what we are willing to accept. Meditation allows mindfulness to arise. It enables you to cultivate intimacy with what is ordinary. Stop taking what comes naturally for granted.

How often are you true to yourself? The problem is not with doing anything in particular, its with the personal pronouns you use to identify with something you think has virtue. It is not what we do that matters but being aware of it and allowing ourselves to feel deeply. Allow yourself to be at home in all of the senses. Bring the mind home to awareness and refine your capacity to see things as they are. The challenge is to atop doing all that gets in the way. This is advanced training in the art of living.

"Today like everyday we awaken empty and scared." - Rumi


5 Advantages to listening to your vibes


As new waves of energy appear, you may regard them as new opportunities or experiences opening to you. This may shake you up. Yet, each time you make conscious changes that are attuned to your inner self, you also align with your Higher Self and its intentions. To be aligned with your core self and passions is to transcend fear and realize your goals more quickly. Why wouldn't you listen to your vibes?

Still, you may know people who avoid or reject shifts in thinking, at least in the beginning. Some people equate the prospect of change with life disruption or discomfort. These people feel unable to handle what this represents, and ignore sensations of higher energy. At any time, you can decide to listen more attentively to your inner messages and change as you see fit. Consider these five advantages;

1) Discover Higher-self loves unconditionally. To recognize the impact of love vibration is to sense paths to your greatest fulfillment. This brings increased clarity and harmony to areas of your life that will benefit from guidance and growth. It may impact jobs, your relations, and other conditions.  You transmute or rise above negative energy and really feel good in any situation.

2) Learn to see beyond misperception. Some people believe they must struggle or even surpass a pain threshold, before they listen to the soul. Transition to a higher frequency can be experienced through love and joy rather than suffering. Your fears may not intially disappear, but you'll evolve to stop reacting with fear. Instead, you'll confront the fear, choose to send love and discern the real message behind it.

3) Fine-tune your heightening sensibilities. Some people have already begun to explore ways to sharpen skills and awareness. You may be startled at the accuracy of your ESP and have more faith in your instincts. You may deepen meditation, channeling and telepathy. The more time you devote to listening to the signs, the more surrounding energy levels will become apparent. You'll begin to believe your potential for growth and expansion has no limits. You'll sense synchronicity takes on whole new significance. Your awareness will trigger revelations.

4) Connect with like-minded people. You may find your understanding of things orienting you to interact with different people. The desire to network, to share ideas and to contribute to raising the awareness of others, all emerge as priorities. If you allow it, direct experience guides you in ways that have a profound impact on your spiritual consciousness and life situations.

5) Evolve to a Higher consciousness. Your reality will change as you realize this life isn't about getting what you want as much as being certain you really want what you ask for. The sacred secrets of manifestation function according to energies of the Higher realms. Imagine the time may come when you exist on Higher planes and experience what you think about immediately. As you embark on this deeper quest, you will realize the power of light around you and within you gets stronger each day.

"You just get the vibes of your surroundings and it rubs off on you." -Gordon Lightfoot