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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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PRESS RELEASE: Be your Dream by Liara Covert, Ph.D.

Recognize knowing the secret of dreams is the key to your true power.

Ready to decode your dreams? View through the eyes of the ego, the dream analyst within you and through the lens of the heart.

Liara's fourth print book invites you notice that everyone has hmore than one way of dreaming. How the mind views each one evolves and changes with you over perceived time. There is more going on than you realize!

Awaken to how you think and feel and how it all serves you. Imagine the revelations as you awaken to how you create, judge and examine or simply feel the vibes of dreams.

How do you decode your life purpose? What does success mean for you? Do divine forces or spirituality fit in? What do the mind and heart tell you about emotional stability? clarity? Who is the ultimate dreammaker? What is the big dream?

You are here, now, ready to be more aware of what your own dreams are telling you. Notice what you selectively ignore about your motivations and gut feelings. Notice how every choice you make or do not make in your waking life is also inviting you to explore deeper.

How do you begin to recognize deeper messages? How do your dreams drive or control you? Notice all dreams offer opportunities to be more aware of underlying reasons for behaviour, personality traits and other nuances seen more objectively through the lens of your entire being.

It is said life is the greatest teacher.  The desire to make the dream state and experiences better arises in the mind.  The willingness to be open to the unfolding in different perceptions of reality draws attention to the heart. What happens to the dream as mind and heart are seen as one?

Step back and consider what is it like to be willing to lose your whole world. Discover why this is the right moment to step back and recognize how and why you dream. This goes beyond symbolism, goals,sand sleep states to invite you to open up to more than words can say.  Discover that every moment is the perfect moment to see what is being revealed to and through you.

Only as consciousness frees itself from the dream state do you tap into untapped energy and feel the internal mechanism that triggers new revelations about why you exist and what is happening beyond physical senses.  The essence of being is already here. 

  • Pages organized according to theme
  • points for reflection & journalling
  • 90 inspirational quotes
  • 37 Affirmations
  • 6 testimonials

Inner Circle Publishing (ICP)

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About the Author

Liara Covert invites you to awaken to the nature of who you are.  Through self-inquiry, you can come to realize the very truth about different layers of your own dreaming and also pure consciousness. Her books are offered as tools for your consideration, journalling and inner work.  Listen to her on Dreambuilders Australia Blog Talk Radio and Aware Talk Radio. Visit her Dreambuilders Australia Blog

Be your Dream offers ~100 inspirational quotes and invites you to explore different perspectives of dreaming and awakening.

Notice what happens as you appreciate the thoughts, feelings or behaviours of others. In truth, you are choosing to love and appreciate parts of yourself more. From one perspective, only one being exists. It only appears fragmented into separate people. One being means perceptions of self and other are merging. Beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder, it draws attention to the timeless beholder, the essence of being, that which cannot be named. Barriers of belief and difference are in the process of falling away.