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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in energy (254)


Follow your impulses

You create the itinerary of your life.  Notice what happens as you follow your impulses. These are the inclinations that seem to pop into your head.  There is no logic to this.  If you analyze the impulse, you doubt your intuition, lose some of the momentum, the enthusiasm, and at least temporarily, shift focus. Why take the wind out of your sails?

Take a moment.  Recall instances when you impulsively changed a travel itinerary or schedule or, the universe unfolded in such a way as to do this for you.  Who did you meet along the way that you would not have met otherwise? What kinds of experiences come your way because you are open and flexible in the moment?  How does your life change as you allow and see what the universe presents through you right now? 

In essence, everything is available to you or not based on the degree you allow or resist. As an energy being, you vibrate different frequencies, connect with people and situations that match how you feel. Intuition is a guiding compass.  Emotions are a gauge. Stay focused and trust fully the infinite Cosmic Synchronicity you feel. 

"Most of us actually stifle enough good impulses during the course of a day to change the current of our lives." -William Moulton Marston


Notice archetypes

Notice the archetypes that inspire and motivate you in stories and also those that play out in your daily life.  The traits of characters that appeal to you in movies and books relate to the experiences you draw into your physical life. The outcomes in your life cannot change until you move through the pattern and see it as it is. 

You run many energy patterns unaware in this realm.The energy you express yourself through is often in conflcit with your desire.  What you attract in relationships and sitautions always relates to your energy vibration.  Step back and observe your life impersonally.  Be honest.  Wisdom arises as you choose to know yourself. You only ever transcend what is not you as you allow clarity to shine and let go of all else.


Move with the energy

You may think you can ignore certain thought energies yet, each one is destined to flow in its own time.  Suppression simply postpones expression.  Each one signals a path to the centre.  You can see through the self-expression to see eternal being arising. 

Understand your true, unchanging position.  As awareness, one does not express, suppress or even touch energy.  One simply watches it come and go in waves.  One follows the path back to source.  Here, all subsides in the formless and all is known.  Energy is what it is: neutral.  Mind gives it form. Notice whether you allow or resist the natural flow.  As energy returns to source, it is neither love nor hate, but innocence.   


Know what you are not

To know what you are not opens you to deeper experience. Watch what happens as you surrender to the simplest way of being.  Changing the direction of attention is shifting the focus of energy.  Notice whether you struggle to do what cannot be done. Decide what is meaningful.  What if there is nothing to learn or practice? What if repeating thoughts or methods is irrelevant? As you eliminate the extraneous and know what happens when the nervous system is over-stimulated, you move beyond hallucinations.  Beliefs disintegrate.  Seeking ceases. Finding stops.  Being takes over. 


The now is complete

The now is complete.  It is beyond time and space.  To exist now is to know one is always in the moment.  Consider when you skype and on-line chat with people apparently in different countries time-zones.  Consider when you listen to archived radio shows or recorded audios and videos. The interaction is always in the now.  Your physical body is a cellular memory.  It grounds itself in perceptions of events that are imagined on a timeline.  Allowing direct experience to unfold is to see being and allowing are inseparable.  Allowing energy to flow is to feel you are being and it is you.

One is unlimited now.  To fully embrace this is to allow fearful thoughts of not having, not being, to drop away. To think about anything other than now is not an issue unless you decide this is real.  Thoughts about sequential events act as points of reference during perceived moments. Yet, one is always present here and now. To merge consciously in the now is to resolve, in this moment, any thoughts that would have you believe you are less than you are. Wholeness is synonymous with now.  All is perfect.