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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in emotion (51)


Allow abundance to fill you

Your thoughts, feelings, emotions and visions all vibrate to life and take shape in what appears as your life. Notice whether you know ups and downs or if you see all is well already. What do you choose?

Imagine how it discern true needs and have them met, to exist with a sense of acceptance, peace and tranquility.  You no longer notice anything is missing.  The inner judge grows still or you no longer hear it. You experience fulfillment, satisfaction and know without a doubt that details are coming together.  Feel what it is to embody joy, happiness and appreciation.  Allow abundance to fill you.  This is not only possible, it is your core state. Let go of the unreal.  What is real remains.  The mind tells you its own version of what is real. The heart and soul know only wholeness.


Emotion is simply a word

'Emotion' is simply a word like any other.    Notice whether you react or respond.    Living through the filters of the mind prompts conditioned reaction.  Heartfelt living triggers love, acceptance and appreciation.  Emotion is felt as a signal that travels through your entire being. To view emotions as a group is to recognize inputs and outputs of energy flow.  Imagine infinite inputs and outputs. The mind does not even begin to classify those which exist. Watch and allow emotion to operate. Energy is constantly flowing. Notice what happens as you begin to see and experience things as they are.


Make sense of emotions

Notice how emotions unfold in your life, how you react or respond to the world around you.   Notice where emotions come from.  Track them back to see how they arise.  Sense how, why they build up.  What do they teach you? What do they invite you to see within yourself?

Notice how you respond to others as they confront you, get emotional or remain indifferent toward you. Eleanor Roosevelt reminds you that nobody can intimidate you without your consent. If you do not choose to be afraid, then fear cannot touch you. The apparent reasons for fear cannot last unless you believe in them and allow them to control your thoughts.

Notice whether you allow your emotions to escalate and affect your health and well-being or, whether you observe quietly, respond slowly and calmly, to whatever unfolds in your life. What if its all a test? To respond without anxiety or agitation is to exhibit what peace is all about.  You help others to know peace as you respond from this state of being yourself.

Why is it do you figure that people often focus on negative emotions and complaints? It comes back to creating unskillful thought patterns. Each of us has a choice to be mindful and to understand the origins of our thoughts and emotions. If you are angry or afraid, ask why. Every emotion is a pointer to the only emotion heart knows- unconditional love.

Consider that you always have opportunities to respond differently to comments and behaviours than you are taught. Be aware of emotional triggers and conditioned habits that do not serve you.  Fear and anger flow away as you view them as the teachers they are. Be aware that peace is itself an emotion that empowers and inspires you, come what may.

"Everytime you allow someone to trigger a negative emotion or anger or ill will, you do not have to follow that path. Why do you get angry? Anger arises from a series of agitations you think about or dwell upon. Anger is like a fire. It starts like a spark. If you catch it quickly, its easy to put out.  Through your mindfulness, awarenss and mental training, it is not hard to transcend emotions like anger, frustration and grief.  Its not a training of will power, but of wisdom power to see where things come from so you can catch them earlier." -Ajahn Brahm


Make every moment count

Through humble surrender, each person is invited to open the heart to the deeper truth. As our self-worth increases, we let more love in and let go of suffering.  Notice what is happening as you let go of beliefs about what is right and wrong, let go of desires, ambitions and be an empty cup. We step in and out of dimensions based on where our energy vibration aligns. To grow more conscious is to open the mind to possibilities and clear cellular memories.  The universe reflects whatever you believe. 

Making every moment count means knowing everything that unfolds invites you to learn something.  Allowing yourself to feel negative feelings is a step in letting them go. As a momentary reaction, you can see everything through the lens of love and embrace all parts of yourself.  Comparisons, judgments, and memories prevent you from releasing your personal stories. Feel what you feel without focusing on it or allowing it to control you. The feeling leaves your energy field and reveals the timeless being that is you.

"Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count: everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted." - Albert Einstein


See beyond words

You may get confused about your perceived conditions.  Wonder why your state does not seem to be changing or improving? You may ask why you think you are sick and not be consciously aware you constantly talk about imbalance, pain, suffering or discomfort. You may complain about some condition or relationship in your life and not realize the negative thoughts and nature of your words keep you from seeing or living anything beyond them.

Words are powerful. How deeply do you allow words and their vibrations to travel through you? What is the impact on your state of mind? To what degree do words trigger emotional reactions in you? How tightly or loosely do you adopt context as explaining who you are?

Feel the nature of words you use. Notice whetehr they reinforce things that enable yo uto feel good or feel frustrated or negative. Notice how words gain meaning for you. Notice using any kind of language creates a sense of separation. The mind understands words compare, distinguish and describe. Silence also speaks. Notice what expresses itself through you. 

In truth, nothing words describe is you.  He who allows himself to see beyond words senses deeper. All-knowing is always accessible beyond words.  Moving beyond self-imposed limitation and fear beings you to merge with love that is. This is pure freedom that speaks for itself.  Words do not do cosmic truth justice.