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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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What is a multi-dimensional actor?

As you choose to raise conscious awareness higher and higher, you sense entertainment arises from within.  There is less the inclination to seek tapes, movies and external tools as you create your own iving experiment.

Not everyone has the same level of awareness, the same perspective or, same desire to be free.  Part of you knows there is no reason to force anything.  Each person carries his own frequency and creates a coinciding experience.

On different levels, everyone's perception of reality is changing.  How you view these changes and how you respond to everything exernal also changes. This process involves the multi-dimensional self even if this is not grasped on a conscious level. As you expand inward, you sense multiple selves present diverse perspectives.

The more you open to what is inside of you, the more comfortable you are with everything that is happening. You experience the revelation that there is nothing to fear. You choose to be on the leading edge of contrast and still hold within you the spiritual awareness that you exist to explore being and create. The expansion enables you to learn what forgetting and control feel like. You gain insight into limitation and transform. No mistakes exist.

You remember how it feels to be patient, understanding, loving. You naturally transmute fear. Revelations open consciousness. Your creative ability reveals to you that you are in more than one perceived place right now. 

The realisation that you joyfully choose to be where you are now empowers you to remove your own veils of separation. You realize every thought and feeling serves you. This is all aligning in Cosmic Synchronicity.  Some people sense this is feeling of Source energy, the opposite of resistance. To know self is to be consciously aware.

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Reader Comments (6)

Whenever we intimately explore other energy fields, we in essence expand our energy field and gain a new perspective. Therefore, if we interact on the external level by allowing others to enter our field or our dream (which is also internal), or if we enter other people's fields or dreams, we also modify our perspective. We can raise or lower our current dimensional perspective by exploring the external world as well as the internal world, for they are mirror aspects of one another. If we lower our present frequency to empathize with and feel what someone else is feeling, we can then see a door for the other individual to open so that they too can see and feel a higher dimensional perspective. We can then also set our own sites to open up higher doors through our intentions to allow such entities or visitors or higher frequencies to mingle and match our own current vibration, giving us the sight to move in new directions.
Bern, your analogy reminds people that they are always doing multiple things simultaneously, affecting themselves and others, with the power of thought energy, whether or not their human awareness is attuned to the implications. We empower others and outselves and when individuals are ready to sense energetci doorways and opportunities,these people do. IN some ways, we are each stargates or portholes to infinity.
January 14, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
We can also say that each individual creates numerous intentions and has them operating all at once. The universe or other aspects of our selves are then arranging for these intentions to be met. Therefore, each intention is operating on a different level or dimensional frequency. Each intention is then a portal to a new feeling or to a new part to be played out when the information is finally received. We merge with the request and we express it into the world. The birth of a new play has been granted. Each play therefore comprises a different trait of the actor. An infinite amount of things are happening All at once to allow us to experience this one Moment.
Hi Liara .. I will get time to absorb these ideas as I sit by my mother's bed - I internalise a lot of things anyway and rationalise situations - yes I still need input and guidance, but a great deal of it I'm sort of working out for myself before I am free and become myself again and then move on to another level.

I can be at peace with my mother - thanks - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
January 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Bern, perspective detemines everything. You decide whether you are close- or open-minded, whether you are willing to expand awareness or prefer to stay as you feel you are. Whatever choices you make are right for you because you are the master of your game, the captain of the ship. You perform all other roles simultaneously.
January 17, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hilary, every human being exists to work things out for the self. Every person also invites certain information into his scope of awareness which he is ready and willing to consider or take on board. To be content at every stage of your journey is always within reach for you. Patience, love and understanding are unlimited.
January 17, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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