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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in knowledge (5)


4 Questions from Stephen R. Covey

Everyone has access to the exact same wisdom within themselves. What differs is the pace and path taken to open our eyes, wake up, expand perception, shift to do and be what matters most.

It is said that everyone is lost until they grow aware and tap into that special something that naturally allows joy to flow within. Focusing here on this thing consistently, aligning thoughts, words and actions with this is the key to existence.  Yet, how can one really know what this is?

Take a moment to reflect on who inspires, guides you to grow more intimate with yourself.

Perhaps Stephen R. Covey is one inspirational mentor who jumps into mind. Renowned leadership authority, family expert, teacher, organizational consultant, and co-founder of FranklinCovey Co., he is author of several international bestsellers.  He was a master teacher because he was first a master student. 

Dialogue, interactions and relationships created his school of life without walls.  He admitted he never presented new concepts but succinctly put information together and synthesized it for people. His books include The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Powerful Lessons in Personal Change) & The 8th Habit (From Effectiveness to Greatness) and First Things First.

In a book called A Time Conscious Life,  a compilation of his insights, four questions stand out:

    *What questions can you ask yourself to keep learning (&/or unlearning or letting go)?
    *What knowledge can you gain by asking the right questions?
    *What life changes can you make by embracing the knowledge you discover?
    *What discipline is needed to make those changes part of your true character?

    Allow yourself to surrender, feel the way into the next chapter of your life.  When you stop fighting yourself,  and listen to the heart, you soon realize so much more than what you think exists and beckons you to branch out.  Go ahead-expand into more of your gifts and true genius.

Follow your own rules

Wherever you go, people exist with a variety of intentions.  There are those you encounter, and those who do not cross your physical path or scope of awareness.  Notice each person is living in his own world within a bigger world. Some recognize connections or ties and interdependence.  Feel the law of attraction in action. Recognize what distracts you from your own inner guidance. 

When you are driving on the highway, when you are in a vehicle of public transit, people are thinking all around you.  They point to who you are and who you are not. Some are on phones, playing video games, tuning into music devices. People are engaged in dialogue, daydreaming, sleeping, and doing nothing. Their thought forms, emotions and energy vibrations do not always jive with yours. Everyone conveys to you what you are.  When you know yourself, questions no longer arise.  There is only a continuing unfolding, natural process or evolution of who you are.

Come what may, some people prefer not to break laws based on collective beliefs or agreement.  Other people make choices purely grounded in what feels right.  That which you call God is not the same as the laws man thinks God has made for him.  Notice what resonates in the heart.  All that you perceive in others or as "other" is a pointer to the revelation of what you are.

As you grasp you create a sense of time and physicality, you begin to get in touch with the nature of the energy system you are.  Everyone you meet is speaking to you from a deeper part of self. Consciousness is not knowledge, definition or reality that is full of paradox. You are that which chooses to begin to understand who you are from a multitude of perspectives. You are pre-time and pre-definition. Time and definition are avenues through which you experience yourself by your own rules.  As you allow, connect and integrate what you are beyond the physical, you truly experience the energy transmitter you are.  Every moment, essential nature is revealing itself.  Indescribable aspects of you  convey breakthroughs to bridge the physical and spiritual self.

"This is about bringing into balance your perception of your body with the rest of what you are (which we also refer to as your multi-dimensionality or your freedom)" -Story Waters


Everything points to the wordless

Mooji echoes that if you pay attention to thoughts, this resists accepting the real you. To feel like you are always moving, shifts attention away from that which always feels at home. Something does not journey, but stays in this moment. What comes and goes, is a dream imagined in mind. Notice whether the real or unreal has your focus.

As you say, "I am that," this is not a concept. Nisargadatta Maharaj and other teachers echo the witness is something else. Only through direct experience does one discern whether the seer has interest in what is observed. The pure witness has no form, no interest, no quality or identity. All learning is internalized until it is outgrown and let go.

So, all thought and knowledge arise as pointers to eternal light. The mind fears losing its projected identity, and sees words and beliefs as valuable. What happens as you ask, 'can the knower or eternal light be known?' Intuitively, it is recognized that the witness of all dreams, of all words and energy vibration, exists in the silence within.


What if knowledge seeks limitation?

The real learning takes place after you sense you know everything.  To listen in the mind requires you learn what it means to feel silence and timelessness.  To hear deeply invites you to share things directly from the heart. 

Let's say innersight means knowing what you think and why. To be open to feeling and accepting all you are every moment does not mean you are not subject to limitation.  Yet, you also create opportunities for freedom.

Lao Tzu says, 'Those who have knowledge, don't predict. Those who predict, don't have knowledge.'  One underlying premise is that knowledge is nothing.  If you are serious, consider what intuition is not.

Intuition is unrelated to personality.  One perspective is intuition is the capacity to tune into universal mind or, the grasp of oneness.  In other words, it is that place where expanding love is all there is now and fully known.

 To reach this, many people experience a process of self-disclosure where integrity and transparency present as base states or core frequency.  At the same moment, Cosmic Synchroncity reminds you of unwavering trust.


Recover lost knowledge

To set out to recover lost knowledge assumes knowledge exists in the first place and that it is possible for it to be lost. If you take the view awareness evolves from nothing, then you sense it is never lost.  Wisdom is not the same as knowledge.

Compassion for the self means you are patient on any quest.  It means you are ready to understand that all teachings originate from the source, from one master. This being manifests in different forms.  You are in the process of recovering lost teachings of master within yourself. Why deny they exist?

What would you say if you were that master, if everyone was that master, with the potential to access infinite knowing from within?   How would gaining such insight change how you perceive ths world and others?  What are you already doing every moment? What are you progressively remembering?

In other words, you are not the physical body.  You are not the illusory beliefs that keep you where you are.  Mindsets that guide you actually lead you away from core consciousness that is you.  To remember how to access inner realms of being is truly liberating. It is reconnecting to soulfulness.