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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in energy frequency (1)


What if rather than becoming, U already R?

Many people have forgotten a lot as the result of having their inherent abilities unplugged.  If someone told you that your conditioned idea of standard two-strand DNA was originally twelve-strand DNA, would that floor you?

You may be familiar with images of crop circles that resemble three- and six-stranded of DNA.  What if energy is shifting to multiply your DNA strands and giving you opportunities to remember more now? Imagine that.

One perspective is that something exerts control over the minds of society and your choices determine the nature and extent of your own awakening. In order to open to realities beyond your current scope and perception, you are invited to explore more deeply your own view of reality, including emotions and inner highways of consciousness.

Life transforms from the moment you accept what you are given.  Be willing to explore sides you hide from your conscious self.  You may think you know what you are, yet at a conscious level, you still deny facits of the truth. 

It is never too late to remember energy, frequency and vibration are sending you messages from within and from everything you project.  This is part of attuning to Cosmic Synchronicity.   In essence, the real you does not become anything. You accept or reject what you already are.  Nothing is out of reach for unless you believe that.