Have a happy mind
Thursday, May 3, 2012 at 9:04PM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, Swami Venkatesananda, awareness, body, contentment, fear, freedom, happiness, inspirational quotes, karma, mind, universal

Many experiences are universal yet, must be discovered and rediscovered by each of us at our own pace.  We allow wisdom to reveal itself through us when we are ready and willing to accept it.  We each weave our own tapestry of life by making choices. How to maintain a happy mind?

1) Break free of the traps of the mind: Let go of the past, stop focusing attention on fear and the future. This releases you from ties binding you to karma/ family histories (recover the 'original self'). As identities are seen as the masks they are and shed, personal histories shrink and fade.

2) Be aware of and let go of attachment to inner possessions; judgments, thoughts, values, and ideas about right and wrong.  Notice everyone is a teacher pointing to existing contentment.

3) Break free of the traps of the body/ impermanent world. Thinking about doing anything is the hard part. Notice how the mind stalls and postpones things. Taking action itself is easy.

4) Explore the true nature of freedom & what it means to be 'liberated in life.' Notice you deny the ultimate freedom. You only step beyond parameters after you create them and grow aware.

5) Bring together the elements of a fragmented existence.  Each person who is open and receptive grows aware of an inner pilgrimmage and unique experiences with Spirit.

6) Be here in this present moment in mindfulness and kindness. 

"Renounce the self that does the renunciation." -Swami Venkatesananda

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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