What do you learn about self?

Increasingly, you hear people speaking about how they are helping someone in some capacity. It is understood this person or group needs help or, benefits from something you give. You are in the right place and mindset to be offering time or some other service that makes someone's life easier.
This said, you may not realize that you choose to help others in part because their behaviour is telling you things about yourself. In fact, every relationship you engage in relates to energy vibration. You are attracted to a person or situation for reasons beneath conscious awareness, at least initially.
Now, you may devote yourself to volunteering, to serving with some organisation, to helping a sick person heal, or even to raise the spirit of others. Whenever you engage in anything, you make that choice as part of a path to awaken more fully.
In other words, every thought and feeling you generate, and even those you generate in relation to another person, situation or event, is part of a deeper soul journey. What do you learn about self today? Why feel grateful for judgment or short-sightedness? Why appreciate where you are right now?