Setback is a state of mind

Human beings give much of their own energy away. If you choose to believe in mistakes, setbacks and failures, it is also possible to reframe all events as meaningful experience now. To step back and view a situation from a detached point of view changes the impact. What if 'mistakes' are lessons you have not yet learned on your path to self-acceptance?
Every moment, many people are holding themselves back from accepting all that they are. People judge or analyze much of what they observe. Listen to yourself. Listen to people around you. What do they say? How are they inviting conditions they say they do not want? Notice where you place your attention.
From the moment you view yourself as healed, gifted, successful, knowledgable, enlightened, some part of you already tells you this is not true. The mind interferes with its own agenda. This separates you from what you know and from all that you are. Human beings spend their lives telling themselves what they are not as an exercise in forgetting what they are. Where do you stand on this? Are you perfect now?