Notice we exist to awaken into full spiritual remembrance. We have opportunities to know different stages of Consciousness. Everything is reminding us that we are much more than we think. Tuning into inner knowing shifts our Present Consciousness. As we come to realize pure consciousness exists beyond time and space, through varied states of awareness, we explore aspects of self in our own reality Our Stored Consciousness holds all the experiences in every lifetime at any age and we can access these aspects of ourselves, ask them to come forward to share wisdom. We then travel through realms of our Alternate Consciousness, where key decisions created other versions of ourselves in alternate realities. We can interact and gain insight from alternate selves. Moving through our Parallel Consciousness, we are active in other bodies on Earth in other eras of Earth’s history. Each energetic exchange leaves all aspects of ourselves in a higher vibration. Interacting with our Interdimensional Consciousness, we experience the knowing of being in other life forms or dimensions again for exchange of energy and insight. As we embrace our Eternal Consciousness and pause to experience that transformational energy, it dawns we merge and are All That Is. Each HUman being is an awakening Avatar. Each of us is a creation and mirror of God. To know Source exists, is to know we are each droplets of Source with potential to activate and sustain optimal functioning.