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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Consciously Adjust your Frequency


Notice everything we sense or tune into, any frequency on the energetic radio dial, is calling or inviting us to see something specific to us. All we perceive is part of our own unique universe. Something only emerges as real to us as we perceive it. At times, we contract (resist/ withdraw from) people, places, things, ideas, situations, environments. As we take action that seems out of character, we are awakening. A more expanded version of us knows conscious change is rewiring the brain, healing emotional patterns, accessing a wider spectrum of knowing, accelerating energetic experience so we can hold more light in our being and blossom into a more fully functioning version of our true nature. With awareness, unconscious or fearful patterns transform. As we change how, whom and what we tune into, we can withdraw like a caterpillar preparing to go through metamorphosis. When ready, we shift octave, expand into a new consciousness. Sense of home, success, time, wealth, fulfillment, opportunity, love, harmony, service, shifts into resonance with the recalibrating version of us.
So, to align with new understanding or new level of authenticity, it is imperative to listen to intuition, let go of the who we thought we were to embrace what is waiting for us. As we come to consciously adjust our frequency, our self-view and whole world transform. Over a period of perceived time, we can read and re-read the same book, and relate to it differently, tune into different vibrations between the lines, even see versions of us in book characters as if in parallel realities. In truth, we simply function with different insight into the holodeck (holographic universe).