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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in abundance (27)


Allow abundance to fill you

Your thoughts, feelings, emotions and visions all vibrate to life and take shape in what appears as your life. Notice whether you know ups and downs or if you see all is well already. What do you choose?

Imagine how it discern true needs and have them met, to exist with a sense of acceptance, peace and tranquility.  You no longer notice anything is missing.  The inner judge grows still or you no longer hear it. You experience fulfillment, satisfaction and know without a doubt that details are coming together.  Feel what it is to embody joy, happiness and appreciation.  Allow abundance to fill you.  This is not only possible, it is your core state. Let go of the unreal.  What is real remains.  The mind tells you its own version of what is real. The heart and soul know only wholeness.


The secret of time 

Human life has a perceived time span.  It seems to fall between two moments in history. Notice how you live life based on the clock and schedules.  Notice at what stage time, as the mind knows it, begins to lose its hold on your focus of attention. Notice how the end always meets the beginning.

Time travel is not only possible, it is happening now.  Feel the vibration.  Notice what happens as the power of the imagination travels faster than the layer of perceived time in which events seem to unfold. From different layers of time,  information is retrieved and brought to your attention. This is not merely the role of seers and prophets.  Every being has this gift. The soul itself is the timeless oracle. Only the head and heart are grounded in perceived time. Enter inner time and access the field of abundance. Only the mind has you believe in secrets.  The heart is open and transparent.

The secret of time is that desires know none.  To be awareness is to experience the power of time travel, to move forward, backwards or in any direction and sense the playfulness. Whatever the wish, it is already realized in a future. Mastery reveals you can travel there and bring it to this moment.  The only time that exists is imagined into being by humans.  You stop your own clock.


All is possible

How you perceive reality affects your view of what is possible. The funny thing is, your perception of what is possible also shapes what you allow yourself to see and experience. In other words, you see the external world through the lens of your vibration. As you focus on what feels good, you vibrate on a high level, and opportunities are visible and accessible.

Know what you want is done on a vibrational level. The physical senses do not initially detect it but as joy fills you, you can feel something deeper. What is active in your vibration is what you are about right now. As you grow more conscious and deliberate with your thoughts and feelings, you know abundance, clarity, vitality, wellness are all accessible.

Watch what happens as you talk about what is done in the present tense. Recall who you are and how things are going right here and now. You cannot see things other than how you perceive them to be. See things as flowing smoothly and they are.  The universe only ever responds to your perception of the reality you are living. Talk about and feel love in all that is evolving. You have creative control over what unfolds.  Only your impatience keeps you apart from what is already here.  Get out of your own way and see the difference.

As you nurture a desire to do, be or have something, if no contradiction exists in your vibration, then that something is real for you. Many things that were once believed to be impossible are now widely viewed as real due to collective agreement and perception. Everything in your scope of awareness is about what you attract into your life via vibration. Relax into your eternal nature.  Whatever you give attention to dominates your vision.  Ponder an environment where endless paths exist to whatever you tell yourself you want.  Know you are already here.  Where is your belief or expectation relative to what you want?

Ultimately, you cannot become less than you are. When you feel discomfort or contrast, you can always shift your focus of attention and ease yourself into a place of greater comfort. Words do not teach. Life experience is the true teacher. Look for reason to feel good.  Flourish.


Wealth is not what you think

Every moment, you are invited to be mindful of the way you view yourself. Notice how the mind invites you to define and accumulate wealth.  Be wary.  Material wealth and physical attributes do not bring lasting pleasure.  The quality of the relationship you have with yourself is key to accessing the flow of wealth as joy. 

So, the nature of joy you experience and how secure you feel in the process is a measure of success.  Being heart-centred enables you to feel your way into states of abundance. Being mindful of this practice invites other kinds of abundance into your life.   Begin with an abundance mindset.  Be open to feeling fulfilled. Here is a guide to allow more abundance into your life.  Notice your inclinations and freedom to shift focus:

1) Respond rather than react

(Allows you to assume role of objective observer.  This aligns you with personal power, expands your awareness.  You choose to see from a higher vantage point, get in touch with Higher Self and develop your capacity for compassion.)

2) Interact using kindness & honesty rather than attack, defend or criticize

(Whenever thoughts focus on criticism, you put yourself through unnecessary stress and anxiety which stem from the control of negative ego. Be aware of where thoughts are heading.  This helps you see expectations as they arise and what silently drives your choices.)

3)  Accept innate worth, goodness & beauty rather than deny or overcompensate

(To connect with your authentic self is to be in touch with feelings, and to focus the quality of your conscious thoughts on love, joy individuality and freedom)

4) Recognize your unique being rather than compare yourself to others

(This is an invitation to be aware of the dominant voice that guides you at any given moment.  Notice if this is the judgmental oppressor or the part of you who already sees the best results.) 

5) Focus on who you are becoming rather than the past

(If you feel plagued by self-doubt, this leads you astray, distracts you from true reality and what is possible.  Remain sensitive to your feelings and know when you diverge or go off track.  Hold a clear vision of your optimum future self.  As this is reinforced, your subconscious moves from your existing self-image to align with this and manifest a new reality.)

6) Be generous with Self rather than stingey or scarcity- minded

(Unless you are compassionate and generous with yourself, and willing to take positive action to support your best interests [and those of others], your life will remain unchanged. To experience an abundant life, simply open your heart and let love in.)

7) Be open & receptive rather than bossy, manipulative or controlling

(Notice breakthroughs you make as you see yourself from a more expanded point of view.  The challenge is honouring your feelings and allowing yourself to trust them.  Monitor the intensity of your will. Be flexible rather than resistant.  Notice how smoothly life flows as you allow it.)

8) Be conscious of how you think and feel rather than unconscious

(Sensing your deepest feelings is a gauge for how you are progressing through life.  Your soul always calls you to adventure.  Intuition allows you to know instinctively and directly.  This gives you access to deeper wisdom through inner senses,  a more expansive view of what is available to you.)

9) Be responsible & open to all possibilities rather than blame & deny

(Turn your back on your inner critic.  Give up arrogance. What parts of Self do you pledge to accept?Declare a clear positive intention to attract what you desire.)

10) Focus on humility rather than judge and be righteous

Whenever you are about to make a life choice, ask yourself this - where am I coming from?  Does the ego- mind drive or the heart centre inspire my action? The heart is key to your authentic being and opens the door to something far deeper.


Feel its already happening

Notice that when you want to do something or when you wish for something to happen, source energy only manifests into being what is reflected by energy vibrations you feel.  So, feel like you would feel when this thing you want is already happening.  That is, feel as though you are already doing what you wish to do.  Think, speak and behave as if you relish everything about the process unfolding where you are.  Know possibilities exist as non-physical energy before the senses detect any confirmation in this physical reality.  Imagine you only allow positive vibration to flow in you as love, appreciation, abundance, and gratitude.