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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in abundance (27)


Interview with Diana Sandalwood

Diana Sandalwood is the Director of the Dreamweaving Meditation and Counselling Centre.  An adept teacher and healer, her life and work shows that we develop skills, enter into situations and create relationships that our Soul knows is best for our evolution.  We appreciate her willingness to be candid about milestones and during her own journey.  Thanks for offering examples of compassion and courage, inspiring us all to be grateful for every moment and lesson that presents itself.

Share some pivotal moments in your life that guide you to where you are today.

A radical transformation of my own Consciousness has come from my collective life experiences. Some I readily accepted, and others, I initially resisted. All of them have shaped this ‘raw gem’ that is me. All our life experiences mold or sculpt us into who we become as adults.

Sounds like your view about life echoes how Michelangelo felt when he said, ‘Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.’

You could say that. Earlier in life, during search for answers and belonging, I found great solace in the Christian Church Community.  Though I have now respectfully and lovingly distanced myself from it, I am grateful as it guided me to a solid base on which to build my life. 

Feeling gratitude and excitement reflects the knowing you have always had that destiny is on the way. Our desire for connection and love runs deep, to the point we may compromise who we are, to find belonging.  Brene Brown's book, Braving the Wilderness: A Quest for True Belonging to Stand Alone, invites us all to explore our own vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame that are tied up in the concept of belonging.  Tell us about how you come to trust yourself more...

I recall cases where I felt stretched, almost to breaking point.  Yet, I hung in there, believing answers would come, and they eventually did.  It was scary, but I developed faith and trust in myself out of necessity.

Developing trust in oneself and the unknown is part of human evolution.  Many people reach stages where they feel ready to give up, and some do.  Yet, many, like yourself, do not.  As we each  come to realize, challenges offer opportunities to grow stronger,  to tap into what we are truly made of. It is as if we let go of logic to trust other modes of operating.  We shift gears, switch focus.

Searching for Truth and meaning did bring its share of challenges, yet, it also allowed me to gain Spiritual Knowledge then access a depth of Knowing.  This process helps me sort the junk from the Truth… and shows me who I REALLY am, how powerful I am.

What you describe triggers goosebumps. As we feel positive emotions while visualizing different segments of our lives unfolding, feelings we would would feel as we see our vision happening and coming true, this is so powerful.  Meditating on our vision regularly changes everything.  As we bring in all our mind's senses, the sounds we would hear, the smells, colors and what other senses detect, we feel the light and energy of inspiration giving us all we need to go forward.

From your view, what is the REAL meaning of Christianity and Spirituality?

It is not about religion or ‘crowd control’.  Holiness and sacredness are found within.  I sense what is expected of me involves ‘how to live and BE Love.’ I would not call myself religious, but my life experiences prompt me to feel I am a combination of; philosopher, mystic, psychic, seer, healthy sceptic and Optimist.

Optimism is like a happiness magnet that draws more reasons to feel joy, guides us everywhere the Soul invites us to go.  Love that your life illustrates everything falls into place with perfect timing. We must learn patient.  Now, which dream truly motivates you to make new shifts?

My big dream is for a better world - not just a nice, fluffy one, like that described in storybooks - but a world of real Unity and Harmony. I believe we are anchoring the seeds of that in Now, with each of our heart felt activities, a world that is slowly evolving and unfolding before us.

The dream of creating and living in a better world of course, invites us, as Gandhi echoes, to be the change we wish to see.  So often, people are taught to focus on changing the external, but that turns out to be ineffective.  Please be more specific about your personal vision.

Sure! I see authenticity as heartfelt living, coming from within, not being ego-driven.  This translates into finding our own unique voices and celebrating them.  My personal vision is unfolding in the evolving programs at the Dreamweaving Meditation and Counselling Centre.

How is your view of success changing?

Ego-driven success is purely self-centered. Heartfelt living takes shape in how we contribute to the wider world. Success here involves a balance, merging into a collective pool of authentic consciousness.

What you imply rings true.  Ego seeks to be loved in return while Soul simply loves without expectations. One common, widespread belief is we can be spiritual OR wealthy. As Henry Ford reminds us, 'Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right.'  Self-confidence is a powerful. The meaning of wealth varies and what people do with abundance also does.  You may be familliar with views on spiritual wealth alongisde this as well. 

As we each awaken at our own pace, our sense of wealth, abundance, and insight into our talents and how we wish to live, changes.  Individuals exist and function at differnet stages or levels of consciousness.

Could not agree more. NYT Best-selling author and teacher T. Harv Eker teaches one can be healthy, conscious and really rich.  He has helped over 1.5 million  people move closer to their goal of financial freedom. From his view, spirituality and wealth are only mutually-exclusive in the mind.

We are certainly far more than what we think. Moving from thinking to feeling-based living changes how we view ourselves and our priorities. As we discipline ourselves to do healing self-work and evolve individually, we,  as a consequence, raise the Collective Consciousness to that of Peace, Love and Oneness. THEN we will see ‘the New Earth,’ a beautiful New World.  It is in seeding THAT, that motivates me on a daily basis!

What an uplifting vision, that the New Earth emerges from a sense of heaven within ourselves. Widespread restlessness leads peopel to seek peace and tranquility.  Nina Goncharova wrote an inspiring book: Rainbow Earth: A Vision for the Future and Jose Arguelles envisioned a rainbow Bridge encircling Earth. Although unique, these visions point to awareness of the same core understanding of Love.  Imagine the world emerging as we all speak honestly about how we feel in the moment.

Wow! More people in harmony with themselves.

This brings us to your calling.  Tell us about the DreamWeaving Meditation & Counselling Centre. Why create it? What purpose and Who does it serve?

DreamWeaving is a communal, Sacred Space.  People come to feel safe to just stop, exhale, unload and detangle their thoughts and lives, to be the Observer and to allow me to lovingly ‘turn the runway lights on’ for them.  I guide them to see their OWN truth, their own Magnificence and still allow them to make their OWN choices, for their OWN life lessons, and to help them see that they DO have ALL that they need Within, that they came fully prepared and equipped for this life.

Share a piece of insight you find helps many.

We need only 'be Still and Quiet’ long enough to hear, and to then follow that intuition, for it is the Soul and it knows the way home. Sometimes life gets so busy and we get so distracted or overloaded that we can no longer tune into that ‘wee small voice Within’, and we just need someone to help us hear our own song again.  Stepping ‘off the merry-go-round’ and breathing is always possible to unburden and listen.

So, how would you describe your passion?

My Passion, my Purpose and my Joy… is seeing people have that ‘a-ha moment’, and to ‘awaken’… and then even better when they ‘pay it forward’… THIS fills my cup.

You may recall "My Cup Runneth Over" is a quote from the Hebrew Bible (Psalm 23:5) and means "I have more than enough for my needs.  You remind us we can each choose to see goodness and blessings, to see the cup half or more than half full, just as easily as half empty.

Let us in on some of your mentors.  Who are they? How do they guide you?

I have been blessed with many beautiful Mentors along the way, I firmly believe in the saying, “When the student is ready the Teacher arrives.” For it seems that when I have been at my spiritual hungriest, someone walks into my life that has all the right answers and wisdom, I have a ‘growth spurt’ and go on. One of those was moments was at age 11-12 when I was visited by Jesus Himself. In a moment of desperate loneliness, He heard my cry, sat with me, comforted me, and has walked with me ever since.

Anything else?

Another pivotal experience was when my husband was away at sea with the Navy, I was at home with 2 small children, with no money due to a pay mix-up, and had come to the end of our food supplies after breakfast one day, with no money and no-one to turn to. I had recently started visiting a local church and felt impressed to call one of the women on their phone register and go around for kids playdate. I also felt impressed not to mention any word of our dire situation, just to trust. So after a lovely day with this lady and her friend who visited also, several cups of tea and a lovely fruit platter, a fun day for the kids, (who also were provided with a sumptuous afternoon tea), as we were leaving her husband arrived home and after a few moments I was asked if I could ‘please take home the fish he had caught today as they already had a freezer full and didn’t need them”… imagine my relief - at the eleventh hour, once again, my trust was rewarded… not only did our pay come in to the bank account the next day, but also - we had beautiful fresh red emperor and sweet lip for WEEKS. 

This touching example reminds us that the more we trust, the more the universe comes through, the more we have reason to strength and deepen our trust in life and the unknown. 

My life has been a series of these types of experiences, challenges, stretching of my faith and trust, and often right at the last moment a bounty arrives… so, as the old saying goes… “I walk by faith not by sight.” “I LIVE this stuff!” THIS is why the Universe uses me to teach this principle.

What advice would you offer people in the process of responding to huge changes in their lives? 

Change is motion, movement is good. There is a beautiful saying, 'The comfort zone is a wonderful place, but nothing ever grows there.'

Embrace change, allow it to have it’s perfect work in you. Look for the gift - there ALWAYS IS one.  Hang in there - never give up on your dreams.

How can you relate?

Based on my experience, with wisdom, discernment and great compassion, I would remind people that this is what they “dialled up” for themselves for this lifetime, and that they are exactly where they are meant to be, to look for the lesson and the beauty in every situation, to be flexible and to embrace change.  To change and grow, I call on my own life experiences to paint a picture of how life brings us the very experience we need for the evolving of our consciousness and personal empowerment. Nothing is ever wasted or for nothing - everything is our teacher. “Everything is Perfect.” Nothing is ‘right or wrong’, it “JUST IS.”  Release the need to control or to understand and just Trust and allow.

The power of acceptance and being non-judgemental is often underestiamted.  What prompts you to laugh and have fun?

It’s often the simplest little things… doing something silly or childlike, watching animals or children at play. Sometimes I just stretch my arms out and ‘fly’ down the supermarket aisles and giggle at people’s reactions, have a swing at the playground or dance in the rain. We’re WAY too concerned about the judgement and opinions of others. Don’t take yourself or life too seriously, lighten up… a wise lady once told me, “If it isn’t life threatening, don’t stress about it.” Enjoy your life.

What can you say about interacting with family and friends?

Spend quality time with them - they’ll keep you grounded! :) Make sure you take time out JUST FOR YOU!

Share one or more big challenges you have encountered and what you learned about yourself.

In the early days of our marriage, I used to get all het up about what ‘he’ was doing wrong, and all HIS faults and how ‘he’ should change, but after getting some very wise counsel I realized that ‘he’ was not my responsibility, and that ‘his’ journey was actually none of my business.  I could not change ‘him’, I could only change MYSELF… and that over the years, as I did that, as I did the self-work, ‘he’ and all those around me often but not always, changed also, or at least responded differently… even at a sub-conscious level, they reacted more positively.

How is your sense of gifts and blessings changing?

Over a lifetime I now know that ‘he’ is my gift, my balance, my teacher and the catalyst that I have always needed to mirror to me and prompt me to see in myself, that which needed working on… and I am now grateful not resistant or resentful.

Share your greatest lesson learned to this point in your life.

The greatest lesson I have ever learned is that, “Everything is Perfect”, to release the need to control or to understand, and that regardless of what the outside picture looks like in any given moment, that there is a powerful work of metamorphosis going on INSIDE, and to trust and to ALLOW this process to have it’s perfect way… and that NOBODY else’s life was my business… hands off! Because by interfering, I might just be depriving them of the very catalyst experience they needed to make a better choice in their life… you never know what’s going on the inside… remember the butterfly story… don’t try cutting butterflies out of their cocoons, you might disable them - or worse!

The metaphore of ourselves each undergoing the metamophosis is very powerful and humbling.  After all, a caterpillar does not consciously know what is happenign, it simply surrenders to the transformation unfolding, allows turning into the chrysalis, and liquid form before becoming the butterfly.  That it is to only live a brief time does not evoke fear. The insect simply lives moment-to-moment in joy, not fear, a valuable lesson to us all.

What's something you're really proud of? Why?

My Children. Both adults now and with their own families, I have watched them grow and go through life and emerge the amazing parents and people that they are. Scarred and wounded, but wiser for it all, I have seen them both bloom into beautiful, strong people… still with a long way to go, but with an amazing start. Makes my heart glow.

Anything else stand out here?

Doing volunteer work - paying it forward. I’ve immensely enjoyed working the Entry Gate at the Conscious Life Festival and the Discovery Festivals each year, as well as other things I like to be a part of as they come up.  

I love the theme of what you describe here. It reminds me of the inspiring movie Pay it Forward as well as what people in communities across the globe are intuitively doing because it feels right. When disaster strikes, people drop everything to help strangers not because they have to, but because they can.


Tell us about one or more mood or mind- altering experiences that shifted your focus and priorities.

Almost losing my Son in a motorbike accident back in 1999. Learning that I could not control things, nor shield him from life’s experiences. That there comes a time when you, as a parent, have to “take your hands off” and ‘let them go’, trust them to the Universe and allow them to lead their own lives, have their own experiences, learn their OWN lessons and live out their OWN purpose… and to trust in that.

If you discovered the opportunity to live forever (immortality), would you want this? 

We DO. I believe in reincarnation and that life is simply a serious of ‘acts’ in an ongoing ‘stageplay’… we just re-enter ‘stage right’ in a new ‘costume’ (body), with a new script (life),  and start again.

I LOVE that we get to work on each lifetime or facet of our eternity, authentically, (via the spiritual amnesia upon each incarnation.) The lessons are profoundly deep and immensely fulfilling.  I’d much rather do it like this, in bits, than all at once in one long lifetime.

Indeed. So many views and visions exist about immortality.  A lingering feeling, intuition and also recurrent vision in future (hynotherapy and breathwork) regressions is that humans are evolving from physica carbon body to crystalline form.  This would definitely prompt review or discarding of physical time and complete transformation in the nature of existence!

What advice would you wish to leave with our audience?

Let your dreams direct your sails, listen to your own intuition and FOLLOW THAT… be like a leaf on the water in the flow of life, don’t fight the ‘current’, do not be ‘distracted by glitter’, the demands, expectations and opinions of others, (no matter how well meaning they may be)… and do not allow the fears of others to extinguish your inner fire! JUMP AT EVERY GOOD OPPORTUNITY & LIVE WITH NO REGRETS!  Tomorrow isn’t promised. Life is not a dress rehearsal - LIVE IT TO THE FULL!

Reflecting and living life more fully in the moment is certainly something we can all benefit from doing and being.

NO-one knows the answers to all the questions and the guidance that you seek, but YOU… it is all Within - go there… seek the silence and the wisdom of the Presence Within… TRUST THAT EVERYTHING YOU NEED WILL COME TO YOU AT THE PERFECT TIME… and above all - ENJOY THE JOURNEY, EVERY MOMENT OF IT!!!

 Any quotes stand out?

A favorite quote of mine is:

“I alone cannot change society for the better. But I can radically transform my OWN Consciousness,

overturning the conditioning that limits my potential. We can all do this, one by one.

Over time we can change ourselves to the degree that society changes from the inside out… Giving birth

to a new way of being. Manifesting our birthright of living in a peaceful and abundant world. Have no fear.

Trust yourself. Live your full potential.”

 Thanks so much Diana for this mind-blowing conversation.  You raise lots of issues that resoante deeply.

Add anything else you wish.

Here at DreamWeaving we offer “Intuitive Colouring Mornings”, Journey-Boarding Workshops, LifeBook Workshops (for keeping you in step with Moon Phases, Important Dates, Astrology, Numerology and much more), Oracle Reading Workshops, Ajna Light Therapy (Activating the 3rd Eye & DMT type experiences), WayShower Counselling and Liquid Crystal Therapy. Read more on our Facebook pages: Diana Sandalwood  and  DreamWeaving Meditation & Counselling Centre

We are located at 29 Arthur Street, Woody Point and Diana can be reached on 0412 429920.

Encourage everyone to connect and deepen relationships, make their own heartfelt contributions to the world and create lasting impact.


11 Steps to build 5-D prosperity

Many people are seeking ways to build new levels of prosperity that pave the way for more conscious, uplifting existence.  This is about recognizing the power to see and tap into what is always accessible and experience results in the material world. If this appeals, these 10 tips are beckoning:

1.  See reality as energy FIRST
The energy flow of the universe constantly filtered by your perception. As Master Chia and others imply, this energy is the life force in everything we sense and breathe, and also in everything unseen. It is the very breath that gives us life and the life force within us, and empowers us to see things as they are.

2. Be a more active listener
Being an active listener of yourself and the world is one the most resisted behaviours out there. Why? The more practical something is, the more unconscious it makes people, the quicker they revert to being passive listeners.  This implies they are not present or aware to their thoughts and actions.  Absence occurs out of fear when we invite ourselves to make the unconscious conscious, to let go of the familiar ego identity we invest so much energy in. Tuning into your thoughts, words, and behaviors, and coming to see through them, is an ongoing process.  Most people do not stay conscious through every moment.  Your own intermittent tuning out changes from the moment you choose to be aware, to tune in and listen to what is going on inside you. 

3. Build prosperity consciousness
What is this? Its about functioning conveniently and effortlessly in this moment.  Its also about growing aware you carry the prosperity vibration and attitude like a frequency on the radio dial within you.  Tuning the dial allows you to quickly materialize varied forms of abundance anywhere. Instant manifestation is not as far away as the mind may have you think. It is simply a vibration to focus attention on and align with.
4. Be willing to start over again
You must be open and willing to give up everything you have. Internalizing this principle implies you are willing to let go of what you think you know, what you think you have and grow aware of what you truly are. This can involve geographic moves, changing jobs, switching income streams, relationships and life views. Its about reframing the impossible to "I (A)M Possible".  This is part of the work of the initiate who is increasingly tapping into the energy of fearlessness.
5. Create a practical version of spiritual enlightenment
All ideas come in a hierarchy, and the higher the idea in the hierarchy, the more powerful it is.  This is proportional to frequencies that increase and decrease on a horizontal radio dial. The ultimate power is pure abstraction (that which is mystical, unseen, often misunderstood).  Engaging in spiritual practice allows perception to expand to allow what is initially unseen (due to your filters) b to enter your energetic reality. The core nature of human power is mystical.  So, the more spiritually-enlightenened you become, the more power you have on a practical level (which translates into feeling more grounded).
6. Get intimate with the divine
Many spiritual practices allow you to feel more spiritual.  Yet, what are you after really? Love, acceptance? One view is money is the closest you can get to God on a material plane. Why? The more money you have, the easier it is to manifest instantly, or at least it seems so until you become an energetic alchemist. With money, you can buy anything, go virtually anywhere, at any moment. Limitations disappear. Possibilities blow the mind.  In addition, the more you investigate money, the more mystical it becomes. Look at binary numbers. Money is all about '1s' and '0s'. The only difference between a $10 bill and $100, $1000 bills are numbers of  '0s'  or "nothing" .  Thus, the more mystical you grow, the more prosperous you become in 0s (measurable and immeasurable ways). The more wealthy you become, the more mystical you also become or the more you are drawn to invest yourself in mystical practices to truly know thyself. 

7. Know all human wealth is created through the human mind
Love and money are simply different forms of the same energy.  Your relationship to money is reflected in your relationship to love and vice versa. Use affirmations to reinforce this. Voice these or related phrases:
  • I deserve to be prosperous and to know love/abundance in all areas of my life.  
  • My joy is the pipeline by which I tap into infinite abundance/love of the unified field.
  • My personal connection to infinite intelligence/ being is allows me to feel unlimited love.
  • I have an abundant personal cash flow (I love/ accept myself fully, abundantly).
  • Every dollar I spend/ every expression of love/ generosity comes back to me multiplied.
  • My income/ love bank increases everyday whether I am working, playing or sleeping.
  • All my investments in love and life are profitable.
8. Be a conscious and willing receiver
 The more willing I am to make other people to prosper (or rich), the more other people are willing to make me prosper. The more willing other people are to make me prosper, the more willing I am to make them prosper. To give is often viewed as it is to receive. If everyone was a good receiver, everyone would be rich.  Many people are conditioned people-pleasers and over-extend themselves, and find it difficult to accept compliments. Ask yourself and also envision what the world would be like if everyone was a balanced giver and receiver of energy.
9. Understand the inhibitors of the mind
If you are truly spiritually wholly (whole), you deserve money and create money more than anyone else.Yet,many people inhibit or block their own prosperity.  They do not wish to discuss money (prosperity, wealth, abundance, ect) openly or to truly resolve their apparent money problems.  Why? They have a great deal of psychological justifications invested in them.  This is similar to sick people who resist healing because their identity relates so deeply to their pain body. If you relate to complaining adn the poverty menatlity and vibration, your energetic reality can only continue to perpetuate this.  Be willing to grow aware of all the way you lie to yourself and obliterate them from your field.  As Imagine Dragons, do Whatever it takes.
10. Activate the power of the mind with the imagination
 This is about growing consciously aware of the power of thougt as energy, harnessing that and using that in ways to serve others.  Different approaches exist to consciously manifest dream visions and compress time; we cover future pacing, future time travel and a variety of techniques in dreamwork. Vision yourself in certain conditions, allow yourself to feel the way into details to the point where you create what you are feeling in record time.  Everything unfolds beyond time before it enters material reality. 
10.  Embody prosperity
 There are seven stages to move though before one embodies prosperity and trusts oneself implicitly.  At this stage, you have moved beyond neediness throough feeling and choosing to know why you exist.  You kow and welcome your gifts, are aware why you exist.  As your focal point shifts through 4 bodies (physical, astral, mental and causal), you embody the unhindered vibration of prosperity.
11.  Accept the master within
 This is about aligning with the master within, knowing you create and attract everthing based on vibration.  Beneath and beyond everything, you know you are only ever catching up and aligning with more of yourself.  None of us can be what we wish to be and think we are.  Being arises only through direct experience of what already is, and development in directions that reveal themselves through self-knowledge. You lift the veils in proportion to fearlessness you embrace. As Leonard Orr echoes,  we are "always in the right place at the right time successfully engaged in the right activity, whether [we] know it or not."

10 Keys for a successful & rewarding life

Many people ask what is required to create a successful life, which can include areas of relationships, business, career and more. Whatever your current focus, consider these 10 tips to guide you:

1. See through your resistance

The ego mind is that part of you that tells you no, that's not possible and offers reasons why you cannot do what you want.  Ego kyboshes ideas, blows them out of the water and discourages you.  Its up to you to see through fears underlying your own resistance. Why do you fear success?

2. Align with intuition

Call it the the inner voice, Spirit, intuition, the proverbial Jiminey Cricket voice of conscience or something else. Whenever you listen to this higher more expanded aspect of yourself, you know you can have everything you want in life. Its a matter of focusing attention here rather than on the sparks doubt. You choose to hold back or move ahead.

3.  Set your intention

The more you clarify for yourself the road you wish to travel, the more powerful the journey can be. You do not need to know exactly how the universe is going to translate every step of your intention into physical reality.  It helps to be flexible, to be certain your version of success is attainable and feel it.  The power of intention is like a launching platform or catapult to accepting and expressing inner greatness.

4.  Share your passion

You create your version of this world as a place to share your gifts.  This requires you not only identify what your gifts are by also have the backbone, courage and take initiatives to present them. 

5. Feel worthy to receive

Self-worth issues can be roadblocks to different avenues of material success. The spirit world is taking care of each of us. If you open your mind and tell yourself you are worthy to be successful, success happens, with a bit of effort, trust and intervention from higher (unseen) forces.  It goes without saying you have to believe, know and have the right mindset.  You have to see yourself sharing your gifts. How the gifts get to people may surprise you as you allow the universe to cooperate with you.  The 'what you wish to share' always takes shape in your scope before the universe reveals to you how the rest unfolds. 

6.  Honour who you are

Never measure yourself in terms of anyone else.  What is in you allows you to do anything. Open up to your own unlimited inspiration and power.  You can be successful in anything.  Simply make up your mind, set our intention and get on with it. Whether its a business, relationship, new career or something else envisioned, its all within reach now.

7.  See money as energy

Many people assume that certain kinds of businesses or people are prone to be more financially succesful than others. It is often assumed for instance, that spiritual businesses cannot make money.  Whatever your business idea or other life vision, the experience of having it can be curtailed by your beliefs about money.  Seeing money as energy flow allows a more abundant self-perception to emerge. 

8.  Change your consciousness

You have to be willing to take ownership of your thoughts, feelings, actions and involvement in situations. Changing your consciousness is about accountability, the willingness to take responsibility for where you are at, your self-view, educational and other milestones as well as self-defeating tendencies to get over.

9.  Empower others

Whatever hat you wear, whatever roles you perform in life, your job is to empower and enable not disable others.  Part of your responsibility in this life is to help others identify and honour their own inner light and empower them to honour their gifts and talents, share them with the world and shine brighter. Its often easier to see in others what they do not yet see in themselves.

10.  Recognize your unique path

Refrain from comparing yourself to others. You are only in competition with yourself, on a path to clarify and share more clearly your reasons for being.  Each human being is on a unique path.  Resis judging others and dismantling people and ideas.  You exists to build people up, empower them to see their own true greatness via your unique journey.  Insodoing, you come to see everything as a mirror of your own true greatness.


10 Tips to create value & allow abundance to flow

Anyone who thinks they have a money issue really has unconscious self-worth issues that are simply being mirrored in the material world.  This must be consciously recognized so that true value is felt and value can be created in the external.  We do not draw to us more than we think we are worth. Consider 10 tips to create value and allow abundance to flow;

1. Understand the universe is energy

Understand everything is energy and that you mirror the flow, then the nature of value emerges. Giving and receiving are aspects of the same flow. To be willing to see your value is to be willing to give that which you seek.  Thus, abundance of the universe keeps circulating in your life. 

2.  Look for ways to enhance perception & intelligence

If fate, luck, divine will exist, they act without you.  Your job is to exert focused, calibrated effort with intention. This involves gaining insight into what is right effort, right timing, and right place.  For this, you need intelligence and perception. To create value, you do not have to become capable of something. Simply be open to new ways of seeing, notice what is already here, and sharpen perception so you can recognize value in ways other people overlook. As you help others, you also help yourself.  

3. See you do not make money, you exchange value for money

The value attached to anything is inside you. You create value when you love yourself and express a love of what you do. Focus on the uplifting energy that inspires your ideas, product or service. Paying clients appear in proportion to how much you value yourself and act to share this.

4. Get to know people

Get familiar with what people want and need, with what makes them tick, what triggers their emotions. If relevant, empower them to clarify this for themselves or, subtly or blatently clarify it for them.  Only then can you shape or package value that captures audience attention. 

5.  Combine things people value already 

Bringing together things people love already has widespread appeal. Whether its combining food or spices people already love separately, by putting them on the same menu or plate, being innovative with holiday activities and creating tour packages, or being  pioneer in other ways. By simply brainstorming, everyone can create value out of nothing.

6.  Initiate or contribute to fundraising

Fundraising for a cause brings like-minded people together with common interests and goals.  The money and other forms of abundance you create do not always have to be self-motivated or self-centered. Bringing apparently different things together like exercise [hike-, walk-, mar-a-thons] or cooking and charities, sparks interest and supports those in need.   

7. Repurpose & Resale

One man's junk is another man's treasure. You can re-use words, repair objects, re-sel things other people are finished with. Community clean-ups, garage sales and auctions are treasure troves for treasure seekers.  

8. Offer to solve someone's problem

Whenever you can identify and solve someone's problems, you already have a client's undivided attention. Whether you are a plumber who can repair a leak, in a position to offer advice  or alleviate pain, you almost have your foot in the door. inconvenience, lack, or boredom because of a problem they have, that you can solve. Would this be of value? Dern tootin’ it would. And you’d be downright selfish not to give them the solution.  

9. Help people overcome fear or avoid unwanted results

The purpose of life is to desire and realize desires. KNowing how to say just the right thing at the right time to someone that desperately needs it can trigger light bulbs and change lives. Create value by helping others overcome sel-limiting and self-defeating beahviours.

10. Multiples

Whether its seeking multiple customers for one sale (product or service) or seeking multiple sales from the same market, multiple approaches are the key to creating and adding value.  You can draw from testimonials and allow prospective clients to make their own call. Let's say you have more than one idea, skill, interest, product or service.  You may offer value to individuals and groups, and also a scale with products, workshops or retreats of increasing cost to bring back satisfied clients who appreciate you and are willing to support you again and again.


4 Self-created myths & Tips to shatter them

This is the perfect moment to step back and view your perceptions with new eyes.  Reflect on four self-created myths and tips to shatter them:

Myth #1:  Fear exists and must be overcome

The very belief in fear creates insecurity and holds you back from doing and being what comes naturally. Making fear-based decisions or running away from fear is action and keeps you from living your best life now.

Tip #1: Watch what happens as whatever evokes fear is viewed as an invitation to prove to yourself that fear is unfounded. (This assumes you know the difference between imagined fear and putting yourself in harm's way)  

Myth #2:  Material life and spiritual life are separate

All perceived separation is illusion. The idea of a choice between spiritual and material life is but an example. HUman beings exist on Earth to grow and develop spiritually.  Yet, being spiritual does not require abandoning , everyday life and relationships.   Growth involves applying spiritual or universal principles to daily life. In the seemingly mundane is the key to understanding the profound questions of Soul.

Tip #2: Making choices is about hesitating to make decisions.  Being spontaneous and acting intuitively is seeing nothing to reconcile or no separation. This is about recalling what it is to be in the flow.

Myth #3: Disconnection alienates people

Any disconnection you feel from people or situations is simply a mirror of disconnection you feel from yourself. Similarly, any grief you feel about apparent loss is not about the perceived other but about forgetting innate wholeness which can never be taken away. 

Tip#3: Recall everything is love and love knows no separation. Explore the messages that your material life brings you. Allow feeling pointers to love and blessings. This is a gentle reminder of why you choose to be here.

Myth #4:  Money is lacking

Another view is money is a form of energy exchange, a social convenience which only takes on the meaning and importance you give it. Ask why you allow yourself to feel you are not enough, less than or lacking in some way.  Reflect on when you feel desperate for money to manifest certain things, which emotional buttons are triggered and what unconscious issues this points to for healing.  

Tip #4: Seeing everything in terms of energy flow allows shifting from a vibration of scarcity to abundance. How you view and interact with money is siply a reflection of how much you love yourself or deny self-love.