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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Activate the Light Body

Notice every living being has capacity to activate the light body. Our light body is the vehicle or stepping stone to residing consistently in our divine state of being. The activation process is a gift we give ourselves, an energetic shift from fear to love. Every breath is like a prayer. Every thought, word and deed, all we receive, consume, decode and transmit, emits a vibration. The physical human body is a multi-faceted antenna system. Depending on positioning, the shapes created from the bones to the cells can radically impact our state of health and well-being.

Turns out, placing the body in certain postures helps us “tune-in” to key frequencies. Ritual body postures generally come in two forms: those that are held for long periods, trance & yoga postures, and those that are formed by gentle, fluid movements from a previous position and held momentarily, such as those found in Tai Chi. The static positions are like rabbit ears on a television set. To get better reception of a specific channel, they are placed in a certain position and left stationary. Experience varies yet it often takes at least fifteen minutes of silencing the body and holding a position to enter an altered state. Watch what happens as we tune into energy. Purify thoughts, will and intentions. Align with nature.

The human body is a crystalline lattice that forms a dipole antenna that radiates from the gut area out toward the head and feet and/or out toward each hand. The head and feet carry opposite charges as do each hand. Piezo crystals, which convert electrical energy into mechanical energy (and vice versa), are found in the bones, intestines, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage.

The body is also full of liquid crystals and minerals that make up the lattice. This explains why placing the body in different positions changes how the crystalline lattice is oriented to the Earth plane, affecting which frequencies it transceives. Changing positions also affects the length of the antenna, which is an important parameter in frequency selection. We constantly choose the radio dial or frequencies we tune into based on our physical positions and how long we hold postures and also the tones we happen to be chanting.  Sound influences the nature of what is transmitted and received. 

As it happens, the condition of the soil around an antenna also determines how well it transceives. Rich soil amplifies the antenna’s ability to radiate and increases the range of frequencies the antenna can receive. Perhaps this is why so many practitioners prefer to do their Tai Chi exercises in a park setting, bare foot on the grass. Broadcast engineers have long known that using multiple antennas in specific arrays also enhances the ability to transceiver. Participating in group Tai Chi or meditation or yoga circles has this same effect.

Cell membranes are liquid crystal structures. A single cell in the body is a very small, short antenna. As it is so short, the frequency it transceives is very high and loaded with energy. Individually, each cell is either acting as a broadcast antenna and transmitting its status or acting as a receiving antenna to get what it needs. Together, similar cells transmit their own unique signal. For example, liver cells differ slightly from spleen cells. Individually, each liver cell transceives its own signal. Yet, collectively, all liver cells transceive as if one large antenna operating on the same frequency.

Those familliar with the basic principle used in acupuncture will relate. In ancient Chinese medicine, the liver is not considered to be just one specific organ located in just one place inside the body, as Western anatomy would picture it. In ancient Chinese medical philosophy, “liver” is considered to be a specific energy, or vibration, radiating within and through the entire body system.  We see this in the energy that follows path of the liver meridian through the body.

Ultimately, awareness expands and information enters conscious awareness with perfect timing.  As it dawns that we have a light body and can activate dormant systems, the process often is already underway.  Yet, as we grow more conscious and intentional, this intensifies the light we hold, accelerates the energies, builds momentum and multiplies dimensions active in the experience.


Dream Analysis of the Week- Shower of Change


I ws in the shower.  I did not physically ressembe my current appearance. I had short black hair and I was a cartoon character. As the water came down on my body, the colour was washed off and there was nothing left. 

This may be viewed as a shapeshifting dream.  It is a reminder of what Shakespeare reminds us: "All the world's a stage and men and women are only players."

Water dreams or falling water echo we are healing from the past, and optimistic about things. It also refers to purifying ourselves physically and spiritually to preparing for new realities where we realize a different state of mind and being.  If showering or bathing evokes unsettled thoughts or feeling "dirty", something deeper may need to be addressed. These generally include emotionally distressing or stressful situations that arise for acceptance and healing.

To dream that our life or body is a cartoon implies we don't take life too seriously or would be better off if we found ways to lighten up.. This could mean we would benefit from growing aware of a stressful habits or thinking patterns.  Consider it a possible wake up call to reframe our life, to remind us we can always shift perspective.  We can always erase a version of ourselves through integrating lessons and/or letting go of what we outgrow.

When rewriting (or rescripting) our dreams, we are growing more conscious of who we are and our true power.  This is a way to actively approach the storyboard of our soul journey. That is, we close our eyes and run through the images in our mind, and then rewind the image and rewrite it – rewrite the story, in whatever way we choose. In essence, we are taking charge of the image on our own terms.  At any given moment, we realize we decide how we wish to feel and where we will allow energy to flow.  When focused, every thought and feeling can be harsessed and redirected consciously. 

10 Tips to Rebuild, Rewire & Recreate Yourself

The moment arises when we are ready to make bigger life changes.  Sometimes change seems to happen without us and we may feel confused or frozen in our tracks. Sometimes we are unsure exactly how to respond to abrupt change, that is, which mountains to scale, which direction to turn or to how to let go of what no longer serves us.  Consider 10 Tips to rebuild, rewire and recreate yourself;

1. Draw Power from Inside

Everything shifts as it dawns true power comes from inner navigation rather than from outer attractions and attachments to people, position, potential promotion, material goods and prestiege.  In other words, this is key to reclaim and strengthen relationship with our truest virtues, vivid visions and untapped potential.

2.  Speak Truthfully

One who speaks from the heart, does not hold back, regardless of judgement, rejection or loss of popularity, is aligned with Soul.  As we shift away from ego agendas, we realize being honest with ourselves and others is the only option to be real.  Journalling and reading entries to self can encourage us to take it next level.

3. Focus on a Calling

This is not the same as what we do as a job we are pushed into or we allow someone to choose for us.   It emerges from intuition, a sixth or spiritual sense.  Its up to each of us to take chances, join the dots of our own path, do what others tell us cannot be done.

4. Be Loyal to your Values

This implies we are aware of our ideals and live in integrity.  This comes from deepening self-awareness and being willing to let go of relationships and situations that are not out of sync. Whether we call them pillars, commandments, guideposts, habits, principles or core values, they quietly guide our decisions and actions. The best are easily understood and shared in practice.

5. Live from the Heart

As we sget out of the head, (stop questioning, doubting, over-analyzing), and live more from the heart, we find effortless productivity soars, confidence and self-worth increase, and we grow into magic manifestors. This is part of the process of discovering oour gifts and offering service.  I pray we all come to trust intuition over the logic and practical reasoning of the intellect.

6. Study Inspiring People

Inspiring men and women affect us based on artistic genius, being fearless warriors, prodigious scientists, businss titans, inspiring humanitarians, Nobel laureats and individuals who inspire us to love and accept ourselves and our visions.   Principles they live by, behaviours, discipline and rituals stand out or draw us in to recognize qualities in ourselves that are ripe to blossom.

7. Learn to Meditate & Visualize

Notice the body. Feel your breath. Take note when your mind is wandering. Varied approaches exist.  This is about becoming an astute observer of your own thoughts and feelings.  Gradually expand your awareness to include body sensations, and sounds in external environments. Embrace everything that arises with non-judgmental awareness. Continue practicing mindfulness meditation for at least 10 minutes daily, gradually increasing the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice.

8. Invest in Self-development Events & Courses

Call it synchronicity or intuition, something mysterious guides us to commit time, and energy to events and courses. Maybe its a yoga teacher training, a children's illustrator workshop, a writer's masterclass, an artists' internship, a free offering that crosses our path, guidance from inspiriting specialists with no strings attached. Take advantage of what presents. Let your soul be your pilot.

9.  Enlist experts

At different stages of life, we invite in teachers and guides that invite us to evolve and flourish into more expanded versions of our true Self. That may include; performance coaches, healers, breathworkers, spiritual counsellors, hypnotherapists, dream coaches or whatever resonates with our stage of consciousness.

10. Self-examine

To pay attention to yourself invites looking deeper into the psyche, to realize what unfolds in our external world reflects the state of our inner world.  Begin to realize the subconscious mind and conscious mind are the same mind.  The only reasons we see a difference is because we artificially create a division. The part of the mind we are not willing to look at is the subconscious mind. To explore this unknown, do shadow work, get up early, strengthen resolve, do dream work, and take steps to align with personal destiny. 

On reflection, as a wiser woman, I realize this is a lot.  At times, the process, was uncomfortable, even terrifying.  Yet, is was also electrifying, fascinating, rewarding to make my own breakthroughs. It dawns that deep personal change is often painful simply because it is transformational.  We cannot grow into all we are meant o be without leaving behind versions of ourselves we outgrow. Older versions of you experience a kind of death so your own new realities can emerge. We are taught change comes with suffering but the nature and duration are up to each of us.

Every morning, I see aspects of the external world continue to sleep or remain unchanged while the way I see myself, my behavior, even my very operating system are completely restructuring.  The more I focus energy, time and attention on my vision, the more major fears fall away and new situations emerge to replace them. Much of my previous conditioning to please, to be liked and conform, while betraying true self, just dissolved.


Trust the Alchemist Within

Notice the alchemist within knows the moment arises when nothing and everything happens. Without effort we never get here. Yet, with effort, nobody ever reaches it. As we reach the peak of our effort, it dawns our effort is futile. Suddenly, all that we can do is done, and no need exists to do anything else.
This said, nobody can drop "it all" part way. Wisdom arises within like energetic activations based on experience. The hero's journey must come full circle- quest must be undertaken to completion for the fruit to emerge energetically. So, go to the extreme. Put everything, total heart and soul, into it, until it dawns effort is not going anywhere. Effort is itself a teacher. Only then, it drops on its own accord. Meditation happens, not as the result of efforts, but as a happening. As efforts drop, suddenly meditation is. This is not a state we enter into but radiance surrounding everything. It fills the whole earth and sky. True meditation cannot be created by limited human effort. The truth is infinite. It cannot be manipulated. It happens only in full surrender. Without surrender, true meditation cannot happen. That is, its about no-self — no desire, not going anywhere — when you are just here-now, not doing anything in particular, just being present, it happens.

Dream Analysis of the Week- Cosmic Mermaid


Entered body of water from land and swimming across/ through water toward an island in distance. Storm arose. Rough water. Fishing boat appeared with fisherman that resembled Jesus. He fished me out with tail and took me closer to island where I got back in water. Fog set in. The fishing boat disappeared in to the mist. Mermaid grew legs when on island. Approached small white house. Knocked. Radiant lady with halo holding newborn baby called out to me. I entered room, saw her breast feeding. She said I could stay the night in lighthouse and pointed next door. I gestured namaste, then climbed nearby lighthouse stairs. Came to open area with book, burning candles, skull, crystals, sacred geometry and dried herbs. At midnight, the items on table levitated in a circle, rotating around geometry.. Connected with higher self and knew what to do. Levitated to sleep above book which I read in my sleep. Next morning, lady with baby and I took fishing boat back to land. The water was clear. Night storm had subsided. I did not grow back my tail. We went to enter a bus somewhere. i paid driver with crystals. I had no watch but felt like I had misplaced one. The driver of flying bus drew my attention to glass case with watches. I shapeshifted to see I am busdriver and crystals. Driver pointed to watch with Winnie the Poo floating inside some some liquid with food and chatacters. I entered the watch, communed with the characters and reset time cogs.


Many versions of self exist. Everything we encounter is a version of Oneself.  How we respond to each reveals the nature of shadows and/or soul fragments. Encounters with water reflect our emotions. If its stormy, we may be bravely exploring reasons for discomfort as well as creative endeavours. We are getting clearer on how we feel and responding in greater integrity with the soul.

Note you are your own divine saviour (nobody can rescue you from any situation but yourself).  In scriptures, a fisherman echoes resurrection and immortality as well as connection to the inner spirit.  It echoes diligence and a focused mind

A mermaid represents metamorphosis and transformation is taking place or about to take place in our midst. The shapeshifting of tail to legs is a metaphor for developing precisely what we need to move forward.

New babies may echo our return to innocence as much as the possibility of new projects on the horizon you might view as your "baby". The age of the baby may indicate how long your project has been incubating. Nourish the budding vision that is blossoming through you.   Each of us also nourish our own inner child even if it appears to be external as a metaphor. A mother is symbol of love, purity, nurturing. We are forever connected to the source of love energy.

A lighthouse is like a beacon, a symbol of rising awarness within. It also echoes one must gain knowledge to make wise decisions going forward.  A lightbulb is going off pointing to new relationships, changes, and projects on horizon.

Reflect on where you give power or authority away in a given situation. A busdriver is someone you pay for transport or directions

Crystals remind you that spirit guides have your back and are in constant communication with you on an energetic level.

Watches invite paying closer attention. This is an invite to be more natural and less concerned about others' expectations.  Reflect on self-containment,  self-created limitations and possible options to branch out.