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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in conscious energy (1)


Being Real is Natural

Notice giving or expressing love freely is natural. We need not give something with monetary value; a smile, kind word or time, is enough. As we do everything with love, any lingering pain in our heart disappears. Simply being authentic allows love to come and go. It is a natural law. We get what we give and more.
Although love energy naturally overflows, we are often taught it must be earned or requested. The result is a heavy heart. Rather than allowing the heart to blossom, we may hold energy in, create discomfort. Love flows as we appreciate being ourselves. Being honest, vulnerable fearless, allows love to flow.
After holding back, being real unleashes pent up energy. The self disappears, melts into the whole. The tense state of our heart simply echoes its natural state is to give without limits. When we share who we are, it matters not to whom we are giving or the direction of flow. Joy, spontaneity, laughter, simply happen.