Revisit the 'bees' knees'
Sunday, July 14, 2024 at 4:24PM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, accupressure, earth elements, emotional, energy, energy anatomy, idiom, knee, meridians, physical, spiritual, tuning fork therapy

Increasingly, people inquire about joint issues and how they relate to life. Here, we address the knees from different viewpoins to invite you to reflect on what feels relevant for your body right now.

As an idiom, 'The bee's knees' implies something 'excellent, of the highest quality.' Your favorite food or favorite expeirence, for instance. The phrase 'the bee's knees' came from the 18th century. In some circles, it was a fanciful phrase that referred to something that didn't exist (like its all in your head or imagination- not real) .

When we explore energy anatomy, knee chakras are minor points that can have major significance in our life.  How our chi (life force energy) is flowing upward and downward (or not) indicates what is going on inside. We can reflect on what is going on for us physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and on other levels.

Consider knee chakras are felt above the knee and  below the knee cap. They are also complex metaphor for life change and how we respond.   The health of our knees can echo messages about how flexible we are physically and metaphorically. Rigidity, pride and stuobbornness may also come up to be addressed.

In another way, knees bridge realities- the physical and spiritual realities. The state of your knees may offer messages about whether you are actualizing your spiritual (soul) path while enhancing your physical life, or holding yourself back in some ways.  Knees are the physical joint point of interchanging energy between upper and lower leg areas. Your knees echo why you may feel stressed.

Knees also invite us to ponder life balance. If you continually live a physically-focused life, or if you overdo things (over extend yourself) the knee will let you know.  Knee issues often relate to life direction, how fluid or resistant we are to options. Knees absorb our thoughts.  Each physical step is a metaphor for your movement and life direction. If moving forward, taking steps elicits physical emotional or mental pain and suffering, this invites you to meditate on the nature of your resistance.  Notice your heart is residing in the spiritual domain. Your head may choose a differet path than what your soul wants.  The heart chakra must develop in order to ground the energy of your soul and align with soul purpose.

Recall that the left side of the body (feminine) is influenced by the right side of the brain and right side of the body (masculine) is influenced by left side of the brain. Left knee is guiding you toward or deeper into your spirtual path.  Look at it physically: are you turned inward, are you flexible and allowing about your spiritual path? Or are you rigid or resistant? Listening to intuition helps you release tension in the left side.

Perhaps fear arising points to the results of what you need to change.

As an aside, which foot do you step forward first? Left foot leading right reflects being grounded in the spiritual world.  Right foot leading as you walk imples you are more grounded in the physical.

Issues with right knee suggest a lack of trust in our physical path, maybe a block in our physical path, over-controlling,a fraid of not knowing the outcome of your choices. You may feel bombarded.

How can we step into the place of service and surrender? Prostrating, kneeling down in reverence to mother Earth can put us in a state of relaxation. Yet, the state of your knees may be better suited to other practices. Consult us about tailored yoga options and working with the earth elements.

Contact ius about sound healing, tuning fork therapy and yoga sessions for meridian and chakras and marma

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