Grasp an unfathomable mystery

When something mysterious is drawing you into it, how do you describe it? Could this be a dream? Where is the exit? The sensation is beyond name and form, has no link to dogma, no label of a particular philosophy. This transcends any words that can be used, and still, something is dying to reveal itself.
Untapped wisdom is awakening. It is spreading. Mystical sensations and events are available to any being that truly wants them. Every moment, you are given opportunities to select among what comes your way. You prioritize, discard and ignore based on what you are ready to accept. In which ways do you already begin to grasp an unfathomable mystery?
1) Experience a sense of indescribable awe and wonder
2) Free the mind from human time and associated anxiety
3) Enter realms beyond the physical without fear
4) Explore the reach of prayer, meditation and loving service
5) Sense love as a divine musician composing and playing soul
6) Gain insight into unity, sensitivity, humility and balance
Reader Comments (6)
I'm drawn into these moments especially by your first point - experiencing the awe and wonder in it all. I recall a specific time once many years ago - just being out in nature - when a moment of this awe and wonder completely took over my whole soul. And it was as if I was experiencing our world from a different plane. From a view of seeing it all - even though I only saw what was humanly possible - and being in complete awe at just how magnificent our world is - and how it all works together. It was a completely amazing moment for me - and one I'll never forget - and I allowed that moment to just "be". And everything, everything felt different a that moment in time. In such very good ways, my view of the world was changed...
I embrace mystery and the unknown because then I know that I can spend time deciphering the mystery. I also think of mystery with a different spelling, "mystory."