Why learn to split consciousness?

Relatively few human beings have mastered the ability of being physically in more than one place at once. This is the ability to create and maintain energy vibrations in two separate physical bodies. You might imagine this requires deep focus and much energy. This something to work toward if you choose.
At the same time, every being is capable of learning to split consciousness, that is, to have that part of self in more than one place at once. Why choose to develop such an ability?
1) Recall how your body is an integrated energy dynamic.
2) Awaken the hard drive of untapped abilities in the soul.
3) Check what is goes on where you physical body is not.
4) Explore synchrony as precursor to heightening sensitivity.
5) Use thought and vision to awaken telepathic ability.
6) Discover a range of existences beyond physical reality.
Reader Comments (50)
Why is kind of self evident, isn't it?
The next day, I took a chair and looked on the top of the wardrobe. The green marker pen was there.
I hadn't looked at the top of the wardrobe before.
What an exciting topic.
For me, rather than a deep focus and intense energy, I have found that it takes a complete letting go of ego or what we humans often think of as "self". But, as you say, may in fact not be self at all but rather viels and misunderstanding.
Letting go of all thought and moving into our awareness or essence is a powerful experience. We become effortless beings. We are so much more than mere thought or the mind. We are a presence or "begingness" that is timeless and all expansive. But the ego likes to be in control, in charge. I have found that my true essence or awareness has little use for ego. Lol! When we can let go of all we might have thought was us, or still believe is us, and just "be", anything is possible. We become everything, ARE everything and can experience Life fully. There is a sweetness to letting go, the struggle is over, we are returning home, and above all such infinite peace. Love, Robin
PS I so enjoyed your about page when I clicked on your book cover. It was fun to see a picture of you. Although teeny tiney, I realized that you did not look like the woman on your website wearing the orange dress, sitting at the table. Lol!! Equally as beautiful, but a more modern version.
In my work I facilitate a group on energy, and how we are each sources of energy. Thanks for this post - and if I may impose - can you elaborate on your understanding of #2 - "awaken the hard drive of untapped abilities of the soul" thanks SO much.
Thank you for the response and the resources you shared
This reminds me of lucid dreaming. The sensation of being in two places at once is marvelous. It is only the beginning of Soul travel. Even the vibration of a thought across town or in a far away land is possible when we are tuned into the source of all being.
Astral projection is often assumed to occur through the solar plexus chakra (located around the belly button area). It is described visually from an outsider perspective, as if a clone of light rises out of your body. Its an energy being perceived as present next to your physical one. Advanced astral practitioners project consciousness for different purposes in dream realms and during life transitions.