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How can you attain superhuman powers?

So, you desire to develop abilities that exceed what you consider to be 'ordinary' or 'normal' human powers. This article invites you to examine your underlying motivation. That is, what do you seek to gain? And, what do you regard as being 'normal?'

The ego urges you to seek the extraordinary based on its own agenda.  The heart knows the truth of what is possible is completely ordinary and always accessible to he who is ready to allow his potential to be revealed.   What you see and experience is directly related to what you allow or resist within.  The innate power revealed is directly proportional to one's humility. Consider this opportunity to trigger some key revelations:

1)It is not about developing power but about removing barriers to what is:  Light exists that you do not see with human vision. Sound exists at frequencies that you do not yet hear.  Any or all of your senses can be allowed to expand. How you think and feel distorts your view of reality if you let it. It is also possible to grow aware of how the ego controls you and move beyond that to see what it cannot comprehend.

2) Notice the real reason for pursuit:  For some people, the pursuit of happiness takes many forms.  Maybe you read about extraordinary powers, and this appeals to the ego. Maybe something you read planted a seed. Maybe a situation nurtured hope to perform beyond expectations or perceived limitations. Follow the thread to better understand yourself and deep fears. How you want to grow in a particular way determines whether you experience it and if so, for how long.

3) Who can do what you hope to do?  If you have seen or heard about humans levitating, projecting a second physical energy body identical to the one they already have or, individuals defying other assumed laws of physics, you may wish to learn more.  What do you read about such persons? Are they martial artists, government operatives, shamans, spiritual gurus or without labels and roles in society? Each state of mind or state of being reveals degrees of dedicated commitment. As one grasps universal laws, the bigger picture and what is unfolding grows clearly apparent.

4) How do your heart and mind factor in? The ego-mind is where fear resides and heart embodies love. Notice whether the intention to attain something arises in the heart or is created as a thought with a purpose in mind.  You activate a chain reaction of inner influence at cell level.  Every cell in your physical body functions based on energy vibration. Whether you believe in something or know in your heart something is true influences what transpires in your reality. Inaudible sound and invisible light affect how you think and behave now.  Everything is revealed with perfect timing.

In essence then, superhuman powers are not to be attained, but rather, something innate that reveals itself when a person is no longer controlled by the ego.  This is part of awakening to the truth of who you are.  Until then, the universe only seems to hide what you want.  In truth, you only ever hide true potential from yourself until you can handle it.  All is revealed as you willingly love and appreciate everything equally and have no desire to control. Unlimited being shows you the rest in its own ways. 

"The so-called miraculous powers of a great master are a natural accompaniment to his exact understanding of subtle laws that operate in the inner cosmos of consciousness." -Paramahansa Yogananda

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Reader Comments (18)

Could ordinary normal human power be a person's untapped strength, natural ability? Then the question would be how does a person tap into their natural strength, gift if you will?
May 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBruno
I love the idea of expanding our senses beyond the norm. I enjoyed how you laid this out, very good.
May 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMark
The only superhuman power I would like is to have the ability to communicate what I am thinking to the computer without typing. The multi-tasking possibilities are endless.
May 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Bruno, you make an astute observation. Some people have not yet discerned their natural abilities. Conditioned abilities are founded in perceived limitation. What you consider ordinary, another person may consider to be extraordinary. When all ego labels and perceptions fall away, what remains is natural.
May 11, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Mark, the term 'normal' may evoke discomfort and confusion. Human beings are conditioned to compare themselves to others and to judge their capabilities based on some hierarchy, view of superiority or inferiority, or another set of external standards. I would invite each person to reflect on views of normal. Notice the ego mind is involved when comparison and judgment come into plat. You are always your your own fluctuating 'norm.' Some way the true normal has no labels or associations.
May 11, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Alexys, you may like to know voice-activated recognition programs exist to enable people to talk and have the computer type out the words for you. Its already available!
May 11, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Its said that humans only use ten percent of the brain. If thats true, then what would happen if we found a way to unlock its full potential? Would we read minds? be able to pick things up without your body? Everyone does not know if they do not live it. I believe there are people out there that have one or more of these "superhuman" ablillities. AT LEAST 0.05%.
December 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterwilson
Wilson, the detail you offer about brain statistics is neat. If you take the view that human beings are limited by their own thoughts, then learning to change your thoughts is a key point of the exercise. As you consider the sorts of people who are described as having "superhuman" powers, then you may conclude this is only perception of what somebody can do that you currently feel you cannot. If you evolve to learn to shift your thinking, then you also come to realize you have much untapped potential. Rather than focus on what you beleive you cannot do, you could begin to focus on what you can do.
December 27, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Do you think that if scientists had a closer look, they may be able to find the link to improving our senses and abilities e.g strength , speed , and things like telekanisis and telepathy. I truly believe there is much to explore in the biological study of the human body and dna.
March 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersuperhuman believer
superhuman believer, hidden motives determine what one experiences. Yoga is a scientific practice that enables one to be open to innate intuition. As you quiet the mind, you intuit more deeply. Its like you suddenly realise that you have been looking at the world through distorted vision. Yoga practice enables one to remove the figurative glasses to see the world as it is. To explore yoga is to discover how the unhearable becomes heard, the unperceivable becomes perceived, and the unknowable becomes knowable. A person discovers innate skills and accesses timeless inner knowing. The quest to obtain something is the siimultaneous denial that you have and already are what you seek.
March 2, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Is it possible to train yourself?
April 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRoy Capmen
Roy, consider the option of untraining what you currently believe to be true. Core being has diverse, untapped abilities. The real issue is not whether you can train yourself, but whether you are willing to let go of conditioning that has brainwashed you into believing what is supposedly impossible. Consider consulting this post for options:
April 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Some say knowlede is limited or has a certain capacity and in a sense it does but in another sense it is infinate and can hold an infinate amount of well anything. So it is not whether you have the capacity to learn such things as superhuman abillities, it is whether you are willing to learn or be open to such things.
September 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrent
i believe tht scientists have gotten more funding to look into the possibilities of mutant powers but people around the world have some extra ability. like for example......i can hear people and things from long distances. i dont know why i can do this but i like being able to hear peolpe without them knowing
January 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterD Kowalski
I believe that I DO have a sixth sense... Often times I pause and stare off into the distance. I totally glaze over. I know, what some people are thinking. Before someone says something, I already know what they're going to say. My best friend walked up to me the other day and I already knew her question. She said "I have Josh's binder, do you know what class he's in next?" Before she even asked I said yeah, he has math. She was so confused...
I have told no one about this so called "Gift." It's sounds so utterly ridiculous. When someone calls my house, we have caller ID, but I already know who it is, even before I look at the phone.
It sounds ridiculous, but it's the extreme truth.
January 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAllie
Allie, to let go of what you are not automatically brings you back to what you are. This unfolds with no effort. You are telling yourself an experience about who you think you are. You direct any fantasy you choose and you can also choose to detach from such thoughts to realign with the real you. Nothing is ridiculous except in the view of an internal judge. Another view is that it is an illusion. To struggle against natural states of being is to block what you truly are from the conscious self. To have faith is to remain open and receptive. This is not belief, but inner knowing. It knows no resistance, no inner pain, suffering or doubt of any kind. You are free.
January 14, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
D Kowalski, it can be very revealing to explore what you consider to be "mutant" powers and why. Some people would reference the X-Men comics and film series and a message about underlying lack of self-acceptance of innate powers. Imagine a world where people stop hiding from or denying the innate sixth sense and other unlimited ablities. Transparency changes everything. Fear would be obsolete. It would not be about other people not knowing you hear their thoughts but about you accepting that you are all that is and nobody else exists.
July 27, 2011 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Brent, to be open to anything changes everything, including how and what you allow into your scope of experience. Thanks very much for the comment.
July 27, 2011 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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